Sacrificing such precious combat power, but the result was a painless ending.

Ah——this is too tragic!

Seeing the fear that began to spread on the battlefield after learning the concept of "Thousand Magics".

Facing the gods and human heroes who had not yet had the courage to attack again,

the three-headed dragon shook his neck and roared, sneering at them.

"Humph. What? It's over?"

"... Ugh...!!!" Ordinary people couldn't look directly at the fierce sight, although now there were almost only the high-end combat forces of humans and gods on this battlefield.

But in the face of absolute evil, heroes and gods seemed to be no different from ordinary people.

"Have you run out of tricks? Has your fighting spirit withered? Has your hope collapsed? What do you think, heroes. Gods!"

Facing the provocation of the three-headed dragon, there was no response.

Seeing them in a state of panic, the three-headed dragon opened his eyes wide.

The fierce breath flashed!

"——Is that so? Then die." Seeing that no one responded, without any hesitation, the evil dragon bared its desperate fangs.


Humph, haha, hahahahahaha!!

A laugh suddenly came from the fragments of the white giant that had already become a ruin.

I don't know when a figure appeared there.

I was concentrating on watching how the gods were embarrassed and trembling in front of one person.

"Who?!" For Hermitos and Meli, who were like frightened tongues and had their minds highly tense at all times, the laughter that was completely different from the dullness and panic of the battlefield was too harsh.

But the figure did not respond at all.

Instead, he spoke loudly as if talking to himself: "Too awesome, you are worthy of being your Excellency!! At such a wonderful time, you woke them up from such a beautiful dream!!

You are still so cruel! I will pay you back with interest three times! Ah, you are so awesome!"

The man stomped his feet on the ground frantically, even rolling up dust, showing the most tasteless smile, and his fiery eyes were always focused on the three-headed dragon.

It seems that his appearance and arrival are just for the three-headed dragon that has been unsealed, just to witness this scene in front of him.

Hermitos, Meli: !!!

The person standing on the side of the three-headed dragon? Is he an enemy? !

Chapter 163 Avesta, a plug-in that can fight 55-50 with anyone!

Is he an enemy?

That man...

At least, not an enemy for the time being...!

But he is a complete celebration monster! ! ——by Yan.

Just like every king always has some people around him who sing praises to the king's great deeds, so that the king's spirit can be set off more vividly.

Call these people clowns or flatterers...

But their existence is also an indispensable chapter in the epic and poetry of the king.

Without them, the majesty of the demon king would not be more terrifying and lasting.

And this time, his existence is a little special...

The nature of his celebration is a little worse, like a product called "joy".

Shouldn't I admire the interesting drama? !

That's what he thought...

After a round of laughter, the satisfied man stood up while wiping away the tears that were faintly emerging, and finally started his main job.

Praise the three-headed dragon, praise the incomparably powerful Excellency! !

"That's it. This is the real war. This is the game of gods and demons.

When faced with a difficult problem, those guys in the box garden pretended to be ignorant of their immaturity and powerlessness, and shouted loudly that it was talent and cheating. In the end, they took great pains to scrawl and expand the interpretation of the rules and were proud of it, and pretended to be excellent.

The sad thing is that the cleverness of those little people is gradually poisoning the box garden."

The man who was obsessed with the rhythm of the war mastered by the three-headed dragon clenched his fists.

"But... you are different.

Use strength to subdue heroes, use strategy to deceive sages, and use the glory of kingly power to repel brave men!

Ah, that's right! This is it, the game control that only those who walk in the kingly way can do! Your Excellency, you are the strongest demon king...!!!"

The man with bright eyes like an innocent child opened his hands.

At this moment, a light bullet suddenly hit the man.

Bang! ! Cough~! !

The smoke and dust dissipated. Although the man was fine, his clothes were stained with dust, and he looked extremely embarrassed.

"You actually attacked this incarnation...

Well, forget it - it's enough to see the figure of the Lord in this world.

Let's just retreat for now. Anyway, the result is already determined." The man seemed to have signs of retreating.

He claimed to be just an incarnation, and he seemed to have no fighting ability, which made Hermitos think of his human incarnation in the world.

And the other party just mentioned the box garden... As expected - a strong man from that place!

And the man finally looked at Meili fiercely...

Just now it was this woman who suddenly threw a light bullet to attack him, a bystander, even though he didn't do anything...

It was a wrong choice to judge him as an enemy without authorization.

"Pray that I won't be invited to the box garden in the future." The man muttered a few words at the end, and his figure became illusory and disappeared lightly.

"Run away?!" Meili, who had attacked because the other party's performance before was really a bit of a fight, frowned slightly when she saw this scene.

Even the clairvoyance didn't find out where the other party had escaped to.

It was as if he had completely left this world in an instant.

And thinking of the other party's last words——

'The result is already determined'.

Such remarks also made several people worried.

That person admired the three-headed dragon Azidahaka so much, so he thought Azidahaka would definitely win?

What was the basis for this judgment?

Was it because of a simple comparison of strength, or was it just because of the idol mentality that the three-headed dragon was infinitely deified in his heart? !

"Don't worry, things may not be as bad as imagined..." Meili comforted the two people around her.

Merlin suddenly said, "Honestly, which side will win... Excluding strategies, it's very risky to rely on a head-on confrontation."

Meli subconsciously said, "Even that evil dragon has its limits!

As long as the power gathered is enough to break through that limit, it can be like defeating the white giant..."

Merlin interrupted her words: "No...!

It's not okay to do that! It's not impossible, but it's impossible!

It's meaningless...

You don't understand why [The Final Trial of Humanity] is called [The Final Trial of Humanity], and what kind of difficulties are hidden behind it."

He sighed: "Azdahaka was sealed several times in the past battles, which made his physical ability degrade to the past human form when he was just unsealed.

Ah, even so-"

"Even so, don't you think we can win?" Merli

"That's right... As for basic performance, as long as there is [Avesta], no matter how much it is lacking, it can be made up.

That is the 'simulated star creation map' that can build the dualism at the fastest speed.

As long as there is that favor, no matter what kind of enemy and situation it faces, the three-headed dragon's chance of winning will not be less than 50%!"

The mandatory 50-50, such an outrageous plug-in, made Hermitos and others confused.

Merlin did not explain what the simulated star creation map is.

There is no time for that now...

As long as you know how unreasonable the ability of [Avesta] is, it will be enough...

Facing such an enemy, the number is meaningless.

This is also one of the reasons why the gods dare not challenge it.

Even if millions of gods descended to the world together, it would only make the three-headed dragon more terrifying.

Let the atmosphere of despair and powerlessness deepen!

Even as the number of enemies increases, the three-headed dragon will become stronger accordingly.

But if the number of people increases and the coordination is not good enough, the combat effectiveness can be imagined. Facing the three-headed dragon with absolute violence...

Such a scene is terrifying just by imagining it.

If you want to defeat this monster, a one-on-one fight would be more suitable, right?

But the enemy is the Demon King!

The reason why the Demon King is called the Demon King is because each of them has the strength of one man against ten thousand men.

It is a monster that the human heroes cannot defeat without unity.

This is a battle of life and death, a battle that reduces lives.

Issued orders without any mercy, even at the cost of sacrificing our strong men when necessary.

Only such a commander can guide humans to attack the powerful enemy in front of them.

(Chen Gong: Yes, that's what I am talking about!)

And now there is not much time for humans and gods to think.

The three-headed dragon is exerting all the power called natural disasters, sweeping in like a storm, a tsunami, and a thunderstorm.

He suddenly raised his right hand, scratched his left arm and spilled blood.

The blood gave rise to ten pure white two-headed dragons, which fell to the ground and wiped out the army on the ground.

And he himself dealt with the gods in the sky...

(Winged followers consume more spirits, but it would be too much effort for ants to gather together.)

Chapter 164: Attack with all your strength, but the target is just a shadow?

Even if you are sure to face the gods in the sky alone, if you are proud and complacent, no matter how big the advantage is, you will inevitably lose.

The next step is to create more followers and divide the battlefield of the gods so that they can no longer unite.

Azdahaka thought so.

After all, sometimes there is a truth that 1+1 is greater than 2 in joint attacks.

As a creature much stronger than ants, Azdahaka is fighting wholeheartedly.

Don't give the enemy any breathing space and seize the opportunity of weakness.

Because this is the test that he, as the absolute evil, should dedicate to humans and gods.


Just when Azdahaka was about to continue to divide his followers,

"That's it! Evil Dragon!!

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