The other humans who saw this were also in an uproar.

Why did another prophecy of King Kripir suddenly pop up.

In Nordic mythology, the most prominent word is fate.

No matter what the choice is, fate cannot be broken after all, and in the end people will reach the ending that has been arranged.

At this moment, everyone who was reading felt for the first time the extremely profound power carried by the two words "destiny".

When people witness the moment when that destiny is realized, it is the moment when they face it again and feel fear at the same time!

Finally - Sigurd rolled out of the flames.

He raised his head rather alarmingly and looked back at the fire that was still burning.

The fierce flames suddenly dissipated just as he was approaching.

When Sigurd calmed down and looked in front of him, a fortified castle appeared in front of him, surrounded by neatly stacked shields.

He pushed open the door and entered, where the Valkyrie Brünnhilde was resting.

In this castle of everlasting fire.

Sigurd approached the beautiful girl sleeping in the center of the castle with joy and expectation.

The fearless gaze that made Brünnhilde's heart tremble was looking at her slightly exposed jade-white skin, such a bright gaze that made her shy.


Entered the "Palace of Fire".

Thousands of thoughts flashed through Brünnhilde's heart: 'In the middle of the burning hall, facing my sleeping body that will never wake up...

The magic silver (mithril) armor that seems to be one with this body, the meaning contained in it, ah! Did he understand it in the blink of an eye? ! ’

Suddenly sensing the magic sword swinging toward her quickly, Brynhildr made a sound of surprise in her heart.


There was not even a hint of confusion in his behavior, it was a flash of coldness and excitement like frozen soil.

Everyone's eyes widened when they read this carefully.

Regardless of whether the prophecy is good or bad, people are only nervous now.

Under the "all eyes", in the illustrations in the book, the thorns of the runes turned into the last curse of the great god have long been reduced to shackles that bind the body, integrated with the magic silver armor, and now before that light blow Already broken.

With a crisp sound, it was chopped into pieces in one fell swoop.

‘Obviously, it is a great feat that is impossible to achieve with human skills and arm strength, cutting open the magic silver. ’ Such a description in the book makes people stunned, and it is difficult to imagine in their minds what a stunning chop it was.

Even with illustrations, static illustrations still cannot satisfy everyone's inner desire for fantasy.

However, in this moment without momentum or tension, people still showed longing in their eyes.

Immediately, Brünnhilde woke up.

Air, heat, freshness, turbidity, you can feel the many tactile sensations brought by ice and fire with your skin.

No longer a Valkyrie, but completely transformed into a human with intact flesh, the naked Brünnhilde opened her eyelids and looked at the object of her material eyes for the first time.

It was Sigurd——

She kept him in her eyes.

This day, which I thought would only appear in my fantasies and would never come true, actually happened.

Brünnhilde spoke with a trembling voice.

"The one who woke me up from my long sleep... wore Bunir's invincible helmet (invisibility helmet), held the Dragon's Death (Gram) in his hand, and received unparalleled power and wisdom from the heart of the dragon... was sent to Is this cursed person the heir of Siegmund, Lord Sigurd?”

Indescribably complicated, whether it was joy, fear, disbelief, or a combination of both, complex emotions were surging in Brünnhilde's heart.

At this moment, the wind stopped, and the flames outside the hall seemed to dissipate and become quiet.

Seeing this, Claire and others also held their breath nervously.

Chapter 245 We have long been determined to disobey the sage’s prophecy, but——

Thus asked, thus spoken.

Even timid, not daring to listen... What answer will the man in front of me give me next?

Be it strength or brains, he is unparalleled in all kinds of skills and abilities. He is praised as an unparalleled hero. Everyone calls him "the one-in-a-million, arrogant and arrogant warrior king". A man who makes others praise him without hesitation. .

Don't be that name, don't be - Sigurd.

It wasn't that Brünnhilde had a problem with Sigurd, but what made her panic and scared was that the prophecy would come true.

Facing such a beautiful Valkyrie with a heart-warming timid look, Sigurd readily admitted his identity.

And Brünnhilde's heart seemed to have been struck by thunder.

"Why?" Brünnhilde asked.

"You clearly know. Sir Sigurd, if you meet me, the only way to go is a ruined future..."

"Agreed. We have heard the prophecy from King Kripir." Sigurd responded with a chuckle.

He had already heard about King Kripir's prophecy from the birds, but he still enjoyed it.

Tracked all the way here.

"Sigurd actually...knows everything?!" Claire and Tina were shocked. They never expected that Sigurd would choose to come here despite knowing the unknown prophecy.

"He...?!" Everyone said in surprise.

Sigurd's deep persistence made everyone take a deep breath and widen their eyes.

Some people's eyes were blurry and swollen, and some little loli's eyes were slightly red.

There are simply more shocking things in a day than in a year!

The god of alchemy, Hermitus, has a powerful and clear memory that allows him to recall any story or fragment he has seen at any time.

At this moment, he was stunned. In his absent-minded eyes, his mind was recalling... He thought of the scene when King Arthur drew his sword.

‘It’s hell ahead! ’

‘There were a lot of people laughing and I thought, that must be right. ’ Just like the reply the King of Knights gave to Merlin at that time.

It took a long time for Hermitos' inner turmoil to calm down. He took a deep breath, but his expression was still somewhat moved.

Is this a "hero"?

On some things, they always hold surprisingly similar obsessions.

An obsession that touches even the gods.

Maybe it's a quality that all people who become heroes have in common.

God was also impressed by it and lamented, lamenting the tragic fate that would surely come true.

People who have obsessions tend to be more determined and stronger in their hearts. There is nothing better than this.

Not to mention Claire and the others.

As the person involved, Brünnhilde became even more shaken after hearing Sigurd's answer.

This foul answer, this cheating tenderness.

"Then why..." Brynhildr trembled but hesitated.

Even though he knew everything, he was still so unafraid of hardships and dangers, yet he still wanted to save himself and wake himself up.

Sigurd, whose whole body was immersed in the joy and happiness of seeing this beautiful and kind goddess, was relieved of the haze and darkness in his heart at this moment.


Sigurd regained his composure, and then showed a firm look, "On our path, love is not necessary, and love is useless. I will only do what needs to be done to the end."

If Brünnhilde is afraid of that prophecy, it would be fine as long as the two of them don't fall in love! ——What Sigurd thought was so simple.

But Brünnhilde couldn't understand...

She really didn't quite understand what the man in front of her said.

A man with a face as neat as an ice sculpture.

The swordsman's face was as cold as a demon born from the glacier. Did those crisp words follow Siegurd or Sieglinde?

Or maybe it was Mime, the evil dwarf who raised him.

Unable to figure out what to do, Brünnhilde thought over and over again, and finally couldn't help but stare into Sigurd's straightforward eyes.

...Looking at the joy and tenderness hidden deep in his eyes, which was completely opposite to his temperament.

All right! Brünnhilde suddenly blushed.

I want to turn my head and look away, but I can't let go. The sight that almost melts me is completely and completely unable to extricate myself.

Facing his naked body as white as jade, he still looked majestic and unwavering. It was clear that any warrior would covet the body of a Valkyrie and could not help but be charmed by it. Yet he was communicating with himself so calmly. , not obscene at all.

After omitting at least 10,000 words, Claire and the others were blushing and their minds were burning with embarrassment.

——With the continuous bombardment in Brünnhilde’s heart. (It’s all a perfect description of Brother Xi in Sister Bu’s eyes. The more I look at it, the more I like it. The more I look at Sister Bu, the more girlish I am.)

Sigurd was fine, but Brünnhilde couldn't control her inner emotions.

She said, "Then, you are...going to disobey the prophecy. Save me, don't love me."

You have already decided that you will not love me - if this is the case, it is true.

It's natural to act so tall and cool.

"Great" Brünnhilde breathed a sigh of relief.

But what is flowing from your eyes at this moment? Tears?

It was like a cardamom girl saying goodbye to the object of her lovesickness, saying that she couldn't bear the blow and cried?

Although this warrior saved me, he was not prepared to love me.

I... shouldn't expect anything, not to mention that I clearly know that the result of the two being involved will only lead to countless tragedies.

But when he said the words "Don't love me" from his own mouth, he exhausted all his strength and burst into tears.

At this time, Claire and the others fell silent as they looked at Sister Bu's heartfelt confession of sadness like a lovelorn girl.

No matter how weakly, I still long for this, long for this man who can save me, just meet him...

She's already in love.

Sigurd stared at the tears, whether they were cursed or genuine, and he was stunned.

Then he clenched his fists and then loosened them again.

"Of course. We have long been determined to disobey the sage's prophecy. Even if we save you from this hall that is burning with eternal calamity, I believe that there will never be any love between children. However -"

Sigurd continued to speak under Brynhildr's blank gaze.

He just stared at the Valkyrie, and then stretched out his right hand.

"It seems like it was love at first sight." This man took the initiative to invite her to fall in love.

——That smile. This penetrated Brünnhilde's heart.

Sigurd has never known mother's love, never known father's love, never known the love of God, and has been fighting to this day.

And Brünnhilde, who only acts according to the will of the great god, and acts like an automatic existence until now.

The two knew the taste of love for the first time here.

"Ahhhhhh! They're in love! They're really in love! So envious, so happy! No... No, there's a prophecy, damn it." Claire and the others, who were successfully softened to the bone, had their hearts burst.

But when they thought of the prophecy, the girls felt bad.

Chapter 246 Brunhilde became a daughter-in-law?

No one could deceive themselves when looking at the illustration of them hugging each other.

The sweet love between Sigurd and Brunhilde seemed to be coming out of the book.

The girls could only envy them.

At this time, Yuzuha, the cat-eared girl, who was in the library and looking at the manuscript like Hitti last time, blushed, her furry ears softened, and the small fish biscuits in her right hand felt a little stale.

She also wanted... she also wanted a sweet love.

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