Moriarty: "That's right.

The humanity you have shown me so far is so beautiful.

A pure and beautiful heart that cannot be given value by the fragile way.

This deserves to be called good.

But, because of this, you are stronger than evil and weaker than good.

Fight poison with poison.

To eliminate evil, you must become evil.

Vice versa.

Fight medicine with medicine.

To eliminate good, you must become pure good!"



This is absolutely flawless!

The most perfect crime in history is probably like this.

Even the person himself does not know that he is the real criminal.

The evil person has become a 'partner of justice',

and the real 'partner of justice' is working for the local boss. This singularity is really weird and incredible.

But in the end--

Hermitos suddenly thought...

The side of Moriarty that would define it as good,

From beginning to end, it was just his (them) and Guda's own guess.

There was a helpless bitter smile on his face...

This was the first time that they had 'completely guessed wrong'.

Altria angrily denounced it as a side door!!

But it is undeniable that this side door succeeded!

Moriarty: "Exactly!

Devil, side door, Napoleon of the criminal world.

This is me, this is James Moriarty!"

That frank admission, as if it was a declaration of great importance,

made people finally realize the weight and meaning of this devilish name.

Moriarty: "Okay.

There are five minutes left before the magic bullet is loaded on the tower.

My calculation is accurate.

As long as Sherlock Holmes does not appear.

But Holmes has become my strength."

Guda: "Holmes..."

Mashu: "Master...!"

Altria Alter: "Archer, pick up your weapon.

You have to help even if you don't want to."

Emiya Alter: "...Are you going to smash the meteorite with just you and my sword?

That is not an ordinary meteorite, but one with the properties of a magic bullet.

The probability of being destroyed is extremely low. I have no reason to play with you like this--.

But okay, after all, my goal has been achieved.

A fight to the death at any time is not a problem."

Altria Alter: "Master, we will challenge the meteorite.

...Moriarty should not attack you."

It is indeed that Emiya,

a familiar formula...

Although he does not admit it, he is still doing the work of a righteous partner.

People's hearts sank...

The situation in front of them can be said to be one-sidedly unfavorable.

A complete and utter defeat.

Even if Moriarty explained the whole process of the plan... the whole story,

the result has become a foregone conclusion.

They lost, and they had already lost a long time ago.

But losing is only secondary,

the important thing is whether it can be remedied.

As long as the meteorite does not fall completely,

there is still a possibility of reversal...

Lost, but not completely lost! This is probably the last struggle now!

And people can only pin their hopes on the power of the two familiar servants.

But is it really feasible?

This time is different from the previous singularity.

It is really hard to think of any "external aid" that can appear.

A desperate sense of depression spreads in the immersive experience...

It's like the countdown to the end of the world.

Chapter 90 This question is like asking you how many small rolls you remember eating!

On the other hand, the Heroic Spirits don't even plan to play with the Master.

They let him stay with Moriarty and go to stop the asteroid alone.

Moriarty also said that he would not do anything stupid.

After all, if Fujimaru Ritsuka is killed, the seventh bullet will lose its target.

Before leaving, Altria Alter looked at the Master for the last time, and her expression became a little softer: "Stay, Master.

... And, what you did was not wrong.

This is the only thing that can be confirmed."

Then she set off to the highest point of the city,

Emiya Alter rarely spoke: "It seems that you don't need comfort.

I will naturally do my best, but sometimes giving up is also important, right?"

Guda: "…………"

Emiya Alter: "... Hum. Since you still have the energy to stare at me,

it means you should be able to hold on."

Everyone: ...! You are the least qualified to say "give up", Emiya!

Even though the future wants to kill the past self, he still has not given up his dream and keeps moving forward...

To some extent,

these two epic protagonists are surprisingly similar.

Iron-like will,

will never waver... But it is hard to say, this is also Black A's unique way of comforting (venomous tongue)

Seeing that Fujimaru Ritsuka is still very energetic, people really admire the Master's tenacity.

At this time, there is nothing that can be done.

Normal people, even gods, can only give up in despair.

If you still don't want to give up...

Emiya Alter: "Being forced into this situation, most people should have accepted their fate.

As expected of someone who saved the world.

You are really a pity."

After saying that, Black A also left.

At the same time, Chaldea——

Da Vinci: "How about forced soul transfer!?"

Staff: "No!

Due to the confirmation of the seventh round, the law of causality has been strengthened!

Shinjuku does not allow him as the master to jump through time...!"

Merry: Oh, this is really bad news!


I am completely cornered!

People in the other this happening? !

The crisis cannot be resolved, and I can't even escape.

Moriarty is too cruel.

Wuwu, old man...can you really bear to watch Guda die like this?

They don't believe that Moriarty has no true feelings now, otherwise he wouldn't have fallen into such a complicated and silent state before.

The only thing is that he doesn't see the joy after defeating Holmes.

You will regret it, and you will feel guilty for the rest of your life.

People who use emotions will eventually be hurt by emotions...

Sentimentality makes people unwilling to believe that there are really people who can be so heartless and unmoved——to that extent.

Da Vinci: "Don't give up until the moment of your limit!

You can use all means!!"

Staff B: "I understand......!"

Mashu: "Master......!"

Moriarty: "......


Da Vinci: "......You are usually eloquent, but you have become so taciturn."

Everyone: This also confirms our inner guess.

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