But it’s not just Rem…

Ais, the others, and the gods who saw the epic here seemed to understand something.

"Meina's brother or sister is about to be born, so he is very happy; Dain and Hekain are brothers and they are always arguing about who gets to marry Petra."

Couldn't help but chuckle.

The gods also fell into silence and were stunned...

Even if several reincarnations are included, he has never known the children for more than a week.

The only one who will keep those children's words in his heart is Ang.

at last--

In countless pairs of shocked eyes,

"It's not irrelevant..." Ang said with great determination in his hoarse voice.

"I know their faces and their names and what they want to do in the future, I know it all."

He hates children.

He is noisy and pretends to be mature, his speech is neither too loud nor too small, and most importantly, he is completely rude.

Rude, disrespectful, impudent and impolite...


We made an appointment, see you again tomorrow!

Unlike Ang, who came to this world alone and aimlessly, the children still have light and a promising future.

That's what he doesn't have, but wants to protect.

"I have no dreams, but I can protect the children's dreams." Finally, Ang said in a deep voice.

Follow your own voice and choose to fight, this is Ang!

As Ang finished his last words, the shock and impact on his soul made Rem slowly let go of her hand holding his sleeve.

Said that he would be weak and fearful,

But there is no resentment at all, a man who laments his current situation and has already realized that he is going to die.

In this dark night, it is literally sparkling!

If Rem, as a child, could have been so brave that night before danger came...

Instead of letting his sister stand in front of him and fight.

Compared with Ang like this, Rem felt like an ugly duckling with low self-esteem.

This is a brave and gentle person who doesn't hesitate to take advantage of his own cowardice.

"There's really nothing I can do about you."


Rem, with the corners of her mouth raised, suddenly looked up at Ang.

This could be said to be the first time that Rem's expression showed clear emotions.

"Rem was ordered to monitor Ang. If Ang is left here alone, he won't be able to complete his work, right?"

Suddenly, he told Ang about this without any concealment.

Those words seemed to be mocking, but Ang turned around with a helpless smile on his face.

"Rem you..."

"Don't even think about leaving me and escaping alone. My sister, Lady Beatrice, and Lady Emilia are enough to guard the mansion.

Therefore, Rem judged that Ang needed Rem more at this time. "

"Really..." A person's determination can be seen in his eyes. Ang is not a show-off person. After noticing the determination in Rem's eyes, he decisively agreed.

"Then... you have to keep a close eye on me to see if I do anything suspicious."

"Yeah. Rem will do it. So - let's go.

Aren't you in a hurry? "

Looking at Rem walking beside him, Ang felt for the first time that this was the moment when the two of them truly became partners.

A wave of heat surged into my heart...

Endless courage emerged spontaneously, dispelling the last fear in his heart.

At this moment, Ang felt as if he could do anything, as long as he had such a partner standing beside him.

That confident, wanton, and ferocious smile appeared on his face again.

It's okay to underestimate him, but... if you underestimate his partners, you will definitely suffer big losses.

Unknown sorcerer,

Pray that your Warcraft power reserve is enough!

That person who once fought against the Guthunter was able to hit a fatal bolas without even realizing it!

When his power is shown not as an enemy but as a partner...

It will be an indescribable peace of mind!

At the same time, on the other side,

In the immersive epic, see here,

Hermes: "!!!!! Hahahahaha!"

Be it a partner or a beauty! ! Nice! This is it, this is it!

The man who fights to protect the smiles of children,

The moment when you finally reach peace with your loved one and fight side by side to overcome the trial together!

This is the time for heroes to rise!

Go cross it! Witness the ordeal, and then... go beyond the limit!

There could be no more touching and wonderful moment than this.

Demonstrate force and belief...

Go and save the children!

Just when the gods were excited and inspired.

Click~! In the epic,

And at the moment when we climbed over the railing and entered the forest,

Rem, who was walking beside Ang, took out an iron ball from somewhere under the maid's skirt.

The iron ball connected with an iron handle and a chain made a crisp metallic sound that did not match the weight in Rem's hand.

"Excuse me, Miss Rem, which one is it?"

"For protection."

"No, but that..."

"It's for protection."

That's right, a doting smile flashed across Ang's face.

This protective weapon is really reliable and makes people full of confidence.

Chapter 51 The first thing she did when she woke up was not to ask me to save her

Ang and Rem were talking like this while stepping into the forest that no one had ever set foot in before.

The two of them were alert to the movements around them.

The moonlight was blocked by the trees, and the forest was dark and dark.

Avoiding the trees that blocked the way, and moving forward by pushing aside the branches, the body was covered with bleeding scratches.

In this world where the only light source is the weak moonlight...

Ang found that he could only rely on Rem's strong sense of smell to explore the forest.

As a ghost, Rem's physical qualities in all aspects are indeed much better than his.

This is also one of the reasons why Ang did not insist on letting Rem stay where she was and wait...

It really helped a lot.

Looking at Rem's petite back, Ang's attention dared not be distracted for a moment.

Rem: "——There is a smell of creatures nearby."

Towards the left, Rem suddenly cast a sharp gaze and whispered,

"Is it the children?"

"I don't know, but it's not the smell of a beast."

"It's enough to know this." Ang asked Rem to lead him to find the location where the smell came from.

Finally, after pushing away the bushes, a small path gradually appeared, and finally gradually walked to a wider position.

With the help of the moonlight, a slightly higher hill came into the eyes of Ang and others.

"It's the children!" The children collapsed on the green ground and fell asleep in a big letter shape.

Ang and Rem hurried over to confirm whether the children were safe.

There were a total of six people lying on the ground. Although they were all unconscious, they still had body temperature and breathing.

But they were very weak...

"It's a curse!" Ang.

Looking at those pale faces, desperately repeating short and rapid breaths, cold sweat on the forehead, as if they were having a nightmare.

I died in this situation in the first reincarnation.

The more angry he was in his heart, the calmer Ang's spirit and face became.

After confirming that Rem could not remove the curse and could only cast magic continuously to stabilize the situation,

"I will open the way and carry the children, Rem, you just need to cast magic, and when we get to the village, let the young people in the village take the children to the mansion together and give them to Betty to remove the curse."

Although Ang wanted to kill the sorcerer behind the scenes now,

the conditions did not allow it.

The lives of the children are at stake.

They simply cannot spare the strength to fight.

But at this moment, Ang keenly discovered that one of the lost children was missing.

Under Rem's healing magic,

Petra, who woke up first, told Ang that there was a little girl with braids still inside.

Damn it...!

It seems that they are trapped!

This is an open conspiracy, which is clearly intended to attract them to continue to go deeper into the forest.

For Ang's rationality,

abandoning the child whose life and death are uncertain and whose chance of rescue is not high, and giving priority to saving the lives of other children may be the best choice.

If he gets angry because of the enemy's provocation...

It's not just his own life that is lost, what about these children?

But if Ang is determined to abandon the child with fewer people and more dangerous rescue in order to protect other children.

Put the weight of life on the scale and compare the advantages and disadvantages of quantity.

Such redemption no longer contains a trace of warmth,

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