This time it’s the wrong world!

It’s better to come early than to come by chance!

Chapter 3 A god who has to work in order to survive? Lie!

'The world is longing for a hero...! ’

So the gods thought...

All disasters and tribulations are a trial...

The trial for human beings is also a trial for many races and gods.

Ragnarok is...!

The decline of the Age of Gods is also...!

Even at some point in the future, the fire that burns this world will really go out, and the earth will fall into darkness and sink into the endless deep sea of ​​silence.

It's not surprising to them.

To cope with these trials, heroes must be born!

So, is there any way to mass-produce heroes?

The gods and many races who are anxious, afraid, and uneasy about this are all looking for a perfect way to the future.

Transcending time and space, jumping from one world to another.

This was the first time Hermitos knew that the 'Flower Magician' had such terrifying abilities.

But think about it carefully,

This is normal! In the epic about King Arthur, there are two Merlins...

The former is female and the latter is male,

They are not in the same world, but they can sense each other's existence and observe 'themselves' in another world.

Since the world can be observed,

There must be a way to achieve it...

For the wise,

Don’t use too many methods like that.

But suppose...

It is understandable that Britain in the two worlds is easier to observe because of the parallel world.

But what is in front of me is a completely different world.

On the busy streets of the maze city Orario,

Two cloaked figures were standing.

Li Yan once again put on the same white cloak as 'Merlin', while Hermitos's was brown, inconspicuous among the adventurers walking on the street.

With the divine power restrained, no one would be able to discover that this is a god.

"Is it really okay?

Hey, hey, this is the headquarters of the gods here. "Hermitus.

"Is it true that it won't be discovered?"

"Don't worry, the gods here have sealed all their divine power in order to better enjoy life in the earthly world.

ha! Just like a certain game god who wants to experience how weak human beings really are,

Now they are completely weak chickens, their fighting ability is not even as good as that of wild boars.

There are even gods who have been unable to recruit relatives because it was too late in the lower world, and they were finally reduced to the point where they had to work for mortals to survive.

Although you won’t die of hunger or sleepiness if you don’t eat or sleep,

But it is completely impossible to experience such a wonderful life. "Yan opened his mouth and laughed.

Hermitus was dumbfounded: "You're lying, you're lying!

Are there any gods who are so miserable? ! "

Can you survive by working for humans?

So, with everything mixed up like this, why haven’t they unlocked their divine power yet?

Even before he came to this world, Yan had already given him some general information about this world.

Know that those gods cannot violate the rules and use divine power... otherwise they will be sent back to heaven.

But I would rather give up the dignity and face of the gods to stay here...

Homura looked at Hermitos strangely...

No, the one who has the least right to be surprised is yourself.

Speaking of working for humans,

Hermitos used to be a good player in major factories in Ceylon.

In order to learn new knowledge, he tried every position.

If the city of Ceylon one day selects an imitative worker and a good citizen, the name of a god will definitely be on the list.

"Because I won't be able to bear the loneliness..."

Now that all the gods have descended to the lower world,

If a person is sent back to heaven, he will definitely go crazy because of loneliness and loneliness.

Not to mention seeing many interesting things on the earth,

It would be unbearable for them to go back to the boring life they had before. "flame.

Hermitus: "No matter's still too embarrassing.

A god who has to work part-time to survive..."

However - he somewhat understood that the gods did not want to be sent back anyway.

If he is told to stay in heaven for the rest of his life, he cannot go down to the lower world.

Let alone being alone, even if he was accompanied by other fellow gods, he would go crazy out of boredom.

There are no heroes or epics in heaven...

There are no miracles worth singing, no dedication or sacrifice worth lamenting, no great deeds worthy of the Son of Man...

I can't see life reproducing tenaciously and prospering on the earth.

I know how beautiful and wonderful the world is...

I don’t even want to go back to the old days.

If I hadn't seen the light, I could have endured the darkness... That's exactly what I said.

If you think so——

The gods of this world surprisingly match his personality very well.

Because they are bored to death in the heaven, they will have the same status and ability as the "children" in the lower world and stand on the same ground to fight.

Build a family of dependents.

“But as long as you’re not discovered, it’s perfectly fine to secretly use your divine power.

Just like if the game couldn't be cheated, wouldn't it be a lot less fun? "flame.

"I see, then what should we do next...

If you want to learn the magic of the gods in this world, do you need to take the initiative to expose your identity and make transactions with them? "Hermitos began to think in his heart about what valuable things he had.

Although for the gods of this world, the kind of magic that can develop human potential is as cheap as it is free, and every god can do it.

But a miracle of this magnitude,

Its value itself will not depreciate in the slightest.

Just like big country technology,

Those most core knowledge,

If outsiders want to obtain it, they must be prepared to pay a considerable price.

"No need to bother...

I just need to find an adventurer and take a look at the back, and I can analyze the composition of that spell.

If you master the magic ratio, you can perfectly restore it. "Yan waved his hand.

There is actually an easier way...

The universe (reason) in the simulated creation star diagram will flow out and cover the entire earthly world.

Forcefully analyze the laws and truths of this world...

This method is similar to when he studied (copying and pasting) the origins of the world of Xingyue.


It's hard to say whether this thing can still be called a simulated star creation chart.

Hakoba's simulated star creation diagram does not have such overbearing and unreasonable power.

The intensity is completely different.

If it is not uncertain, in the process of analyzing and covering the world, it will not be interfered by the gods of this world.

Homura can even finish covering the universe,

Directly absorb the 'spirit' of this world into your own cosmology.

Achieve an alternative level of mastery of the world.

This is much faster than the growing game world universe and epic fantasy universe turning fiction into reality.

Chapter 4 The wind of involution has swept across the other world!

And the gods of this world (the Earth) - although they are also gods -

The strength is much more dangerous than in another world.

Put aside the demon kings of other worlds (reincarnation) and the creation gods (living in the background of legends), powerful men who are no longer active on the earth.

It's just that the level of the main god can no longer even catch up with the footsteps of Hermitos, the god of alchemy.

After all, he has gained spiritual power and is taking steps towards the God of Technology and Alchemy.

As for the god of the earthly world, refer to the divine costume of the moon god Artemis in the theatrical version that is enough to destroy the surface of the earth.

In another world, it would be another disaster that could trigger Ragnarok.

(Gods of another world: What the hell?! A single person can cause Ragnarok, right? Angry!

Don’t let God live anymore! )

Although Homura is not afraid of the gods here,

But if the gods rebel, the outpouring and coverage of the cosmology will be interrupted.

There will never be a root princess popping up in this world again.

...I took the initiative to pack up the roots and take them away, giving them all to my sweetheart.

“You can wander around here alone.

I still have some things I want to do, so I’ll leave first.

Just leave the magical matters to me. "After Yan finished speaking, he waved his hand behind Hermitos' back, signaling not to follow.

Before Hermitus could say anything...

The next moment, his figure had disappeared in front of Hermitus.

Without using divine power,

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