Just harvested a wave of fantasy flames with the new epic Shinjuku subspecies singularity,

"Very interesting proposal, you not only want to guide the glory of heroes,

you even want every human to bloom miracles?

How arrogant, Hermitos.

What the gods can't do,

Do you still want to achieve it?

But I don't hate gods like you.

There are many kinds of arrogance...

But as long as it is related to humans, it is a plus point option for me."

Hermitos looked at the dreamy smile on the face of the 'Flower Magician',

A sense of security spread in his heart.

It seems that as long as this man agrees, even the unattainable miracle will become...easy?

Chapter 2 The romance of heroes (sons of men) is coming!

Like humans,

or rather, like all the qualities of humans.

Love to see their joy, happiness, passion, and joy,

Also lament their sad, miserable, unyielding, and tenacious side.

In essence...

The 'Flower Magician' and the God of Alchemy are the same kind of people.

In this respect, Yan, who wears this vest, cannot be said to be completely similar, but they are exactly the same.

The fun person... said, make trouble! No problem! ! Take me with you!

And because of identity, or emotion?

They all have obvious signs of leaning towards humans.

They don't even pretend...

Yan: "If you want to guide the potential of humans,

then let everyone become a hero."

Hermitos: "!!! Hero?!


It's not that easy to become a hero!

It's better to say that it's impossible.

People without talent, no matter how hard they work, train their bodies day after day, and temper their will... for several years,

the degree of power they finally gain may be far less than what geniuses gain in one day.

If genius is 99% sweat plus 1% inspiration (talent),

then the 1% inspiration (talent) is more important than the 99% sweat added together.

Despair is an insurmountable chasm.

Even among geniuses, there are such chasms.

When Yan first came to this world, the second swordsman he needed could never reach the footsteps of the Dragon Slayer Sword Saint of the Kingdom in his entire life.

Just as genius is despair in the eyes of ordinary people,

heroes are also a goal that ordinary geniuses cannot reach in their lifetime.

How big is the gap in the middle?

That is the degree that even gods feel powerless and suffocated.

Unless you use divine power (strength) to forcibly fill the broken body like catkins, the best you get is just a stronger puppet.

Compared with those heroes who can really threaten the gods in the sky,

they are just shoddy counterfeits.

Hermitos: "... It's too difficult for ordinary people to become heroes."

Yan: "Then work hard to train!"

Hermitos: "Without talent, you can't become a hero just by training!"

Yan: "Then guide their potential."

Hermitos: "!!!"

Gan~! Why do I feel like the conversation is going around in circles again?

Hard, Hermitos felt his fist hard!

If he knew how to guide human potential, would he still need to ask?

Yan, who was like a fox, always had a smile on his face.

When Hermitos was about to explode but didn't explode,

said: "Since ancient times, there have been legends of gods guiding heroes...

Giving artifacts, or telling where there are treasures to improve strength...

Guiding the brave who are lost in the maze and desert.

Even blessing humans personally...

The gods...always play a vital role in the growth of many heroes."

Listening to what Yan said, Hermitos gradually calmed down.

What does this mean?

No matter what, gods have their limits.

They can guide those with heroic potential to become heroes,

but they don't have the ability to turn waste into treasure.

If you really want gods to guide ordinary people to become heroes, TM is completely embarrassing God!

Hermitos did not speak. He just stared at the ‘Flower Magician’ in front of him.

Yan: “Ahem~!

Don’t stare at others with that scary look that makes you want to kill people.

I know…

Just get to the point.”

Yan’s eyes suddenly became a little unpredictable: “I know there is a magic that can develop the potential of human beings.

As long as you can accomplish great things, even ordinary people can have the opportunity to become stronger.

If you want to train your speed and agility, then keep dodging the enemy’s attacks.

If you want to train your strength and endurance, then keep fighting and running.

For humans,

the most desperate thing is not how high the mountain in front of them is.

But there is no hope of crossing it!

The body that has been tempered for thousands of times has reached its limit.

No matter how you train, you can’t increase your strength by a single bit.

But for a true genius, the so-called bottleneck is as if it doesn’t exist at all.”

That kind of despair, depression…

The feeling of struggling and not getting it is the final answer that countless ‘losers’ get in this crappy world of life.

Hermitos was silent after hearing this…

It is difficult for people who have not experienced that kind of reality to have the same state of mind.

For a god who was born extraordinary and stood at the top of the race value...

Hermitos did not know how deep the pain was,

but if there really was such a magic -

as long as you practice, you will definitely gain something.

As long as you are willing to work hard, all the sweat you put in will not be in vain...

That -!

"This is the best gift to mankind - miracle!" The God of Alchemy murmured.

Miracles themselves are priceless...

And such incredible magic, if spread to the world, will surely drive all adventurers crazy...

That is something that cannot be measured by value at all.

"Does this magic really exist?" Hermitos asked with some doubt.

It's too dreamy...

He still couldn't believe it.

Such a magic, even if it exists, will require a huge price.

Just as the dead cannot be resurrected,

apples will not fall from the bottom to the top.

All miracles that can be achieved require a price.

Even if it is a divine art, it is only for gods with corresponding concepts, and the cost is so small that it can be basically ignored.

And this kind of bug-like divine art, even for gods, can't...

"If you ask this world, my answer is no...

But in other worlds, there are gods who have developed such a formula and applied it to their beloved children..." Yan.

Another world? ! !

Hermitos was shocked!

"The labyrinth city - Orario..." A place name came out from Yan's mouth, deeply engraved in Hermitos' mind.

Many years later, the God of Alchemy in "Orario" recalled today,

and still felt fresh in his memory -

That was life, no, it was a turning point in the life of gods.

Thinking about it now, it still feels incredible!

"The gods came from heaven...

They built a magnificent city on the underground labyrinth - it's called Orario.

It's the place where the excitement of the unknown, the glorious glory,

the romance woven by heroic stories and cute girls.

It's a city where people's dreams and desires are waiting for an opportunity...

Hermitos, do you want to see such a city with me?"

The flower magician asked with a smile.

Yes, he found a new world coordinate again!

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