The previous plot let them know that the girl that Siegmund met had an abnormal relationship with her current husband, Hunding.

Everyone was disgusted with Hunding's robbery and felt sorry for the girl.

Even in the sweet atmosphere described in the book, people began to speculate whether the girl would be the heroine this time.

Just as they were having beautiful fantasies.

Thinking that after Siegmund recovered from his injury, he would be happy to rescue the girl and take her away from Hunding's magic cave, right?

Unexpectedly, Hunding came back! ! Damn, Damn, Damn! Is it such a coincidence! ?

Don't be discovered!

Everyone blushed and shouted in their hearts.

"Woo... Wow!" Just when others were nervous when they saw this, the little vampire Loli suddenly blushed and showed a completely different reaction.

Wait, something is wrong!

She found some special descriptions in the book.

'Blood closeness and throbbing. '

As a vampire, it is undoubtedly more sensitive to words like blood than ordinary people.

"I think I'm overthinking, right?" Vampire Lolita murmured with a hot face. Remove that "bold" idea from your mind.

Thinking that if you continue reading, everything should be clear.

Little Lolita continued to read the back of the story——


Hong Ding is in a very bad mood now.

Not only because this stupid dog led him back home.

Because one of his brothers was killed, he is now chasing the guy who killed his brother.

Now the hound's wrong guidance has brought him back home, and he has completely lost the trace of the man who killed his brother! This is what annoys him the most!

After standing there for a long time, Hong Ding gave up the idea of ​​continuing the pursuit.

When Hong Ding opened the door and saw his wife taking care of a strange man, the man and his wife looked more and more alike.

This discovery made Hong Ding's face stunned, and then doubts arose.

And the little vampire Lolita outside the book was also stunned.

Siegmund——looks a lot like that woman?

No, she can't really be Siegmund's lost sister! That bold idea popped up in her mind again.

Vampire Lolita Tina had already guessed the identities of Siegmund and the woman, but she was somewhat skeptical of her guess.

Looking at the ambiguous atmosphere between Siegmund and the woman, the two were obviously...

Woo woo woo!

Thinking of a certain possibility, Tina's mind was in a mess and she felt dizzy.

God, no, I can't think about it anymore! They will definitely not be together.

Or maybe I guessed their relationship wrong! I'm going to die, I'm going to die, my thoughts are too impure!

Vampire Lolita Tina thought with grief and shame.

'If Lily knew my guess now, she would definitely think I was a dirty vampire! How could the story develop like that! If they were really brother and sister, and in the end... still... that thing, I would eat it upside down - cough cough! '

That's right, it would definitely not be as I guessed.

Tina was so determined to watch it with confidence.

Back to the book, after observing the two for a while, Hunding said nothing. He rudely and fiercely ordered his wife to cook quickly, and then he began to question Siegmund's identity.

Siegmund did not hide anything from the Hunding family who kindly took him in, and did not notice the viciousness in Hunding's eyes.

Siegmund told Hunding that when he was a child, his family was robbed by bandits, his mother was killed, and his sister was abducted by bandits and disappeared.

This shocked the people who read the story for a few seconds.

They only knew that Siegmund's sister was abducted before, but they didn't expect that even his mother was killed.

Oh my God, if it's Siegmund's mother, isn't that the wife of the God King Odin?

Does Odin not even care about the life and death of his wife?

"That God King, he really only cares about the life and death of the two brothers and sisters." The God of Alchemy murmured solemnly at this time.

How cruel is the God King Odin? He can only find such a poor and scarce word to describe it.

The God of Alchemy has a new understanding of Odin's character.

If Yan knew what the God of Alchemy was thinking, he would definitely tell him that it was not called cruelty, but despicable!

Odin is simply a despicable God King, ugh!

When Yan first learned about the plot of the Ring of the Nibelung on Earth, he was disgusted by Odin's various behaviors in this version of the story.

Chapter 237 The One-Eyed Wizard, the Sword in the Tree!

Siegmund in the book has finished explaining his childhood.

He began to tell Hongding about how he lived alone for several years and how he finally saved a girl passing by the village and killed her cold brother at her request.

"It's over!" Seeing Siegmund foolishly confessing everything.

People who read this couldn't help but cover their faces and shook their heads.

Some smarter people have realized that the person Hongding is chasing may be the same person as Siegmund.

Otherwise, how could the hound just happen to bring Hunding to his home, just when Siegmund was also escaping from being hunted down by others?

But at this time, Siegmund actually told all his true experiences to the stranger Hunding.

‘You are on the run! Is it really okay to be so wild? Be alert! ’ Everyone screamed in their hearts!

This God’s perspective can see everything in the eyes and see problems and things more clearly, but it also makes people want to personally teach the protagonist what to do when they see this kind of protagonist who seems to be a little ‘irrational and stupid’ and tells everything to the enemy!

“This world is really too small!” A passerby King City citizen A who was watching "The Ring of the Nibelung" couldn’t help but say.

On the other side, people who also saw this but reacted a beat slower were still wondering, ‘The world is small? ’

What does it mean?

Is there any special story plot later?

Vampire Tina also heard this voice, and she subconsciously nodded her head in agreement.

‘Yes! The world is really small, how can it not be small? ’

The place where Siegmund fled to was actually his long-lost sister. Wow, it’s amazing!

Tina was thinking about the relationship between the two siblings, while Civilian A was thinking about the relationship between Hunding and Siegmund.

It was obvious that the two people's brain circuits were not on the same channel.

But because of a wonderful misunderstanding, Tina actually developed a feeling of sympathy for Civilian A.

'I am not the only one who laments the relationship between the two siblings! That's great! It turns out that I am not the only one who is dirty! '

Everyone continued to look back.

As the initiator of everything, Hunding had suddenly woken up.

The man who was being chased by him turned out to be the strange man in front of him! Siegmund was the murderer who killed his brother!

What's more, after listening to Siegmund's memories of his childhood...

Hunding discovered that his wife was Sieglinde, Siegmund's sister who was robbed.

Hunding's face suddenly became ugly.

He did not directly tell Siegmund and his wife about the relationship between the two.

But he fiercely stated that he was the one who was chasing Siegmund.

The revenge of killing a brother - blood debt must be paid with blood!

Based on the ancient rule that the owner of the house cannot attack the guests.

Hunding told Siegmund that he would duel with him tomorrow!

To avenge his brother in a life-and-death duel!

"Ancient rule? The owner of the house cannot attack the guests? Even a robber would abide by this rule... Interesting."

When the God of Alchemy saw this, his eyes lit up and he chuckled.

Other readers exclaimed, because they were worried and anxious about the crisis that Siegmund was about to fall into.

At the same time, they were confused and dumbfounded that Hunding did not take the opportunity to attack Siegmund.

Can't attack the guests?

A robber is so ethical and still abides by the rules?

This made people have complicated expressions on their faces, not knowing what to say, it was simply a show!

No matter how everyone complained in their hearts.

The story will not stop here...

Just when Siegmund was confused and shocked by Hunding's words.

... He didn't expect it to be such a coincidence. Hunding said that he was the pursuer? The weak Siegmund was almost shocked.

How lucky he had to be to encounter this situation!

Sieglinde, a girl who was preparing dinner, happened to hear the conversation between the two.

She didn't hear the previous part of the conversation, so she still didn't know the true relationship between her and Siegmund, but she heard Hunding's words that he wanted to duel with Siegmund and kill Siegmund.

Sieglinde's heart became nervous for no reason, and a worry that she didn't understand from where it came from rose from the bottom of her heart.

It was obviously just a stranger she met for the first time, but she was so concerned.

Sieglinde hated and despised Hunding because she was robbed by Hunding. She didn't love her husband at all, but she never dared to resist Hunding.

But Siegmund, the strange man she met for the first time today, made the girl feel extremely close.

With Siegmund's body being so seriously injured, he would definitely die in the duel tomorrow.

So Sieglinde finally mustered up the courage to settle old and new grudges. She secretly put a sleeping drug in Hunding's wine, ready to save this man (Siegmund) who made her feel familiar and unfamiliar.

As the stars gradually became brighter, the fire was completely extinguished.

Hunding fell into a deep sleep because of the drug.

On the other side, Siegmund was also lamenting sadly that fate had handed him over to the enemy unarmed.

Originally, he thought he had escaped from death when he came here.

Unexpectedly, he had directly entered the tiger's den!

At night, seeing Hunding fall asleep, Sieglinde quietly went to Siegmund's side.

Although they did not know that the other party was their long-lost blood relative.

But the inexplicable closeness to Siegmund and Sieglinde's hatred for Hunding prompted her to help this young man.

Sieglinde told Siegmund that on the day she was forced to marry Hunding, a one-eyed wizard (suspected to be the incarnation of the god king Odin) came here and inserted a sharp sword into the tree in front of the door.

He told everyone that whoever could pull out the sword would become its owner.

However, only true warriors are qualified to wear it.

At this time, Siegmund, who was unarmed, just needed a weapon.

For some reason, Sieglinde was sure that the man in front of her could pull out the sword from the tree.

And hoped that he could use the magic sword against Hunding and avenge himself.

Even though Hunding and his countless brothers had tried and failed to pull out the magic sword, Sieglinde's trust in Siegmund was so strong that she didn't need any reason.

"Why does it feel so familiar?!" Claire was in a trance when she saw the plot here.

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