"Come here, Moriarty!" Dang Guda also invited the familiar friend and former partner to fight.

I don’t know if it’s an illusion,

People seem to feel the complexity of Moriarty's heart,

It seems that there are still beautiful memories of that time together, can’t you bear to do it?

They saw Moriarty's hesitant expression.

Hesitation, silence?

Moriarty: "...


Finally, Moriarty: "Yeah. Come on, everyone."

No matter what, this is an inevitable battle!

People understood that from his tone.

Soon... the battle began.


The battle ended unexpectedly quickly...

Is the Demonic Pillar powerful?

Of course it's very strong...

But there is a limit to how strong it can be.

It's not that people are arrogant or arrogant, but it's the enemies that the Chaldean Master has encountered in the past.

As far as the Demon God Pillar is concerned, it's not even a mini-boss.

At best, it's just like an elite monster.

If placed in the final battle level, the threat of the Demon God Pillar is really not enough.

Comparing the two demons Baal and Moriarty,

It would be better to say that the asteroid out there that is going to destroy the world is the real crisis.

And Black A's strength did not disappoint people, at the moment when he successfully defeated Baal.

——With a roar.

The demon god Baal let out his last sad laugh: "Hahahahaha!

It will indeed be destroyed! Am I really going to be destroyed? But the revenge is complete!

Moriarty, you actually stayed with me until now!

Let our long-standing alliance be dissolved here! "

Moriarty: "Well. Goodbye, Baal, my countryman!

You and I are both fools who know this is in vain, but still give everything for it!

Agree to erase memory,

A being who longs for revenge even if he endures the humiliation of becoming a human being.

Goodbye, devil! "

Demon Lord Baal: "We must be the same kind, Moriarty!

Fujimaru Ritsuka, I couldn't kill you.

Your power exceeds ours. Shame, humiliation, insult,

And anger—I feel those emotions.

But you will definitely die. "

Mellie: “…………”

emmm, what you said is really poor.

Of course humans will die...

Death of old age is also death. (Unless—the flesh and blood are weak and the machine ascends!)

Pfft~! Seeing this, Mei Li's face burst into a smile.

She didn't think it was just a crisis of annihilation level that could kill Guda.

Even if you don't know that there is a lost belt behind you.

That cute little guy is by no means so unlucky.

And in the midst of Baal’s own bursts of laughter,


The huge demon pillar fell down, boom! !

In a burst of light, the few remaining Demon God Pillars were annihilated into ashes... and were successfully defeated.

At this moment, people even felt a little sad for the Demon God Pillar as the villain.

They looked at the place where Demon God Pillar Baal was reduced to ashes, with eyes as if they were looking at a poor child.

'He' must have thought that even if he died in the end, his biggest enemy, Guda, would be buried with him...

Think your plan was successful.

But, poor devil...

Poor Demonic Pillar,

Even 3,000 years of persistence and hatred will eventually become a joke.

Maybe not knowing the future, just disappearing like this is also a kind of salvation.

Thinking this way, people actually feel pity for this evil that they should hate.

The real result was too cruel for Baal.

People don't really dislike Baal at this moment.

Rather, even Goetia...

...If we really want to calculate it, the reason why the original Demon God Pillars were incinerated by human reason was not because of their alternative love for human beings.

Chapter 88: The bullet of despair that will surely kill the one you love! Moriarty you? !

The evil of beasts is their love for humans.

The Demon God Pillars headed by Goetia, the Beast of Mercy.

Isn’t it precisely because I have seen so many tragedies in the world that I have such a great wish to reshape the world and wash away the glory?

From a human standpoint, although these demon pillars are absolute enemies.

But just talking about the starting point...

These are a group of demon gods with great ambitions and aspirations.

A demon who loves the world and pities humanity in his own way.

This world is chaotic and unfair...

But for most people, no matter how bad it is, just being alive is better than anything else.

Although the starting point of the Demon God Pillar is even comparable to those saints who say they want to save all mankind.

But this also leads to their natural tendency to stand on the opposite side of the world and mankind...

Perhaps as Moriarty said,

Justice (good) will definitely defeat evil. This is a law that has been determined for a long time and is inevitable.

Just because he stated this theory,

But it still proved to people once that evil does not defeat good, which is so shocking.

And for Moriarty and the devil Baal.

One is to prove, the other is to kill Fujimaru Ritsuka.

Their goal has been achieved...

Even if it is destroyed here now, it doesn't matter.

(At least in the eyes of the demon god Baal, Guda is destined to die.)

Moriarty also said calmly: "...It's over."

Alter: "You're done, Moriarty."

Moriarty: "No, it's you who are finished.

And this planet. "

Altria Alter: "...!"

Da Vinci also informed at this moment that a meteorite had been detected in the sky above Shinjuku.

It is composed of the asteroid called 'Bennu'.

Moriarty: "The world is full of stories, big and small.

Needless to say King Lear, Macbeth, etc.

The story of Dongfang Renxia, ​​the story of the Wolf King written by a certain writer,

The story of the undead knight whose head was taken away——. "


Sorry, but I haven't seen it yet!

Except for Anthony Anderson's epics, who would read those other books that lack storylines, have no "authenticity", and are nothing exciting at all?

On the other side, feeling the pressure coming from the top of his head,

Damn...! It’s an illusion! It’s an illusion!

Even though it has not yet arrived, they feel a sense of excitement and excitement that the huge fear is coming.

I was even in the mood to complain about Moriarty's words, but I wasn't too worried about the current situation of Guda and others...

Haven't realized the true seriousness of the situation yet.

Until Moriarty continued: "My story with Sherlock Holmes is also one of them.

But none of this matters.

Now, what matters most is what is said in a certain story.

Six of the magic bullet shooter's seven bullets hit the bullseye he wanted to shoot.

However, the seventh shot was operated by a demon.

This seventh shot will take away someone important to the shooter and plunge the shooter into despair.

Got it?

In this story, the seventh bullet has the power of death.

Meanwhile, the demon will surely fire his seventh bullet.

Understand, definitely. "

Everyone was stunned and surprised...! For a moment, lightning flashed across my mind, as if I understood something.

"Ah! That's why I said that Guda will definitely die!

That's what it means...! "

They could tell that the magic bullet shooter Moriarty explained was the origin of his ability to almost always miss a shot.

‘Phantom’——! !

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