After saying that, he stood up and walked towards his desk where he usually wrote books. He left without looking back, leaving behind only Hitie and Yuzuha, who were confused and frightened.

Chapter 233 The blue flame that never goes out, the form of yearning!

"First, finish "The Ring of the Nibelung". Don't worry about Yu-Gi-Oh. When my virtual game platform is perfected, wouldn't it be nice to play the real-life version against it?" Muttering to himself, Yan sat down at the desk.

He was still thinking about his spiritual game in his mind, and he could use the story of Yu-Gi-Oh to promote the game.

When he was on Earth, Yu-Gi-Oh, God of War, and Dark Souls were all games that Yan liked. If he could play the real-life version, it would be the greatest satisfaction for Yan, a game enthusiast.

Especially Yu-Gi-Oh, it was his childhood favorite.

When he was a child, Yan often thought about using a monster projection machine to play virtual games like in anime.

In order to collect three Blue-Eyes White Dragons, he bought a lot of card packs of eight cards for 50 cents.

There are also Dark Master, Black Magician, and Three Mythical Gods, which are all cards he once dreamed of.

Now that he has the ability to bring happiness to people in the other world and satisfy his childhood wishes, Yan thinks there is nothing wrong with this idea.

'——Build a fantasy kingdom. Let everyone find the same feelings as they once did. '

Then there is the new work "The Ring of the Nibelung".

"For the story line, you can continue the ring forging background of "The Song of the Nibelungs". Then just modify the protagonist." After thinking for a while, Yan said with a relaxed arc at the corner of his mouth.

Because of the foreshadowing of "The Song of the Nibelungs", this time "The Ring of the Nibelungs" is easier to write than imagined.

The feather pen floated and moved rapidly.

Yan first drew a delicate illustration.

Since it is a story in the same series as the Nibelungenlied, it is better to warm up now and wait until the release.

After completing the posters for promotional warm-up, Yan continued to create the main text.

This time, the story of the dragon-slaying hero involves two generations, but the protagonist in the early stage is not Xige, but his father Siegmund.

If you have to count, it should actually be a story of three generations of grandparents and grandchildren, plus a grandfather Odin.

The length of the story is even much larger than the story of Siegfried.

Even if Yan selected some useless fragments and removed them, he kept busy until late at night. This work was not really completed.

A lot of time was spent on subsequent revisions.

In order to avoid some conflicts with the previous stories, although the legend of Siegfried is not strictly speaking the same world as the legend of Siegfried, Yan still tries to keep the worldview consistent.

The most important thing is the problem of the evil dragon Fafnir.

A dragon cannot be slain by two people at the same time.

Even if one is eating the heart and the other is taking a bath.

Unless, as described in fgo, "there is also the possibility that the two defeated [different] evil dragons."

But Yan is more inclined to the possibility that the two are two "dragon slayer heroes" from different parallel worlds.

The dragon is still the one incarnated by the giant Fafnir in the legend.

But the "dragon slayer hero" has changed.

Based on Sigurd's fantasy work, the legend of the dragon slayer Siegfried was born.

The two stories are inextricably linked, with an unbreakable connection, and completely different.

"Done." Yan also relaxed when he saw the "Ring of the Nibelung" that was finally done.

-The next day, early morning.

Violet Bookstore and other major bookstores hung up the promotional posters that were made overnight.

Without Yan's urging, the bookstore owners and printing factory owners started working on the night when the original pictures arrived.

The name "Andersen" is now equivalent to a lot of Jin Ke La.

As long as it is his work, there is no possibility of a shipwreck. Now the owners of each store worship him as the god of wealth.

No one can resist money. In order to make more money as quickly as possible, a group of bosses are working against the clock.

This led to the fact that the things that were just completed the night before, this morning...

The big words "The Ring of the Nibelung" were very eye-catching and dazzling in people's eyes.

When people passing by the bookstore in the morning saw the font on the poster, they were stunned.

"The Ring of the Nibelung!? Si~!" The passers-by looked as surprised and confused as when Hitti just heard the name of the sequel.

"This... Is there going to be a sequel to "The Song of the Nibelungs"?!"

"Fuck! That ring appeared again!!"

"No way, there is really a sequel..." Those fans of "The Song of the Nibelungs" were excited after being stunned.

This time, Mr. Andersen was so conscientious.

Before, they complained that there were too few stories in the Nibelung series.

Just a story of Siegfried, with the grand background of Norse mythology, attracted countless people's attention.

In that bizarre, ancient mythological era full of adventures and legends, people are eager to see more legends related to the era of the gods.

I didn't expect that there would be a second part.

"Could it really be the Ragnarok caused by the ring?"

"It's possible... Didn't Odin always covet the ring? Maybe he forced the fairies of the Rhine to hand over the ring later."

"I don't understand what's so good about that evil thing. So many people are eager to get it." A group of people were discussing at the door of the bookstore.

In the early morning, more and more people gathered in front of the bookstore. Anyone who walked nearby and saw the poster could not move forward.

The originally quiet morning street suddenly looked like a lively lunch market.

Among the crowd, the silver-haired girl came to the door of the bookstore again and saw the background picture on the poster.

It is a lonely and beautiful picture of the Valkyrie embracing the spear in the blue fire of love, the never-extinguishing flame.

Below is written a line of small words: "Until death separates you and me. Can you see it, too? Blue flames. Magic released? No, no. This is the form of my longing that overflows from my heart."

"Whether it's life or death, it will never go out. If it looks like it's gone out - ah. No, it won't go out as expected. It must be just smoking."

The line below that represents the name is a bunch of different world fonts similar to "???", which means that it is temporarily unknown, and the unknown leaves people with endless suspense.

Looking at the blue flames wrapped around the Valkyrie and the spear again, the silver-haired girl's eyes were dull for a few seconds.

"The...form of longing?" The silver-haired girl couldn't help but murmur.

Although she didn't know who the beautiful woman on the poster was, she felt the strong emotions, madness and persistence hidden in the words.

Very impressive.

Does the story this time revolve around this woman?

Because the name of the Valkyrie Brünnhilde has not been made public, no one can think of the Queen of Iceland.

There is another figure in the poster, but it is completely shrouded in shadow.

Chapter 234 Mine, mine, mine, only Sigurd is!

The wisdom that can discern the essence of things has been blocked, and now only the formidable and strong figure like a dragon is left.

The man shrouded in shadow is a powerful warrior wearing ferocious armor and holding an exquisite long sword.

At first glance, it looks like any other hero like the Knights of the Round Table or Siegfried.

... He is like a hidden character, but also like a dead heroic spirit, silently watching the Valkyrie embracing the spear and the blue flame from behind the scenes.

There is also a string of fonts like "???" below the figure.

Even the introduction is a series of "????"

Everyone who watched it was as anxious as a cat scratching his head.

Fuck (the lingua franca of both sides of the world), many people couldn’t help but use foul language.

The mission promotion this time is too mysterious!

There is no doubt that these two people should be the protagonists of this story.

"The Ring of the Nibelungs... It seems that there is no need to look for that guy for the time being." The human incarnation of Hermitus, the God of Alchemy, muttered while looking at the propaganda on the poster.

The thing that the main body is most concerned about is that I didn’t expect that there would be a sequel. Let’s take a look at what the sequel is about.

After asking the bookstore owner, Hermitus learned that the new work "The Ring of the Nibelungs" will not be released until tomorrow.

This inevitably made him a little disappointed.

‘We have to wait another day! ’

Even if those stories are not true, it doesn’t matter. The stories written by the human being named Andersen are indeed very interesting!

Hermitus admitted that he had become fascinated by the stories.

Just the feeling of unsatisfied expectations made him tortured. From this point of view, it turned out that he was no different from a mortal.

News of "The Ring of the Nibelung", as well as the mysterious shadow and the goddess of beautiful spears, spread quickly throughout the royal capital.

Many other cities have not even seen the original version of the "Nibelungenlied" story, and people in the royal capital have already begun to look forward to the new work in this series.

Vampire Lolita, Lily;

Claire, Rhine;

The silver-haired girl also has the god of alchemy. More and more people are beginning to look forward to it.

They excitedly discussed and communicated with the people around them, guessing the plot of the new story.

By the next day, countless Andersen loyal fans came to the bookstore.

The streets three blocks away were occupied by surging crowds.

For the first time in the history of the royal capital, the streets and alleys were blocked due to overcrowding.

This is all a manifestation of the strong popularity accumulated by Andersen's several works.

Some of them are old book lovers who have been reading since King Arthur, but more of them are following this trend that is gradually sweeping the country, or they have heard bits and pieces of those magical stories and are curious to see if they are really so beautiful. people.

...Yan is not worried about this at all. The story this time is even grander than "The Nibelungenlied", and he is confident that it will definitely satisfy the appetites of fans of otherworldly books.

When the bookstore opened, the first batch of goods was sold out instantly.

Looking at the "Ring of the Nibelung" that I successfully grabbed in my hand, and the cover with the beautiful lady holding a spear.

Vampire Lolitina showed a look of sincere joy on her face.

"Fortunately, I am a vampire, so my strength and reaction speed are faster than them. How crazy! These humans! They almost beat me in the competition with me!"

Just as Lily's delicious food should not be let down, the little vampire Loli's face showed a determined and happy look at this moment.

So naive!

Mr. Andersen's works are my soul, my dignity, and my faith!

‘A mere human being, it’s still a long way to go before you can defeat me, Tina Vlad IV! ’ As she proudly (middle school) thought, she gave herself the same surname as the Grand Duke, and the little Lolita straightened her pigeon.

Opening the chapter of the preface.

As always, the heart-stirring words were imprinted in people’s expectant eyes.

“——In the depths of the hot and surging madness——My remaining consciousness involuntarily unfolded the recorded information again.——I know what a hero is.”? ? ?

In the illustration, the beautiful Valkyrie was trapped in the sea of ​​fire, recalling in her heart.

"A person who stands on the earth (neustrien) with his feet, a person who drinks the remnants of the wind (austrasien), a person admired by many humans (creatures) who are heading towards the end of their finite lives and bodies. The embodiment of the infinite dream. A warrior of hope who enjoys so much glory and envy in front of others alone, endures the surging hatred and jealousy of the times, punishes evil and promotes truth and goodness."

Even if the civilization that spreads wisdom is developed, there are still many heroes who are like bright lights that start to burn and then dim.


Only one, one hero must be different!

Ah... He will definitely eliminate the evil in the world, and if there is an evil dragon that eats lives for no reason, he will definitely kill it.

He is a dragon-slaying hero, my love.

——Only Sigurd is, my, my, my——The cry disappeared in the sky.

Only he is the hero that belongs to this Valkyrie.

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