As a result, they all have some stress reactions now...

Big hero = self-destruct,

But that obviously has no obvious connection with the current situation.

And speaking of breaking through the enemy formation,

Just like a sudden flash of inspiration, a blessing to the soul, people remembered Arash's powerful arm strength that can shoot people out like missiles with one arrow.

Ultra-long-distance teleportation across mountains and mountains, countless miles apart.

If you take it once, no one will want to travel again - Arash Air!

Holmes: "Huh?"

Moriarty: "Ah, we probably don't know the details.

What happened? "

Guda: "...Ahhh!!"

Altria Alter: "Oh, Master is actually turning blue.

It seems that we should be able to hear an excellent combat content, right? "

On the other side, the atmosphere was tense on the fortified streets.

A few soldiers were reporting on the patrol. Everything was safe and there was no abnormality.

Until the miscellaneous fish code-named block 4 indicated that he could vaguely hear the sound of the motorcycle's engine.

Emiya Alter: "...let me hear it.

Here we come.

There is no sound of other motorcycles, be careful. "

Give orders to your subordinates, and after speaking,

Black A changed his tone: "Hmph, as the world-famous King of Knights, the show actually uses such boring tactics.

If you weren't a Servant, I would have prepared a body bag for you. "

Hassan is in good spirits! !

Is it actually a frontal assault? Oh oh!

Did the faith of the first generation even shine through to that King of Knights? It's... awesome!

Others also had a vague feeling that things might not be that simple.

Especially when Mashu just mentioned a memory that the Master really didn't want to recall.


Although the roar of a huge locomotive was approaching, people couldn't help but look up at the sky.

Wait a minute, there won't be two things jumping directly from above, right?

There is no such a powerful monster like Arash here!

Chapter 78: Unable to make a decision when faced with trouble!

shooting--! ! ! !

shooting--! ! ! !

Countless bullets ejected from the muzzles of the finches, forming a barrage of fire snakes!

Alter Emiya saw everything in his eyes and sneered: "Hmph, why don't you take a gamble by breaking the jar from the front?

What a boring woman...!

Everyone, continue to monitor the outside!

I'm going to confirm if it's gone! Patroller, follow me! "

After a while of running,

We came to the place where the sound of the locomotive came from.

Alter Emiya: "As expected, this motorcycle... belongs to the King of Knights.

The situation of the destruction of spiritual base...

No, is it a bait?

Warning outside - what?

Servant reaction is nearby!

Is it Saber? ?'s actually...above...! ? "

Everyone:! ! !

Really? !

When they subconsciously followed Black A, they also raised their heads.

Alter: "Too slow, Archer!"

In the sky, a figure streaked across like a shooting star.

Bang~! ! !

A condescending blow hit Alter Emiya hard.

Alter Emiya blocked with his weapon and backed away, saying: "Tch...!

It actually flew from above together with the Master and others. exactly is it done?

If you fly with the help of command spells,

There are bound to be strong signs of chaos in the magic power, so you should be able to see through it immediately. "

Alter: "Yeah, that's right.

It doesn't rely on magic power or command spells to fly.

Instead, it uses physical means to fly.

Oops, I love this trick! "

Guda: "Qiuqiu, please spare me."

And time goes back not long ago...

Through Guda's memories, people understood what was going on.

Using new drawings designed and produced to imitate Arash’s bows,

Let Moriarty be able to do the same deeds as Arash with his weak power.

Moriarty: "Forget it, anyway, this Da Vinci-improved

The Moriarty flight was perfect! "

Da Vinci: "Is it Da Vinci Flight!?

patent! I have a patent! "

Moriarty: "Tsk.

No matter what era, it is the copyright owner who makes money...! "

Matthew: "(What on earth are you two fighting about...)"

Everyone: "That's right, what are you arguing about? It's obviously Alash Airlines, damn it!!!"

"Long live the great hero!"

"Speaking of patents, shouldn't it be the great hero Arash who invented this technology of shooting people into the sky who is the source of everything?

These two people are totally mistaken. "

Arash fans quit,

Even excitedly wanting to join in (this pointless argument).

Moriarty: "Okay, forget it, anyway, according to the plan just drawn up,

Master and Artoria ride on this——

Master? "

Guda: "I'm going back!"

Even the Master who was sure that Shinjuku would not affect the main world line if he didn't care about it before, but was still willing to stay and save this hellish city,

The master who is brave and strong in people's eyes with an iron will,

All of a sudden... you got over it? !

Is the shadow that big?

Uh...! People were speechless.

Many people had an immersive experience when reading Chapter 6, but they encountered a very difficult physical sensation.

At the critical moment, they all reduced their five senses or even blocked them.

Although they were a little curious about what kind of experience could make the master who had remained calm like Xiang Lai show such a horrified look...


For most people, they don’t want to commit suicide like that.

Altria Alter forcibly pulled the Master back: "No.

You can't escape the Great Knight King.

You'd better be prepared, Fujimaru Ritsuka."

Da Vinci: "It's okay. I, Da Vinci, can guarantee your safety.

To be specific, it's the feeling of [Anyway, Altria is protecting you, so it's probably okay]."

Altria Alter: "Don't worry, Master. You are my sword and my shield.

You will be able to repel all external enemies.

In summary, get on it quickly.

Fly all the way to the moon."

Guda: "No————!!


This childish Guda is the first time people have seen it, and it blushes for no reason.

What makes people laugh is that

Kurodai seems to be really coaxing a child, using her domineering CEO-style tone:

"Humph, you actually make a sound like a cat stuffed in a bathtub.

Come here, come here."


Back to the point,

Emiya Alter: “But no matter what,

this still doesn’t change the fact that you are right in the middle of the enemy camp.”

Hasans: So what?

It’s just a ranged archer. At such a close distance, just kill him directly!!

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