Just like Siegfried to Klinghild. That was the most unique hero to her!

The short prologue ended.

"The dragon-slaying hero... Siegfried? No, Sieg... Rude?" Claire finished reading the prologue with a bit of shock, and her first thought was that her mind was completely blank.

Yes, blank! For a moment, she couldn't think of anything.

It was really the prologue just now, which had a very strong impact, and it was completely impossible to describe it in detail with words.

"It appeared, it appeared again!" On the other side, the silver-haired girl also finished reading the prologue and spoke a little sluggishly.

It was the same as the poster I saw yesterday.

The words implying deep thoughts and the same feeling as the beautiful woman holding a spear.

Obviously, there was no mention of any specific story about the other person, but the crazy love mixed in the words was exactly the same.

Just like an onion, it needs to be peeled layer by layer, tempting her to keep exploring.

Just looking at such words - I inexplicably feel that it will be a very sad and heavy story.

While peeling the onion, she was so irritated that she kept crying. She knew that the following story might poison her, but she wanted to know everything like a possessed person. Ah! What on earth is this——

The silver-haired girl not only did not show a helpless bitter smile on her face, but instead she showed a smile full of expectation.

Let her see!

How exciting is the story of the woman wrapped in flames and the dragon-slaying hero named Siegrud!

That's right——Siegrud!

The silver-haired girl was one of the few readers who first realized that Siegrud and Siegfried were not the same person.

On the other hand, other Nibelungen fans were confused.

"Dragon-slaying hero?... Eh... Is it the story of Phineas again this time?" A passerby book fan couldn't help but speak. (Because of the love for the character of Siegfried, some people now like to call him Phineas, and many fans have agreed with it.)

But isn't Phineas dead?

Chapter 235 Siegmund's Sorrow!

War, war, swept by dragon wings.

The Dragon's Son is coming, and everything will be judged, whether it is a coward or a king.

We walked through the snow with sad steps.

See you again, under the clear sky of the Rhine.

The story goes back to when Odin won the ring.

He went to the three goddesses of fate and got a prophecy that the curse of the dwarf Alberich would cause the gods to fall because of the temptation of the endless power of the ring.

When Alberich's descendants get the ring of the Nibelung again, the gods will surely decline.

The god king Odin fell into fear and anxiety because of this prophecy.

This scene better confirms the speculation of people in the other world that "Twilight of the Gods" was caused by the ring of the Nibelung.

Just when everyone was stunned and thought that the story of Phineas would be told later.

The book began to have different changes from the prequel "The Song of the Nibelungs".

Odin found the wise giant Mimir and asked for help.

Mimir's cold voice told Odin that only by relying on his own will, without the help of divine power, could he resist the temptation and curse of the Nibelung Ring.

Only this person could return the ring to the protection of the Rhine fairies.

Odin was silent.

No matter the gods or the heroes on earth, he thought that none of them could meet this condition.

In fact, in the eyes of the God King, even he could not resist the temptation of the ring, let alone others.

This solution is the same as having nothing at all.

However, Odin still came up with a solution. He decided to create such a hero who could resist temptation and curse.

So, after the construction of Valhalla, he left the temple for the first time.

Originally, Queen Frigga thought that the glorious temple could tie the heart of the God King, but she didn't expect that the God King would run to the mortal world to find a beautiful girl.

Odin married a beautiful human woman and gave birth to a pair of twin brothers and sisters.

And named them Siegmund and Sieglinde.

Odin, who turned into a human hunter, returned to Valhalla after raising the brother and sister.

As the supreme god, he could not stay with the two of them all the time, as that would interfere with their choice of their own destiny.

After returning to the temple, Odin summoned nine Valkyries, all of whom were his daughters with the goddess of wisdom, Elda.

Each of them was fair-skinned, beautiful, with good temperament, jade-like skin, and attractive figure. They were gentle and beautiful, and at the same time, they were powerful Valkyries with the name of Valkyrie.

Odin asked them to secretly protect the half-siblings Siegmund and Sieglinde, but they were not allowed to interfere with the fate and choice of the brother and sister.

The fate of the gods was actually tied to two mortals.

Although they were sons of gods with their own blood and demigod blood.

But this was still a very sad thing for Odin.

On the other hand, seeing this completely different story, everyone fell into obsession.

They were surprised to find that the names of the "protagonist siblings" (fog, protagonist?) of the new work were similar to Siegfried.

What is the relationship between these two siblings and Phineas?

Siegfried (Siegfried), Siegmund, Sieglinde.

It sounds like a family of three.

Claire's gossipy heart could no longer be suppressed and was about to burst out.

Back to the story.

At this time, Sigmund and his sister have grown up.

The nine Valkyries have been secretly protecting them, and they are also carrying another order from their father, the great god Odin.

Go to the battlefield to find the heroes who died bravely, guide their souls to the Valhalla Temple, and reshape them into heroic spirits to prepare for the possible war of gods in the future.

Odin did not put all his hopes on Sigmund and his two human brothers and sisters.

This is another trump card and preparation for him.

However, it is better to say that they have become the protectors of gods than to say that they are heroic spirits.

When the specific process is known.

People shuddered.

The yearning and longing that just rose up disappeared immediately.

The God of Alchemy on the side also frowned.

"Use the souls of heroes to protect the gods?"

Such a glorious and dazzling soul, it is too wasteful to use it like this!

It is still not clear what kind of creature the Heroic Spirit is. The God of Alchemy cannot imagine how strong the transformed human hero must be to have the strength to protect the gods.

It would be good if he is not protected by the gods in return!

Apart from the Heroic Spirit, the second most attractive thing to the God of Alchemy in the story is probably the group of beautiful Valkyries.

Especially one of them. When the book describes the nine Valkyries, one of them has the same name as the Icelandic Queen Brunhilde.

This surprised the God of Alchemy and other readers for a long time.

... I guessed if there was any relationship between the two, but until the end, they did not find any similarities between Brunhilde and the Icelandic Queen.

Valkyrie Brunhilde - the most perfect daughter conceived by Odin and the Earth Mother. She was not tainted by the dictatorial character of the Queen of Heaven Frigga, nor the lies of the God of Lies Loki. The book calls her the most perfect Valkyrie in Odin's ideal.

At this time, everyone did not realize that Brunhilde was the focus, and their eyes were still focused on Siegmund and his sister.

At this time, Sigmund and his sister had no one to protect them because of Odin's departure. His sister was kidnapped in a bandit attack and no one knew where she went.

Sigmund lived alone for several years. He gradually became depressed and his eyes were always full of sorrow.

The only thing that remained unchanged was perhaps his simple and kind heart.

Because of Odin's order, the Valkyries were not allowed to interfere with the fate of the brothers and sisters. They would not show up until the two were in real danger of life.

This led to Sigmund being alone and starting to wander alone without any help from his relatives.

When passing through a village, Sigmund suddenly met a beautiful girl who asked for help.

The girl's brother wanted to force her to marry someone she didn't like.

Facing the girl's pleading, it was like seeing his sister being kidnapped, but he was unable to save her at that time.

Sigmund agreed to the girl, and in order to protect the girl, he fought fiercely with the girl's brother.

Until the sword and shield were broken, he finally killed the other party and then escaped from the village.

The family brothers of the man he killed also began to hunt down Sigmund.

"!!!" The god of alchemy, Hermitos, didn't know what to say now. He opened his mouth and looked at this plot with a complicated expression.

Did the god king really ignore the brother and sister?

The daughter was taken away by bandits and the son was hunted down.

At this time, Hermitos felt a little pity for the brother and sister who had the title of son of God but were not treated as sons of God.

In order to train a real hero who could solve the prophecy crisis, the god king was so cruel.

The god of alchemy was convinced at this moment.

The god king Odin - a real man! (squinting smile) So terrifying! So terrifying!

Chapter 236 That's not called cruel, it's called scum!

Being hunted down, Sigmund, who was fleeing in despair, ran wildly in the wilderness on a rainy night.

In the cold north wind, his thin figure looked so helpless and desolate. At this moment, Sigmund was eager for warmth and light.

The three goddesses of fate sat in the sky, silently and coldly watching Sigmund, but they did not choose to help him.

The critical period of fate has come, and it is now falling on this poor young man.

However, as gods, they cannot interfere with human choices, otherwise it may lead to the birth of a hero who can truly resist the temptation of the ring.

Finally, Sigmund came to a wooden house alone.

Hunger and coldness urged him to knock on the door of the wooden house, and the one who opened the door was a familiar and strange beautiful girl.

Sigmund was stunned when he looked at the girl in front of him.

The hostess of the house had gentle, bright eyes and soft long hair, with a temperament of transcendence.

The beautiful girl was also stunned, and she also felt that the man in front of her was somewhat familiar, but she clearly did not know the man in front of her.

A sense of familiarity lingered in the hearts of the two.

She invited Siegmund into the house, and because of the inexplicable feeling of closeness, the girl began to take care of the weak Siegmund.

She was the hostess of this house and the wife of the strong man Hunding.

But she actually hated Hunding very much.

The two were not a normal couple. She was kidnapped by Hong Ding to marry him. Therefore, she took the strange man into the house to take care of him, and she didn't care what Hong Ding would think if he found out about this.

Just as the girl was gently bandaging Sigmund's wound, in the cold winter, the only sound in the room was the crackling of firewood burning in the stove.

A kind of throbbing in the blood made the atmosphere between the two people warmer and closer, and their breathing continued to rise as they got closer.

At this time, the strong man Hong Ding, the male owner of the house, just returned to the door with a hound.

Hearing the hound barking, Hong Ding's face suddenly became very ugly.

"This damn beast actually led me back home!?"


The plot reached a small high-level, and seeing this, Claire and others looked a little nervous.

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