In the epic,

Ang: "Are the missing people Liuka, Petra and Mild?"

Rem looked at Ang beside him in surprise.

He only came to the village once, but he could remember the specific names of the missing children clearly?

It's not just that his memory is good enough.

Ang's observation is also sharp.

The most important thing is that he cares about the children.

He didn't ignore them just because they were too young. Ang is really gentle.

On the other hand, the young man was stunned when he heard the names Ang said.

"Yes, that's right... Do you know where they went?"

Ang suddenly turned his head and looked calmly at the end of the village - the direction of the wall leading to the forest.

Using the reverse method, if he was the sorcerer who attacked the village this time, then which way would he evacuate after kidnapping the children...

The answer seems obvious.

Compared to the road in front of the village that is easy to find and catch up, and the road up the mountain...

The forest is not only good for hiding, but also better for controlling the monsters to wait for opportunities and lurk, and lay traps in advance.

As long as you wait for the enemies who come to rescue to fall into the trap, you can...

'The biggest problem is not whether you can find the trap, but whether you still need to rescue when you know the existence of the trap...' Ang thought quickly in his heart.

Damn it——!

If Roswaal didn't do it so ruthlessly!

At this time, Ang's eyes were red, and the murderous intent in his eyes was even more shocking.

There was a rebellion against the sorcerer,

killing himself and Rem, and now even not letting children go, the unscrupulous behavior has touched Ang's reverse scale.

There was also a rebellion against Roswaal...

This is not even pretending!

But Ang didn't have the confidence to completely tear his face with the clown.

Ang took a deep breath and suddenly said in a stern voice: "Who else is looking for the child besides you?"

Now no one can be trusted, except for himself and Rem. If there is any external help that can be found...

It can only be the young and strong people in the village!

Young man: "All the youth groups are dispatched, including the village chief."

Ang: "The children are in the forest. Even if you search the whole village, you can't find them."

Ang's assertion made the young man's face change drastically. He seemed to have something else to ask Ang, but Ang patted his shoulder and walked into the forest.

"I'll go into the forest first, and you go tell everyone that the child is in the forest!"

Without answering the question behind him, Ang walked straight into the forest.

Rem, who hurriedly caught up, cast a puzzled look at Ang's confident attitude.

"Why do you know..."

"Guess." Ang didn't have time to explain so much.


Perhaps it was the influence of the figure practicing swordsmanship in the sunset these days,

or perhaps it was the influence of being invaded by the Witch Cult and sympathizing with each other,

Rem trusted him more than Ang imagined.

俛 No more talking, just assume that Ang guessed it!

Rem's eyes became firm, and she followed Ang closely.

Soon the two of them came to the edge of the village barrier.

"——The barrier is broken." Rem said in surprise.

The crystal that was supposed to be embedded in the tree.

The crystal that seemed to have lost its light for a long time should be the barrier medium set up in the trees in the forest at a certain distance.

"Wait, Ang... where are you going!!" Rem looked at Ang, who had a cold face but stepped into the forest with extremely firm steps, and at the same time drew the sword she brought down from the mountain.

"Go and rescue those little ghosts...

You go and notify the others in the village to come over.

If there is danger, I will shout loudly.

If there is no danger, I will cast the magic of 'smoke screen' to the sky to show you the direction." Ang.

"No, this is too dangerous! And Ang has no evidence to prove that the children are inside. To cross the barrier, you need the permission of Lord Roswaal..." Rem.

Waiting for the permission of that clown? !

That clown hid himself just to wait for this moment!

Ang gritted his teeth, blood almost bursting from his gums.

Now, he no longer trusts Roswaal.

"Listen, Rem, the scar on the back of my hand is the evidence!

The dog that children love is not a dog if it pretends to be a dog. If it unilaterally curses the monster that is bitten...

The situation of those children is very dangerous now..." Ang clearly remembered the fear of losing physical strength and gradually selling life to death.

Compared with himself as a whole person...

Those children can wait less time.

Ang can only apologize in his heart--!

He had boasted that he would pass the level with one life this time so that no one would be hurt.

But he did not expect Roswaal to leave...

Or... he found that he relied too much on the power of others.

Sometimes, when you lose the powerful help you can rely on,

If you can only rely on yourself,

If you face this situation again, do you have to give up?

This is the question that Ang has been avoiding, not wanting to face...

He subconsciously doesn't want to think about his own weakness,

Because of weakness, sometimes you have to choose to give up, choose to make choices...

For this reason...

He tried so hard to become stronger!

But, not enough, not enough, not enough!

Is this level of training enough?

Even if you are so tired that you can't move a finger,

Even if you are so tired that your bones creak and make a slight sound under the heavy burden,

Think about it, what are the tears shed because of fear, death, and despair!

Can crying save the people you want to save and protect the people you want to protect?


Face the reality!

"Rem, listen... Who is the weaker one here, you or me?

As for exploring the way, let the weak one try it.

The strong one keeps his strength and waits for intelligence before taking action, and the chance of success will be much greater.

I am not trying to prove how great and selfless I am.

If I am stronger now, I will also mercilessly ask you to detect danger.

This is a necessary decision...

Although it is very unwilling, you are stronger now! So don't stop me."

Ang's lips trembled, looking at Rem coldly and said.

But only he knew that

even if he was the stronger one, he would make the same decision as now.

Not letting Rem go first is just because he never wants to hear that heart-wrenching cry again!

He already... doesn't want to break his promise to anyone anymore!

I promised to save you, Rem!

Chapter 51 I don't have a dream, but I can protect other people's dreams!

Rem grabbed Ang's sleeve and didn't want to let go.

"What if this problem was created while Lord Roswaal was away... What if they wanted to attack the mansion to lure the tiger away from the mountain..."

"So let me, a weak fighter, go...

Even if I sacrifice, it won't affect the defense of the mansion." Ang said decisively without looking back.

"Of course -

Abandoning the children who are now in danger and returning to the mansion to strengthen the defense, it doesn't matter if everyone in the village dies the next day, that is indeed a method.

But I think that if I can't even protect the people in my own territory,

Emilia will also lose her qualifications as the king." Ang said coldly.

He also knew that his words were despicable,

and this reason made Rem speechless...

Even if I didn't want Ang to take this risk, I didn't know what to say to persuade him for a while.

"Why do you have to go to this extent... Ang has nothing to do with this existence..."

Facing the confused girl,

Ang showed a smile on his face, like a gentle dawn illuminating the darkness...

"My feet are shaking, and it is also afraid to move forward. If it doesn't want to go, there are other reasons besides fatigue... many, many...

I probably can't finish talking about it all night.

Although I am timid and weak... like me.

But I still remember..."

"Remember what?" Rem.

"Petra's wish is to make clothes in the city when she grows up."


"Liuka said that she wants to inherit her father's job as the most powerful woodcutter in the village;

Mild wants to collect flowers in the flower field to make a crown, and then give it to her mother as a gift."

Ang just said these wishes seriously, which couldn't be any smaller.

None of them is related to him...

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