Open unparalleled, open unparalleled!

And it is very in line with Hassan’s wishes,

Artoria Alter also said,

As long as she can kill Black A, her goal will be achieved.

Emiya Atler: "What——?"

Alter: "Raise your gun, Archer.

I won't say anything dignified. Use it for as many people as you want. "

Alter Emiya: "What an irritating guy————!"

The two followers began to fight,

But soon an uninvited guest comes to visit!

Holmes, who had been hiding behind the scenes, attacked with countless coloratura singers as planned.

Those coloratura singers directly faced off against the bees and fishes...

Alter Emiya: "Damn it... now that Berserker is dead,

No one can dominate those guys anymore!

Don't waste time, destroy them! "

Is this wave causing trouble to the east? Or should it be called waste utilization? !

Or maybe both?

When I saw the chaos on the field,

Moriarty took the opportunity to attack and threw smoke bombs to confuse the audience.

Although it seems to be somewhat different from what they thought of Kai Wushuang from the front,

But it seems that it can also be regarded as a kind of unparalleled one? !

Toying with the enemy while applauding,

To make the enemy act according to his own plan like torture, huh...! A kind of pleasure (sense of substitution) of abusing food suddenly came to people's hearts!

I have seen too many miracles and great deeds by heroes who single-handedly defeated the gods.

It would be nice to occasionally witness the many dirty tactics humans use to achieve victory at any cost.

Did you actually break into the enemy in this way?

And just when Emiya ordered the soldiers to shoot at the footsteps of the coloratura singer, don't panic.

A soldier suddenly stopped Black A and reminded him of what was behind him.

Emiya Alter:?


And it was during this process that the 'miscellaneous soldiers' had already covered Heidai and quickly flashed through the smoke.

‘The Birds and Bees’: “Ah, I’m sorry.

I was wrong. "

Everyone: There's a problem!

? ! Is this a doppelganger?

But how is it possible! Hasn’t Wei Qing already left the show?

Chapter 79: If you have clairvoyance and can see the past and future, you will be either a sword master or a sage!

Emiya Alter: "...Oh."

Although Heidai ducked very quickly just now,

But that is also relative to ordinary people.

Did he really think that Hero Emiya was blind? Or are you bullying Archer for his weak perception?

Then people heard a gunshot,

Black A raised his hand and suddenly shot his subordinates.

At this time, the other party no longer pretended...

"Hey, you're too rough, Emiya!"

Moriarty, who had returned to his original form, said: "A rogue who can change freely...although he is not to his level.

But as the leader of evil, he has to learn some cross-dressing skills!

Oops~, but thanks to Holmes’ help! "

Emiya Atler: "Is he the good Moriarty?

...Why can't you just look like a bit of a wreck and just keep yourselves in mind and don't come out.

Or is it you? "

Moriarty: "Huh?

What do you mean? "

Emiya Alter: "Forget it, it doesn't matter.

If you want to meet Archer in Shinjuku, go ahead.

Predicted from the beginning

No matter what steps I take, this is what will happen in the end.

Just keep playing with the gun. "

Moriarty: "...Then please forgive us for being respectful and obey your orders.

I'm going to destroy my dream! "

Has the showdown finally arrived?

The showdown between good and evil, at least in the eyes of people at this time, looks like this.


When did Moriarty gain the ability to transform?

Except for Yan Qing, they had only seen the Cave King disguised by Holmes.

How come everyone is pretending now?

And what Emiya said just now,

What makes people suddenly think of something?

Isn't this Moriarty also pretending to be Lao Fu? !

Shaking their heads, people could no longer tell who was who and who was who!

The various matryoshka dolls in Shinjuku, real and fake, are so confusing.

There is no simple one, it’s so terrible, these people...

He is simply more Hassan than those Hassan people,

They are more professional than assassins, but neither of them are Assassins.

(Hassan doesn’t know what people in the other world are thinking when they see this place at this moment.

If you knew it, you would be quite speechless.

Just like all the masters of the martial arts level are masters of close combat such as the King of Fighters and Sword Master,

Real assassins never play assassination, okay?

Humph, then what kind of disguise is there? It’s superficial! )

And on the other side,

Alter Emiya left the coloratura singer outside to the bees and pursued Moriarty alone.

And gave the final order to blow up the entrance after he left.

Prevent the enemy from escaping. .

And when the bee expressed the defense inside the tower...?

Black A just said coldly that if there was nothing he could do, no matter how many people went in, it would be useless.

Is there anyone other than him who can come in handy and take the responsibility of taking bullets?

Although I said it bluntly,

But if you want to deal with the Servants, you must at least have the same level of combat power as the Servants.

Obviously these trash fish are not qualified.

The sparrows no longer hesitated: "Understood!"

They were quite loyal and convinced by the leader's words.

People saw this and felt that what Emiya said made some sense, but they always felt that something was... strange? !

And at this moment, everyone could suddenly hear the voice of Black A...

(If we continue to allow you, the miscellaneous soldiers, to interfere,

it may lead to unexpected situations.

You will die here with the puppets.)

! ! ! !


Such a cold and ruthless statement was not unexpected.

After all, it was Archer, not the good guy.

Red A was cold enough,

and the absolute rationality was referring to the nameless hero in his normal state.

As long as the result is correct, even if he turned against them at the critical moment and stabbed the master in the back, it is not impossible.

Not to mention Black A's blackened form.

People originally thought they had been prepared for it.

But the moment before, they saw those sparrows still honestly and foolishly executing orders and working hard for their superiors.

The next moment, the boss sold them out for some unknown reason? !

Uh... People looked at those soldiers with a little pity.


Suddenly I felt that these thugs were a little pitiful.

At least to their bosses, these terrorists were still very loyal and useful.

But what did Emiya mean by the last words? !

What other calculations did he have?

He actually sacrificed his subordinates on purpose...

What exactly did he want to do -

People finally understood why they felt something was wrong before, and the wrong place turned out to be here.

Even if they didn't need any protection support,

it was fundamentally blocking the retreat of the subordinates, and they could only fight to the death with the coloratura singer.

People took a deep breath, this was too cruel.

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