People all looked at Moriarty, as if they wanted to see some emotion on his face.

No matter how regretful it is... even a trace of it——!

Don’t dare to be unwilling!

Moriarty: "All that needs to be said has been said.

There's nothing more to say now. "

Da Vinci was angry and his eyes widened: "That's it.

Congratulations, Moriarty.

You made all the sacrifices,

And won Sherlock Holmes. "

The tone was full of sarcasm. This was the first time people had seen Leonardo da Vinci looking so angry, as if he could not stand something.

Could it be that Leonardo da Vinci had the same idea as them...?

Indeed, Moriarty didn't look happy...

But this damn duck is so stubborn that he refuses to admit it.

People who don’t even know what plot they are expecting make them feel resentful.

Moriarty is quite melancholy and lonely.

The figure, who seemed to be a bit older, closed his eyes slightly... and continued with a hoarse voice: "...Yes."

Da Vinci: "To be honest, in less than five minutes, we will lose.

Although I don't think it's appropriate to ask such a question at this time.

...But I think it would be difficult for the Master to ask. "

Guda: “Wait a minute.

I'll speak for myself. "

Everyone's hearts tightened as they thought of something...

Looking at Guda, they seemed to be brought into themselves at this moment.

All the way down,

Many people who are players have long been accustomed to being the 'Master' and the company of that interesting old man Moriarty.

Gradually develop a feeling of trust.

Not only Guda, they also have thousands of questions they want to ask at this moment.

If you don't say it, it will be very painful.

If you are depressed, you will be very angry...

If you don’t get real thoughts and responses, you will never give up.

Even now they are more looking forward to it than Guda, and they are equally anxious.

Moriarty was slightly startled and opened his eyes wide: "Well, what's going on?"

Guda: "Do you - regret it?"

! ! ! ! !

The question comes out, the sentence that people want to know and question the most!

Guda asked.

For a moment, everyone's eyes and consciousness were firmly focused on Moriarty.

It's like the Ten Commandments of Moses, like a questioning of fate in the soul.

'Do you - regret it? Moriarty! ’

After "getting along" with Guda for a long time, they all seem to have become more pure and stupid.

I knew I shouldn't trust this man.

But in my heart, because I have a good impression and liking for him, I still can't help but excuse him.

It's just a different stance.

At least that experience is unquestionable and not false.

The Moriarty that people know really existed.

He also lost his memory because of the plan. At that time, he really never wanted to deceive or take advantage of the Master's emotions.

But - after knowing everything, could he really bear to use Guda like this again?

Moriarty smiled: "...I don't have the right to answer this question.

But you, do you have any regrets? "

Hesitated! !

Although Moriarty did not hesitate and answered with a very relieved and calm look.

But not answering directly is problematic in itself.

It doesn't look like a big boss villain who has completed his ultimate blueprint at all.

At this time, the kind of person who is truly ruthless and ruthless, the big boss who does whatever it takes to achieve his goals, would probably laugh without hesitation.

What a stupid question...

As vile as frog piss,

Do you remember how many pieces of bread you have eaten so far?

If it were the evil savior from the next world, in this situation, he would definitely give such a perfect answer.

Will avoid answering and change the subject...

For an 'evil' whose heart is as solid as iron and has not wavered in the slightest, this is truly a sign of cowardice.

At this moment, although Moriarty did not answer,

But people already know his answer!

Chapter 91: Being a good person can tolerate malice!

A good person can tolerate evil,

Being tortured by evil can penetrate the good heart.

This is the Master of Chaldea.

Until this moment, the Master has not felt any resentment...

Moriarty could still ask so calmly.

And when asked back…

He (she) did not hesitate at all, and answered affirmatively at the first time——

"...I don't regret it!"

Everyone:! ! Ritsuka!

As expected of ‘Master’ woo woo woo. handsome!

Damn it, if the old man knows better, he should hurry into the pool and come to me! ! !

And on the other side,

Moriarty opened his eyes slightly: "Surprisingly stubborn.

...Huh? "

Guda: "...huh?"

Matthew: "Master, what's wrong?"

Guda: "Wind..."

Master and Moriarty seemed to have noticed something at this moment and stopped talking.

Moriarty: "What!?"

Bang! ! ! A fierce attack struck Moriarty.

When people come to their senses,

What he saw was Moriarty's figure escaping quickly.

Moriarty: "Tsk...!!

Who are you...! "

? ? ? : “Hahahahaha!!


Known as the Napoleon of crime, you actually regret it! "

A familiar and wanton laughter suddenly sounded, resounding throughout the top of the tower.

who? ! !

This sudden scene also confused people.

Are there any reinforcements?

? ? ? : "You have actually fallen to this extent,

Professor Moriarty!

On the other hand, this man (woman) still has no regrets,

Just move forward with all your heart!

Only then is he worthy of being my accomplice! "

Guda: "Hey...!?

This (meaningless noisy) laughter is...! ! "

Oh oh oh oh~! !

Some familiar feelings came over people.

In other words, the Temple of Time has only experienced it once.

The 'someone' played by Holmes also experienced this not long ago.

Cave King…………! !

It's the voice of the Cave King!

At the critical moment, the truly powerful heroic spirit actually appeared?

Reliable! Everyone was ecstatic...!

At this time, any fighting force is crucial to Guda and the others.

Not to mention a top servant like the Cave King.

But before they saw him, they heard his voice, and that familiar voice seemed to appear in people's minds.

‘Wherever there is difficulty, there is the Cave King! ’

? ? ? : "Hahahahaha!

You cheer up so quickly! "

Mashu: "The servant appears...analyzes the spiritual base mode...this is...!"

The black-clothed servant I saw in the Temple of Time! "

Huh~! !

The figure of the Cave King appeared in front of everyone: "Yes, my name is the Cave King!

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