This is the concept brought by the phantom that Moriarty merged with!

The seventh bullet of the god of death that is sure to hit!

Compared to simple destruction,

this kind of world-destroying treasure with the conceptual ability of instant death is the most troublesome.

It will definitely hit...!!

Everyone's breathing suddenly quickened.

Even though they knew that Guda would not die, they still trembled in their hearts.

They couldn't think of how to avoid such a blow.

It will definitely hit!

With Guda's human body,

in such a natural disaster that will destroy even the planet,

can he really be intact?

And Mashu and others also understood that this meteorite was the seventh bullet.

Heida also understood why Da Vinci had been monitoring it all the time, but only detected the meteorite that suddenly appeared over Shinjuku at this moment.

It was like a space transfer...

There was no movement, and the natural disaster appeared so abruptly.

It was because they had not felt any movement that they thought they had caught up and were in time... This illusion!

Altria Alter: "But it was activated the moment we were about to kill you!? That's why it moved nearby...!" Da Vinci: "The moment Moriarty was sure he would die, the meteorite moved and entered the launch preparation...!" Mashu: "But, in this case, the seventh shot should not be what Moriarty wants! The seventh shot is a bullet controlled by the devil. As for where this shot will hit, we have no idea-." Everyone: ! ! That's right! Mashu...! You found the blind spot! But-- They looked at Mashu and cried out in surprise as if they had noticed something: "……………………Ah." Guda: "Mashu?" People also looked at Mashu's image in confusion and nervousness. So what is going on? ! Mashu: "No way, how could it be, could it be...

Professor, is that why you are...?

This is too much... You are really too much...!!

Moriarty: "Your mind is as clear as Holmes's, Mashu.

Nothing important exists in me.

That's why I've been worried.

The six magic bullets don't have the force to turn meteorites into [bullets].

Holmes must have guessed that I would use the Holy Grail to strengthen the bullets.

...Yes, Holmes's reasoning is wrong.

In the confrontation between Holmes and I so far,

his reasoning has never been wrong.

For me, this is also equivalent to a bet.

And it is an extremely unfavorable bet.

On this basis, everything must be told to the assistant Baal.

And he must lose his memory.

Baal must recognize me as [Good Moriarty],

and must seriously want to kill me."

! ! ! !

Every time Moriarty said a word, the trembling in everyone's heart increased!

Ah, I figured it out!

I figured it out completely.

People have some guesses about why the seventh bullet came, and the possibility that it came as they wished.

But they can't believe it - is that really the level of madness that humans can do.

If there is no important person,

then take the initiative to create someone important to you.

And for normal humans,

losing important people, as described in the story, is a desperate and painful journey that humans will never choose.

And for Moriarty...

The only person who may have a bond with him... is not that - ! ! ! Ah!

Chapter 89 Moriarty's important person is Guda? !

Moriarty: "In order to kill Fujimaru Ritsuka, this is the only way."


A stomach-breaking scene!

It's the Master, it must be, it can only be the Master.

"Moriarty's important person... is Guda?!" Someone murmured the 'truth' in a lost voice.

It's already 100,000 percent certain.

Apart from Fujimaru Ritsuka, there is no one more suitable for that identity.

I understand, I understand everything...

Only in this way can we explain how to make the seventh bullet a real sure-hit bullet.

Falling as one wishes...


How could such a thing happen?

That is not a choice that humans should make.

Too cruel, too despicable...

It is understandable that Mashu, who values ​​her predecessor and master so much, would be so angry.

To kill someone, and turn someone into the person one loves...

No one expected this dramatic scene.

Moriarty's imaginative plan always brings surprises and shocks to people.

But at this moment, people can't help but think sadly and hesitantly in their hearts——

Moriarty, do you regret it?

What a wonderful plan!

He really succeeded in defeating justice (Holmes) once and proved himself.

But after truly having the emotion of traveling with Guda, can this man really continue to be so hard-hearted?

Everyone couldn't help but look at Moriarty. At this moment, deep in their hearts, they didn't even know what they were expecting to happen.

At this time, Guda had obviously guessed everything: "... Could it be."

Moriarty: "... Just as you guessed."

Artoria Alter sternly said: "I didn't understand it at all.

What is going on, Matthew? "

No, it's not so much that they didn't understand, but maybe it's that they couldn't believe it. The faces of people looking at Hei Dai turned very bad at this time.

They couldn't believe that guess.

But reality broke the last luck in people's hearts...

Matthew: "Moriarty... lost his memory and lost his good nature.

And fight side by side with the Master.

This is indeed true.

…But, think about it the other way around.

The one who must be protected even at the risk of his life——.

Isn’t it an important existence?

Therefore, the [Magic Bullet] will fly towards this tower accurately!

Because here...there is someone Moriarty firmly believes is an important being...! "

Everyone:………………! !

Ahhh. Even the gods were moved and stunned at this moment.

Is this step even included?

Looking back at the beginning, when Moriarty saved the Master many times, even at the risk of his life, it seems to be understandable at this time.

Even if you look at it according to that fatalistic theory...

Even if Moriarty doesn't save the Master, Lao Fu might take action at a critical moment.


He was the one who picked up the Master from high altitude, and he was the one who protected the Master from the claws of the first Shinjuku Rider and cut off his back.

He even helped the Master several times and fought side by side.

He was the one who obviously wanted to kill the Master...

This contradictory person was able to do this in order to kill the Master in one shot without fail.

Even if the memory is washed away,

Follow a plan, act instinctively...

But precisely because this wild and bold plan has too many uncertainties,

We even have to calculate the compatibility between the Master and him,

Despite all these risks, you still have the courage to carry it out.

This man seems so charming...

Artoria Alter: "You... even brought the Master to the Gun Body"

Are they all calculated..."

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