Almost subconsciously, when thinking about potential romantic partners, Yuzuha thought of Homura - a human being whom she had a great affection for.

But the other party is not an orc. If they are together, although they can do it... but will they not be able to have a baby? Thinking about the issue of reproductive isolation, the cat-eared girl was so ashamed that she almost fainted.

And also in terms of status——

...Now that there was a huge gap in status between the two of them, Yuzuha hurriedly put this unrealistic fantasy out of his mind, but his face became even hotter.

"You can't believe all the prophecies! I believe Brünnhilde will never do anything to harm Sigurd in the future!" Claire said to herself with conviction while reading the book.

Countless readers watching this scene are blessing with the same thoughts.


If love has not been betrayed, if there can be more trust between each other. Maybe everyone’s blessings will come true.

At this moment, Brünnhilde is like a young girl who fell in love.

She failed the great god and was deprived of her divinity, but someone threw herself into her arms and promised her love.

Brünnhilde was extremely convinced that it was not the Father's spell that was at work at this time, or rather it was not just the spell of love that was at work.

She really felt love for Sigurd.

Facing Sigurd like this, how could Brünnhilde be so cruel as to hurt him?

This love cannot be completely distorted even if the elixir is taken in the future. At most, others will be forcibly transformed into the reincarnation of "Sigurd" in Sister Bu's eyes.

Even the soul and will can be distorted by the magic potion, and the gods cannot resist it. If there is still a loved one, that love will be used as a residue to burn new love.

But Sister Bu was able to resist tenaciously by missing her, fighting with her own soul, her own will, and her own body.

Just because Sigurd is so special and unique to Brünnhilde, and is her lover only. No one can change the thoughts in their mind, at most they can only distort it.

It was the Valkyrie who gave her all in return for this love.

Ah...this is what she loves, everything she has - Sigurd!

From the moment they meet, the world itself changes color.

Everything -

It makes people mistakenly think that time is reversed and returned to the moment when all things were born.

The chirp (a sound of birds) informs the morning bird, the mother clings to the young deer.

The plants and trees that bear strong fruits, the fragrant flowers that bloom brilliantly in spring.

The gurgling snow melts and flows, and the warriors intersect with each other's swords.

The girl who is eagerly awaiting the man's return is gold and iron forged by hot heat.

The sun rises in the clear sky, illuminating the stars in the night sky... Where did all the things in the world that surround the individual named Brünnhilde come from?

She understands now.

This man is the only reality to me.

The flames in the hall disappeared after Sigurd rescued Brünnhilde, and it turned into a tryst place where the two would not be disturbed.

If those astringent people who gave up on the Valkyrie because they were afraid of the flames knew what was happening in the palace, they would definitely be so envy, jealous, and hateful that their faces would be distorted by Sigurd.

Claire and others wish the new lovers well.

The stories of heroes and beautiful girls are always as graceful and beautiful as poetry.

Later, they witnessed Brünnhilde teaching Sigurd in the temple.

The story continues——

Brünnhilde, who devoted everything to her lover, wanted to give the best to Sigurd.

She will pass all the knowledge from the beginning of the original rune to Sigurd, just so that Sigurd can have more resistance in the coming bloody fate. Just in that prophecy Brünnhilde's heart was broken by her lingering breath.

But what made Claire and others feel complicated and hesitant to speak was that they were horrified to find that part of the prophecy had come true.

Although it was for Sigurd's good, Brünnhilde also chose to teach Sigurd the words of Rune in the prophecy.

"Ah! Does this count as complying with the prophecy?"

The panicked Claire and Tina exclaimed in low voices, and could only pray that they could continue to live in such a happy and peaceful way.

But when they saw the thick pages at the back, which clearly had many stories to read, they felt worried and uneasy for the first time because there was too much to read.

It’s a happiness that makes people look forward to and troubled at the same time.

Obviously something else is going to happen!

There was no way to affect the progress of the story, so everyone had no choice but to continue reading the plot in the back of the book.


They saw Sigurd hunting and catching prey in the mountains in the morning, and Brünnhilde fulfilling her responsibilities as a professor during the day.

The two of them toasted to each other over meat at night, and at the end of the day, it goes without saying that they lusted after each other.

This scene was repeated day and night.

Even Sigurd’s parents, Siegmund and Sieglinde, would never have imagined this!

Claire and others couldn't help but have daydreams and bad taste in their hearts.

Who would have thought that the beautiful Valkyrie who they once respected so much and was so helped by each other would actually become their future daughter-in-law?

Perhaps Brünnhilde never thought that the man she had resolutely saved Sieglinde and the child in her arms would now become her only one, the man she loved.

Everyone sighed - fate is really unpredictable.

However, when they looked at this scene with envy, they felt strange.

According to the real age and seniority, Brunhilde is not Sigurd's... that one?

...But the two of them are like a match made in heaven and are now in perfect harmony, as if they should live such a happy life.

Everyone felt that they should not look at their identities with a secular perspective. Isn't it sweet for the dragon-slaying hero and the goddess of the past to be together?

So, people ate this full mouthful of dog food honestly.

But they didn't mind at all, and the more they ate, the more delicious it became. They all hoped that Sigurd and Brunhilde could stay together like this.

And at this moment in the book -

Because of the teachings of Brunhilde, a rare Valkyrie with wisdom and beauty in the world.

Sigurd began to learn the teachings of dealing with people that he could not learn when he left human society.

Brunhilde also gave Sigrdrifa, which means Sigdrifa, the rune representing the god of victory, to Sigurd.

And told him that this was another surname of hers as a Valkyrie.

At the same time, this gift was also a warning to Sigurd about his fate.

Chapter 247 Forget everything! The next step is a complete change!

In response, Sigurd said: "Even if I know that I am doomed, I will never lose my mind and panic, because I have never been a coward. I must listen to all your advice."

So Brunhilde gave Sigurd eleven pieces of advice that hit the point, but they all came true later.

Even as strong as the Warrior King and the Nordic Valkyrie, they could not escape the terrible thing of fate.

If only time could stay here forever.

The illustration in the book shows Sigurd and Brunhilde leaning against each other, sleeping with their eyes closed.

The two people are simple-minded, and they are both tasting the nourishment of love for the first time.

If there were no external changes, everyone would like to believe that they would not betray each other and would always stick to this beautiful love.

However, the fulfillment of the prophecies made Claire and the others more and more nervous.

The following events started when Sigurd went to King Giuki to fulfill his promise.

The King of Giuki had two sons, Gunnar (who could be seen as another Gunther) and Hegnar.

There was also an adopted son, Guttrum, and a daughter, Gudron.

The king's family was overjoyed at the arrival of this powerful warrior who was a dragon-slaying hero and the king of warriors.

They held a banquet to entertain Sigurd.

And Sigurd also told them that he had passed through the Palace of Fire and fell in love with the beautiful Brunhilde, hoping to get everyone's blessing.

But King Giuki's wife Grimhild had other ideas after hearing this.

She thought to herself... How wonderful it would be if a heroic young man like Sigurd could be with her daughter.

People all know the evil dragon Fafnir, who is feared by even the god king Odin.

But Sigurd is the hero who killed the evil dragon.

No one would dislike such a heroic character.

And if Sigurd can work together with his three sons, no one in the world will be able to stop them. They are all the best warriors. (The king's wife drinking in her mind)

Grimhild, who didn't feel like flattering the princes at all, offered Sigurd a glass of wine with her horns for this beautiful idea in her mind.

Sigurd didn't know that the rune of forgetfulness had been placed in the wine glass.

When he drank the wine, the memory of love and Brunhilde completely disappeared from his mind.


Like a storm with thunder and rain, it suddenly swept into people's hearts.

At the moment when everyone didn't come back to their senses, the story suddenly took such an amazing turn.

"Ah!" Claire and the others screamed.

Forgot... Forgot? ! Sigurd forgot all the memories related to Brunhilde? ! No way!

How could this happen!!!

Everyone was shocked and incredulous... It was hard to accept such a fact.

Claire and the others didn't know other earth myths.

But in many myths on Earth, it is not uncommon for heroes to forget their past loves because of drinking too much wine, or other magic or oaths.

But this is the first time it has appeared in the other world.

It has been said in the past that in the other world there are only old-fashioned stories of heroes saving the world and defeating the devil.

Therefore, Claire and the others have been worried about the day when the prophecy of Sigurd and Brunhilde comes, but they can't guess what the reason is that Brunhild will kill Sigurd.

At this time, Claire and the others looked at Sigurd who forgot everything because of drinking too much wine in the story, and an ominous premonition was born from the heart.

In ancient Greek mythology, the scum who deceived and abandoned the young C mother, that is, Medea Lily.

...The hero who was looking for the golden fleece? (Scumbag) Prince Jason, there is a version that he will forget the memories related to Medea because he kissed his parents on the cheek when he returned.

Medea was already pregnant with Jason's two children at the time. Before Jason left, she told him not to kiss his parents on the cheek, otherwise he would definitely forget his love for me and all the memories related to it.

Jason promised that he would send someone to pick up Medea as soon as possible after returning, and marry her openly and gloriously, but he forgot this instruction and later married a princess from another country.

In that version, Jason also suffered a tragic fate similar to that of Sigurd now.

Of course, the one in the Moon World was a complete scumbag. This one directly fell in love with someone else, took advantage of Medea, and then left.

——This also led to C's mother turning from love to hate and becoming a witch feared by the world.

On this side, Sigurd was originally going to set off to return to the Valkyrie Brunhilde after the banquet.

But because he drank the wine of forgetfulness.

Now Sigurd has long forgotten Brunhilde.

He and Gunnar, the son of King Giuki, met and finally became brothers.

After hearing the legend of Sigurd, the king's daughter Gudron has always loved and admired this dragon-slaying hero.

With the help of everyone, the two met and soon Sigurd accepted the girl's love.

The seeds of disaster have been planted and have sprouted.

The tree buds have grown and are about to be engraved with the miracle of betrayal.

He forgot the oath to stay with Brunhilde for life and the oath of loyalty he made to Brunhilde's spear.

"If I betray you, you can use this spear to pierce my chest in the future."

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