As Holmes himself admitted, he is not necessarily a good person.

He and Moriarty are the same kind of people...

But as long as his identity is still a detective, his position is naturally on the side of justice.

This is also another kind of injustice.

Fate makes them sadly have to stand on the opposite side.

Where is the real evil and good...

Even the heroes of Alter are fighting desperately in Shinjuku to protect Guda.

So... I hope Moriarty can stand on Guda's side next time.

People are speechless...

The days when I used to naively think that the world was either black or white seem to be completely gone. The more I come into contact with this kind of epic, the more I understand... The world is like humans, it is chaotic in itself.

So -

In the end -!

Will this old man enter the pool?

Among the people in the other world, many fgo players can no longer resist the urge to draw cards in their hearts.

And at this moment -

A voice interrupted people's thoughts,

? ? ? : "You finally showed your true self, Baal!"

Demon Baal: "Hmm...!"

A bullet suddenly hit Baal's chest.

Everyone looked in the direction of the sound, and was surprised to find the figure of Black A.

He was not blocked by Hei Dai...

Uh--I forgot, Hei Dai is here now.

But Black A actually attacked Demon Baal.

This is...'another' rebellion? !

Everyone: ! ! !

As for why we say 'again'.

People don't want to say anything anymore.

Whether it's because of Moriarty's backstab before, and the current Black A playing tricks on the original boss.

Or the old legend of Emiya backstabbing the master.

Seeing this, everyone has become numb for some reason,

Not surprised at all...

Just didn't expect Black A to betray now.

Altria Alter: "——You.

Is this your purpose?"

Mashu: "Mr. Emiya...!"

Emiya Alter: "This is the hardship of being a mercenary.

Whether it's a reversal or not, whether you like it or not, work is work."

Because of this sentence, people suddenly remembered the hidden identity of Red A.

If I remember correctly...

He is the scavenger of the inhibitory force.

So this wave is also an assist from the inhibitory force?

The thousand-layer routine from the inhibitory force! The already miserable workers.

Everyone opened their mouths and was stunned.

Woo~! A partner of justice! (crossed out) Workers!! (checked)

It turns out that even if you turn evil, you can't change your miserable fate of continuing to be an employee.

People shuddered...

Looking at Emiya with some pity, they also developed a great fear of the two inhibitory forces.

Hiss~! If I have the opportunity to sublimate into a heroic spirit in the future, I will never sign a contract with any inhibitory force.


It's not even worth hiding.


Polite to you?)

Emiya Alter: "After all, when I was summoned, I was alone.

I was only accompanied by Wolf King and Yanqing, Phantom and Christiana.

The reason I was hired was to defeat the Demon Pillar.

Other than that, it was just a trivial matter.

Not to mention that this world has been separated.

Even if this place is really dead, it won't have any impact.

Whether I join the evil side or resist as a good side,

I just need to do it as long as I can get it done in the end.

Then I should naturally choose the most efficient method possible.

Don't you think so?"


I was speechless. What you said makes sense. You are the one who pursues efficiency like this! Red A!

Even if you become darker, your personality has hardly changed.

Chapter 87 Changing Emiya, forcing is not a loss!

Altria Alter: "What an unpleasant thought.

But it seems that you are not an enemy."

Demon God Baal: "I see.

The answer is really simple.

The reason why you joined my army is unknown,

but the only thing that is understandable is that you want to take my life."

Emiya Alter: "Same here.

I can see that you are determined to use me until there is nothing left.

I predicted that you would not purge me before the situation develops to this extent,

and it seems that I guessed right."

And now things have developed to this point.

Everyone feels a little outrageous:...! What a ridiculous Shinjuku singularity!

Now it seems that it is simply a 25-year-old singularity!

Another 25-year-old concentration camp, it is really a mess.

Interestingly, I am afraid that Black A and Demon God Baal have never really trusted each other.

It is true that as long as the interests are temporarily consistent,

even enemies with completely contradictory beliefs can (temporarily) stand on the same front!


Although Moritia and Holmes are gone,

some Emiya fans are in a better mood.

From this point of view, the fighting power seems to have not decreased, but has become stronger.

After all, Old Fu and the original Moriarty are not good at fighting.

Not to mention compared with Emiya, a veteran and ever-victorious battlefield king.

At this time, there is almost no need for detectives to reason.

It was the time to compete in strength.

Take two useless combat forces and exchange them for an Emiya? It seems to be a good deal? ! ! !

Emiya fans are ecstatic!

Although Black A's appearance is really tragic compared to other Emiyas.

But it doesn't matter, as long as he is the 'partner of justice' and the familiar Emiya!

Emiya Alter: "Okay, Master of Chaldea.

The people over there are my enemies, and they are also enemies to you.

In other words, this is a golden opportunity.

There is no reason for us to miss this opportunity,

and you should have no reason to fight me.

Do you want to join forces?"

Guda: "...I understand.

Then I'll leave the Demon Pillar to you."

Emiya Alter: "...I understand. This is my goal.

Leave the Demon Pillar to me."

Demon God Baal: "——Moriarty.

Want to fight?"

Moriarty: "Although I want to say that this is meaningless...

No, it is meaningful.

Your revenge will end here.

My morality will also be said here.

Let's go, Baal."

Demon God Baal: "Yes.

My name is Baal.

In order to avenge my previous shame, I will complete my revenge here.

My life is all for this moment——."

Then, with the roar of thunder, lightning if an ancient god had descended.

This is probably the last struggle and glory of the Demon Pillar.

All glory lies in the final battle!

The humanoid monster disappeared, and in its place was an old friend that people were very familiar with—! The Demon Pillar that had been seen in the Temple of Time reappeared.

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