This kind of plot is so familiar! A familiar routine!

However, the appearance of the sword in the tree still excited a large number of readers.

Here it is, the legendary sword that the hero must get.

There is also the one-eyed wizard described in the book as suspected to be the god king Odin.

Everyone thought about the story of Odin exchanging his eyes for wisdom in the previous work "The Song of the Nibelungs", and it corresponded again! !

Could it be that the artifact that Odin left secretly to help his children? !

Chapter 238 Hermitos: It seems that I was scolded again!

Siegmund really pulled out the sword, and the word Gram was written on it, that is, the sword Gram.

After that, the two recognized each other by name.

Sieglinde hoped that Siegmund would take her away from that hellish marriage.

And Siegmund hugged Sieglinde lovingly, and lowered his head to hug and kiss to express his love.

The two fell in love with each other.

Siegmund would not allow the bloodline of his clan to be tainted by other inferior bloodlines, so he swore an oath holding the sword Gram.

"Sister of my brother, wife of my brother, the bloodline of my clan will never cease."

Tracing back to the German orthopedics that appeared in the Age of Gods, everyone was stunned when they saw this part.

Claire and others were speechless, their minds were dazed and panicked. can these two people be together? !

They are not? !

At this point, the plan of the God King Odin was finally completed. Next, as long as his son Siegmund held the sword and killed Hunding, the previous suffering would end, and Siegmund would become the true holder of the sword Gram and become a true hero.

Odin, who was watching this scene in heaven, smiled with satisfaction.

And it was not until the moment when Siegmund and Sieglinde were united that Frigga, the goddess in charge of marriage and family, felt this matter.

She was shocked and angry to find that her husband Odin actually had a pair of children in the human world, and the two of them had committed a taboo and got together.

Then she discovered that there were a bunch of Valkyries guarding around Siegmund and the others.

Not only the two human offspring, but these Valkyries also had the breath of the God King Odin.

Except for Brunhilde, who was born to Odin and herself, the remaining Valkyries could be guessed without thinking that they must be the offspring of the God King who had an affair outside.

This was a big deal, and Frigga was even more furious. She immediately summoned Brunhilde back.

She asked Brunhilde to guide Hunding to kill Siegmund, and then lead the soul of this "hero" (Hunding) to the Valhalla Temple to become a heroic spirit as a reward.

This just corresponds to the mythical experience of Brunhilde in Type-Moon, who was punished, her body disintegrated, and her soul was trapped in the Fire Temple on the top of the mountain. Brunhilde naturally did not follow this order in the end, and it also caused disasters for everything that happened afterwards.

The situation in the book suddenly became tense.

No one cared about being shocked by the things between Siegmund and Sieglinde.

Readers who didn't want the two to die couldn't help but think of the God King Odin at this moment. Now only Odin could help the two suffering brothers and sisters again.

This is already a life-and-death crisis, right? ! The God King will not just watch and ignore it, right? Facing the readers' expectant eyes that were so nervous that they held their breath.

Even the God of Alchemy thought so.

However, Odin in the book once again did something that shocked everyone.

No one expected that they still underestimated the coldness and ruthlessness of the God King.

After ordering Brunhilde, Queen Frigga immediately went to Valhalla to question Odin.

She asked Odin to execute the brother and sister who didn't care.

Even if Odin told her about the prophecy, Frigga didn't believe it.

Ring? Ragnarok? How could the fate of the gods be saved by two humans?

This was simply a lie that the husband was reluctant to kill the two bastards.

Odin, who was afraid of Frigga's power, finally chose to surrender.

Odin cursed Siegmund's sword, and the sword in the tree would break in the collision with the enemy.

Brunhilde, who had a noble spirit, did not expect her father to agree to such a ridiculous thing. She originally hoped that her father would give different orders, but he actually wanted to execute his son with his own hands.

The kind-hearted Brunhilde hesitated and struggled in her heart.

She went down to the world with the orders of the Father and Mother of Heaven. This time she would no longer appear as the protector of the brother and sister.

Instead, she would guide Hunding and punish Siegmund and Sieglinde.

... Knowing the tragic life of Siegmund and his sister, she felt very sorry for the brother and sister.

And Siegmund, who fell into such a situation in order to save others, was more suitable for the heroic image of a hero in her eyes.

The duty of the Valkyrie is to find and lead the dead heroes in the world to the temple to become heroes.

But this is just the surface.

In fact, who has the qualifications to become a Heroic Spirit is decided by the God King and God Queen. Even if Brunhilde favors the brother and sister in her heart, she has to stand on Hongding's side now.

The people who saw this were furious.

"Isn't this a secret operation?! This is not fair at all. Even a bandit can become a Heroic Spirit, and they actually want to guide Hongding!?"

"Oh my God, this is really unimaginable!"

"Are all the gods in heaven so cold and ruthless? Gods are really a group of ugly creatures." The last sentence was said by the vampire loli Tina, with an ugly look on her face.

After becoming a vampire, she inexplicably hated things related to light and holiness.

The gods who were high above and always disguised themselves as very bright, originally had a little instinctive awe when they were human beings, but after reading the previous story of the Grand Duke and the two-song series of Nibelung, they lost everything.

Such gods are so annoying.

The readers around were originally excited, but they quieted down for a while because of Tina's voice, and everyone looked at Tina nervously.

Whose little loli is this? She should just think about that kind of thing in her mind, but she dared to say it out loud.

If any god heard it and got angry, they would be in trouble.

"Ah! So annoying! Trashy Odin, trashy Hunding! The gods are so hateful!" Tina shouted sullenly.

The face of the God of Alchemy twitched when he heard this voice in the bookstore.

He was also a god, was he scolded in front of him?

When Brunhilde descended to the lower world, Siegmund and Sieglinde were exhausted because they were chased by Hunding.

Finally, the two weak people could not run anymore, and Sieglinde hoped with tears in her eyes that Siegmund would give up on her.

She confessed her love to Siegmund and said that she was an ominous woman and Siegmund should not waste his time on her.

If they continued like this, neither of them could escape and would definitely be caught up by Hunding and his hounds.

Siegmund would even lose his life because of her.

She didn't want to see that situation, she wanted to stay and buy time for Siegmund alone.


Brunhilde, who was hiding in the dark, couldn't help it.

She couldn't go against her heart, so she pretended to convey the oracle, descended in front of Siegmund and his sister, and invited Siegmund to join the temple and become a heroic spirit.

Brunhilde deceived the two and gave Siegmund the qualification that should have been given to Hunding.

But Siegmund asked Brunhilde if he could let Sieglinde ascend to heaven with him.

Brunhilde shook her head.

So Siegmund decided to stay and fight to the death with Hunding.

Knowing that the sword Gram would break in the battle, Brunhilde could no longer bear to see the ending.

Chapter 239: The Hall of Fire that imprisoned the Valkyrie, the integration and modification of the legend!

Siegmund and Sieglinde, who lost the protection of the gods, could only snuggle together and wait for the arrival of fate sadly.

Siegmund said to Brunhilde: "Even if my fate is so sad, I still have a path to choose. If I can't be with the one I love, even if I can enter Valhalla and gain eternal life, it is meaningless to me. If the world of gods is destined to have no place for love, living a boring life is not as good as a magnificent death. I ask you, goddess of warriors, to protect my love. This is my last request as a warrior."

The next day, Hunding finally found Siegmund and the others.

Siegmund bravely drew the sword to fight Hunding in Sieglinde's worried eyes.

In the fight between the two, Odin ruthlessly broke Gram.

When Claire and others really saw this scene, their scalps exploded!

-This TM! Wow! It really broke when it was said to break!

In the story, Yan specifically described that the sword in the tree is a treasure that can rival Odin's artifact Gungnir. But this sword is now broken so easily.

People have to wonder if this is a fake.

And the cruelty of Odin, the father of Siegmund and his sister.

The deceit of the God King is truly unprecedented.

Not only did Brunhilde still look a little unbelievable when she saw this scene, but even Claire and the others blushed and wanted to curse Odin in their hearts.

That's your child!

That's also the future and hope of the gods. You just gave up like that?

It was this God King who placed his hopes on the two and took great pains to make Siegmund and the other two suffer.

Now when he was close to success, it was also this God King who wanted to ruthlessly kill the two.

It was really ironic (from the heart) to abandon the plan that had been planned for so long just because he couldn't bear Frigga's anger.

...Everyone found it difficult to accept.

In the end, Siegmund was killed by Hunding, but Brunhilde couldn't help but help Siegmund, which led to the battle between the two ending in a way that they both died, rather than Siegrud's unilateral death.

Hunding could only stare wide-eyed and die unwillingly.

He didn't understand. Before he chased after Siegmund and his sister, he had prayed to Queen Frigga for victory in this expedition.

But the Valkyrie did not protect him and kill the couple.

Instead, after the war, Brunhilde once again tried to guide Siegmund's soul to Valhalla.

But Sieglinde was secretly protected by the Valkyrie after that, and gave birth to Siegmund and her offspring, naming the child Siegrud.

On the other hand, Brunhilde violated the oracle.

Not only did she not guide Hunding to victory, but she let Siegmund kill Hunding and saved Sieglinde.

After Odin found out about these things.

Odin was furious and felt a burning pain on his face.

His most perfect and beloved daughter actually betrayed him for two worthless abandoned children!

Brunhildr had realized it when she did those things, even though she was panicked and nervous.

But the lamentation, the sorrow, the love, what she felt from Siegmund and his sister was the most miserable fantasy in the world. She could not remain indifferent to it.

So she spoke:


You always tell us that only true heroes are worthy of entering Valhalla.

Seeing the hero end so lonely, how can I be cruel, and how can I tolerate a villain like (Hunding) to become a hero in your temple.

I violated my duty, but I insisted on my kindness as a god.

In this ruthless killing and people's beautiful love, I made the choice I thought was right.

Now if you want to punish me for this, I am willing to pay the price for my choice.

Odin did not listen to her explanation. He could not tolerate his daughter's disobedience to him.

- He does not allow betrayal!

Thinking that she had failed her father and the expectations of the great god, Brunhildr did not resist in the end.

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