Even if it is just a short period of peace.

That moment of happiness is the persistence of those who are not understood and have to move forward in the darkness, those pure "evil".

Chapter 160 Those who touch the evil way for victory will surely suffer retribution!

Demon King——Azidahaka!

The meaning of his existence as the evil god of Zoroastrianism!

Originally, there was only fighting, fighting, and fighting continuously!

He is more like a creature of pure evil...

He does not need to think about how to save mankind and worry about the future of mankind.

That is what a brave man should do.

So just destroy, just vent violence and bring down violence.

Even if he is betrayed thousands of times, not understood, impeached by humans...he doesn't care.

He does not destroy because he likes to destroy, but only because of the request of the master, because of the doctrine...he keeps doing evil.

Encourage evil and promote good, encourage evil and promote good——!

The evil god who should have been like this all the time,

until one day, he also felt a completely different emotion (color) besides fighting.

The woman's cry touched the heart of the evil god, who was as cold and hard as a rock...

Even if he had to risk his eternal life, what would happen?

At a certain moment, the thought of not wanting the woman to cry again suddenly appeared, and it could never be shaken off, taking root in the depths of his mind.

In order to prevent her, the "creator", who bore all the sins of mankind, from crying again,

Azidahaka took on the banner of [Absolute Evil].

The banner symbolizing deep sins and irreconcilable enemies.

"Please let me bear that sin with you." Here, the evil god fell into depravity and became the demon king.

The fate that was determined from the beginning of birth, as the person who was most suitable to bear that spirituality, was originally the mother of the evil god.

But at this moment——

The demon king's enlightenment had far surpassed it,

and that spirituality was naturally transferred to Azidahaka.

This is the [Final Trial of Humanity] that I have volunteered to become in order to find a way out for humanity and create a new future for humanity.

Even if that feeling will be betrayed a thousand times, it doesn't matter.

"——The time of judgment has come. Heroes of this era. Now is the time to show your true value...!!!"

A solemn voice full of majesty and dominance sounded in the torrent of light.

For a moment, everyone present was stunned.

The gods flying in the sky also showed a look of loss of composure.

He, he...? The figure at the center of the countless powers and natural disasters spoke?

How is it possible? !

Under such an attack, even the white giant should have been injured.

How could someone make such a domineering declaration as if nothing had happened?

Countless humans and gods wanted to question that point, but they were quickly slapped in the face...


A meteor suddenly shot straight into the sky and flew into the sky.

The enemy escaped~!!

From the perception, he soon realized that the figure flying in the sky was the human figure just now. The gods looked at it one after another, but there was an uproar.

Scales grew on the skin, nails turned into claws, and the jawbone expanded to the point where it could even swallow the earth...

What is that? ! ! !

And in countless sights,

as the man gradually recalled the meaning and mission of his existence,

his body changes were still increasing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The ugly posture with strange beauty, the figure that seemed to be full of violence and power.

"Is that a dragon!" Hermitos also noticed the dynamics on the battlefield here and looked up at the sky.

Why can a person's sense of existence be so strong.

This doomsday-like post-war scene seemed to have become his background.

And compared to these, he cared more about the fact that the other party seemed to have no injuries at all.


[The Final Trial of Humanity]!!!

After thoroughly confirming the other party's identity from Merlin, Hermitos still trembles and shakes in his heart.

I actually encountered such a monster so early!

Damn it!

This shouldn't be the real body in the box garden!

But even if it is just the incarnation of that person,

Even if it is just Azdahaka in the myth of this world...

That huge pressure is still about to crush Hermitos's heart.

Compared with this,

Meli, who was standing by, also saw the final trial of a living human for the first time.

She said in disbelief: "Under the attack of the gods... No damage? How could such a thing happen...!"

This joke is not funny at all!

She gradually began to understand why 'Merlin' said that this monster can only be sealed, and don't think about defeating it.

Even the attack of the gods is just a scratch, and can't even break the defense. How to deal with such an enemy?

"Damn, there is no time... Let's discuss tactics quickly! We must come up with a way to seal that guy in the shortest time!" Meli.

The appearance that has begun to change is exactly the same as the transformation process described by Merlin.

If the battle continues, the humanoid will soon become the legendary three-headed dragon demon king! The three-headed dragon Azidahaka of [absolute evil]!

It is indeed him~!!

That powerful enemy that is far beyond the standard.

In order to lead to victory, a strategy plan that can shoot through the needle hole is necessary.

To Meili's annoyance, they simply didn't have that much time to think carefully and plan.

Should they give up temporarily and retreat strategically?

Just when Meili began to get a little anxious——

Yan reminded: "At least let the gods and heroes buy us enough time. Whether it's thinking about countermeasures or making seal layouts, it takes time..."

His calm appearance made Hermitos and Meili calm down involuntarily, and they looked at him with some admiration (surprise).

As expected of the legendary sage (another me), he can still stay calm at this time.

"Delay time? It reminds me... I suddenly thought of a good idea!" Meili smiled.

"In terms of endurance, is there a warrior who can withstand more... cough, I mean... endure longer than an undead monster?

Ah~! Although it may be too late to persuade those vampires to fight now.

But if we catch a high-ranking vampire and mass-produce undead on the battlefield, we may still have time." Meili smiled, but there was no emotion flashing in her dreamy and gorgeous purple eyes.

No kidding!

The indifference and absolute rationality that came from the inside reminded Hermitos that both the other party and Merlin were half-demons who did not understand emotions and simply imitated the human thinking mode.


Use vampires to mass-produce vampires?

A chill enveloped Hermitos' heart.

Is it really okay to use this evil way to stop the [Final Trial of Humanity]? !

And this method always gave me a strong sense of déjà vu.

It seemed to have been used by some evil guys before.

No matter what, those who tread on evil ways for the sake of victory will be punished.

As the wisdom of the gods, and the truth he has learned from the long years, Hermitos clearly knows what kind of disaster and curse this will leave for the future.

But in such an emergency, do they have a better way?

Hermitos took a deep breath and struggled violently in his heart.

Chapter 161 This is a necessary sacrifice! x3

Hermitos sighed deeply and looked at Meili.

"Ms. Meili, are you going to make everyone a vampire?"

"Of course...

Immortality is a curse, but it is also something that countless people are eager to get.

I think at this time, most people will not reject such an opportunity.

Staying alive has become the most important thing." Meili sighed.


On the other side, a fierce struggle is taking place on the battlefield.

Not for fame, not for competing for any interests, the so-called battle is not just for honor, but sometimes it is to complete what should be done and to punish the enemy who should be killed.

"Is that all the power you have?!" The majestic voice resounded in the sky, and the figure, as swift as thunder and lightning, easily dodged all attacks.

Then he casually pinched the void, and a spear made of pure energy was thrown out, exploding in the distant sky.

The sky-high flames and dark clouds exploded in the night sky.

'Azdahaka' stared at the gods with cold eyes, overlooking everything.

That figure amazed many people and left an indelible impression. At the same time, as an enemy, it was even more terrifying.

To life, to cities, to civilization, to prosperity, to order, to crime, to social evil.

He was the demon king who bared his fangs at justice in the world and devoured the ugly hell with violent hell.

Like a storm, a tsunami, and a thunderstorm, he brought disaster to everything in the world without distinction, a true 'natural disaster'.

A god fell in a casual blow.

Azdahaka's fighting style is simple and domineering, but even the most common energy attack can knock down the "stars" (gods) in the sky.

Afterwards, a slight itch arose from his neck, and then two new heads broke through the flesh and blood and drilled out, howling to the sky.

"So fast... He has completely transformed into the appearance of the myth! Damn it!" Hermitos shuddered.

How could it be so fast...

They haven't discussed the appropriate tactics yet, and the enemy over there is about to grow into a complete form.

And at this time in the night sky...

The three-headed dragon straightened its three heads and lay on all fours to enter a fierce battle state.

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