The evil dragon will eventually fall! Light and shadow that cut everything off!

The world has now reached sunset!

Shoot you down - the great sword of fantasy, the devil has fallen! ! "Boom~!!! The emerald green light cannon was released accompanied by the chanting of the Noble Phantasm shouted by a dragon-slaying swordsman.

"Now...! Everyone, attack the wound he just caused himself!" Siegfried shouted while maintaining the output of the Noble Phantasm.

Since even the three-headed dragon's defense can't be broken, let's attack his own scratched arm!

In an instant, the heroic spirits and gods all understood Siegfried's thoughts, and they all felt their eyes light up, and saw an opportunity to hurt Azdahaka.

Regarding this…

The three-headed dragon couldn't help but laugh.

"Huo... maybe I heard it wrong... Just you guys, you want me to fall from the sky and make me bleed?"

What responded to the three-headed dragon was the Noble Phantasm that the heroic spirits had liberated again.

Meteor rain, light cannons, and even the divine power of the gods all came.

The three-headed dragon raised its head fearlessly, and the next moment... the Dragon's Shadow activated.

Although he is an evil god, he possesses the dragon's shadow that can only be possessed by pure-blooded dragons that have transcended the system tree. The extremely powerful shadow blade can seriously injure even immortal monsters with one blow.

The dragon shadow can even be turned into wings, allowing the three-headed dragon with the size and mass of a continent to launch an offensive extremely quickly.

At this time, the three-headed dragon spread its dragon shadow, covering the sky of the main film.

The lightless shadow sky released countless flat blades without thickness, knocking down the incoming attacks one by one.

Even the torrent of light was cut countless times in an instant, and finally disappeared before his eyes.

Those ruby ​​eyes reflected no more emotions, they were so cold as to feel that everything was so worthless.

The alliance of gods and heroic spirits was easily defeated by him, isn't that what it should be?

Wow~! !

The wings formed by the dragon shadow spread out behind the three-headed dragon, and the next moment!

"I've let you have a blast all at once. It's my turn to attack!" The three-headed dragon showed a ferocious smile, vibrated its wings and suddenly disappeared from the place. When it reappeared, there were already five or six gods in the sky. The blood was pierced directly from the chest by its sharp claws, and it was all skewered into balls.

With a wave of his hand, he threw away the gods from his claws as if they were throwing away garbage.

Azdahaka's behavior made the gods frightened and trembled.

"So fast...!!"

"This is impossible!"

It is not that the gods have never seen gods who are known for their speed.

Whether it is the speed of sound, the speed of light, or even teleportation in space, it is considered a speed that the gods can understand.

But Azdahaka’s battle pace is too fast!

They didn't react until they lost several more powerful comrades.

Such speed...

Is it because of the pair of dragon shadows behind it?

(Damn it! The battle has fallen into a situation that is unfavorable to our side.

The next hit, the next hit must make a difference!

Even if the three-headed dragon cannot be defeated——

——At least, destroy the wings on his back! ! ! ) The strong sense of combat has made many warriors understand this truth.


Noticing the gazes of this group of people, Azdahaka suddenly grinned ferociously, right up to his ears...

"Your... real purpose is my wings!"

Before the next blow was struck, it was predicted by the three-headed dragon in advance. It was obviously extremely difficult to achieve anything despite taking precautions.

Fight force for force, wisdom for wisdom. As a demon king, the three-headed dragon will crush the opponent's strengths where they are best.

But the heroes and gods who realized that their fighting intentions had been discovered did not despair.

will be noticed and within their acceptable range.

Or rather——

With such an obvious intention, it's strange that he couldn't notice it.

This is a necessary prerequisite for them to defeat the three-headed dragon!

The next moment, many purple chains suddenly appeared in the void, and gods used magic to try to restrain the three-headed dragon.

The three-headed dragon just flapped its wings and flew upwards to break through the encirclement, but——

All escape routes have been taken into account, and the god who cast the spell did not hesitate to spread the spell to cover the entire sky in order to capture the three-headed dragon.

The chains crisscrossing the sky are too dense. If they are not cut off, the space for movement will be infinitely reduced.

The three-headed dragon was about to break the chains, but suddenly found that his body was temporarily stiff and unable to move...

"The power of petrification?!" The three-headed dragon.

In this short moment, even less than a second, the power of these gods is too weak, far less than the gods of Hakoniwa.

Even though Azdahaka is not the Dragon Lord of Hakoden, the absolutely evil Demon King is the Demon King!

These magical arts, even if he ascends to the power level, will hardly have any effect on him.

But after all, the body has deteriorated too much after being sealed, otherwise this moment would not have happened.

But enough is enough...

The moment Azdahaka was frozen, his hands, feet and head were tightly bound by chains...

Like a suffering saint, and like the legendary sealed dark mage, he was locked and held in the sky.

"This time, let's really fall to the ground, evil dragon!!" After a while, Siegfried's tool man, who had been filled with NPC by the gods' power bank, shouted again solemnly.

Then he slashed out the sword that had killed the evil dragon.

With the dragon attribute buff, other heroes also released their treasures.

But this time the target of the attack was not Azdahaka himself, but the dragon shadow behind him.

Boom~! ! !

Endless light and torrents swept, finally shattering the dragon shadow,

but it was shattered, but not completely.

At the critical moment, Azdahaka's left wing wrapped around the right wing to block in front of him.

Finally, the left wing was completely shattered, turning into countless fragments and losing its shape.

The three-headed dragon roared with a collapsed balance, and the terrifying hot power burned from its body, burning off the chains. He broke free from the restraints and looked at the enemies in front of him with wide eyes in surprise,

and then--showed a raging smile.

"... Unexpectedly capable. Well, as a reward. Experience the despair that follows."

What? !

Chapter 165 The strongest attack of the flash heat system, the wheel of light of the overlord!

Although it lost half of its shadow wing, the dragon shadow was only an auxiliary, and the three-headed dragon did not completely lose its ability to fly.

The next moment, his body slowly floated higher in the sky, overlooking the enemy group from a high position.

Azdahaka... What does he want to do?

An ominous premonition arose in the hearts of the gods.

Then, the fangs that were enough to devour the earth, which contained flash heat that was dozens of times higher than the flames released in the previous battle, began to gather.

The target the devil aimed at was the center of the group of gods.

"What is that...?" The gods were palpitating.

Is it another weird and outrageous powerful ability?

And 'Merlin' also said solemnly at this time: "Oh no... It turned out to be this attack."

A bitter smile appeared on his face.

"What exactly is that?" Looking at Merlin's expression, Meli and Hermitos also realized the seriousness of the problem.

Merlin: "That is the strongest attack of the flash heat system, and it has been passed down to destroy one-third of the world!!!

Stop him quickly, if he is allowed to completely release that attack, this world..."

What? ! ! ! Everyone was speechless in shock.

For a moment, they were all stunned.

Destroy the world... One-third of the attack, the strongest flash heat attack ability! ?

The brains and thoughts froze for a short time, and then the people reacted!

—— There is no doubt that if such a terrible attack falls, even if the world is not completely destroyed, it is not far from the end of the world.

But how is it possible? !

Horror——! Just listening to Merlin's description, the gods completely lost their will to fight.

Stop? What can they do to stop it! Hahaha! It's over, it's completely over!

Despair surged in their hearts, and the gods felt powerless and fearful.

To stop such a blow, at least the same scale of output is needed to offset it, right?

Or by attacking the three-headed dragon, let the other party give up attacking and protect themselves, and besiege Wei to save Zhao? !

But obviously they don't have that strength!

"That is the grace called 'The Wheel of Hegemony'! It summons the power to pull the trigger of the eschatology, which manifests as a heat grace!" Merlin continued.

"——'Humanity, destruction is ushered in by human hands.'

This is the common point given by the final trial. The destruction caused by the excessive advancement of science and technology like Kaliyoga, and the destruction caused by the rampage of some powerful people like Azidahaka, are the same in terms of results.

Humanity's malicious rampage is enough to pull the trigger of the eschatology.

It is different from the eschatology caused by external factors such as natural disasters or meteorite impacts.

The power of this eschatology can only be avoided by the power of gods or stars in the end. On the contrary, if we want to transcend the eschatology of human (malicious) destruction of human beings.

Humanity must complete the further evolution of primates.

And now we don't have that time and opportunity..."

So we can only stop and avoid it, but can't transcend it?

The gods and humans all understood what Merlin meant.

This is a rather bitter fact...

Because it is not just a simple natural disaster or destructive attack, it may also involve absolute evil...that is, the concept of 'human malice' that will inevitably destroy humanity.

Such a conceptual attack, even if the output is increased to the same level, it may not be able to offset it.

They still think too simply.

But isn't this even more helpless?

If even the way to offset the attack with all their strength is denied, how can they stop the evil dragon from releasing the blow that destroys the world?

The scene of the planet being devastated seems to appear in front of them in the next moment--

No, while the gods imagine in their minds, endless fear surges in their hearts.

It is uncertain whether they can live to that time.

Merry: "Is there no other way? Overcome that eschatology!"

Merlin's expression is helpless: "Primate evolution that defeats malice. It's not as simple as it sounds.

Once...when the defeated humans finally tried the 'closed world' (dystopia) demon king, the sacrifices required were really unimaginable.

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