Chapter 88 A new epic, the name of Lostbelt!

In the tavern,

The two gods sit together.

At first, people saw Hermes and Hermitos, the otherworldly gods, together, and they seemed to have a very good relationship.

Some people with sensitive reactions find it strange!

Hermitus was only officially exposed once in Mellie's live broadcast room.

People didn't know about his existence before, but because it wasn't long ago, many people who had just watched the live broadcast still had some impressions of this male god from another world.

Someone recognized the tavern. It was opened in the royal capital, not far from the main street that Ang was supposed to cross.

‘It’s that time when all the gods are squatting! ’ Many people and gods reacted.

Looking at you like this, the god Hermitus also had thoughts about Ang at the beginning? !

Could this be related to Ang appearing in another family of the goddess Mei Li from another world? !

And the next moment,

People can't sit still!

When Homura visited the two of them, his hood was blown away by the powerful force, revealing his true appearance.

Although it disappeared for only a moment, people could not mistake it.

"It's Ang——!!"

"Ang first appeared in the royal capital of Guoqinlong Kingdom!!"

"The time and place are right...

That is to say! ! "Someone's lips trembled in disbelief.

A thought struck everyone's mind like thunder.

‘Ang has actually arrived before. He has already arrived in the royal capital.

But he was abducted by the gods Hermes and Hermitos on the way? ! ’

Rem and others, as well as the gods, who had been paying attention to the news about Ang, suddenly felt excited!

Suppress the dark emotions tumbling inside.

ha? ! !

They waited for so many days, and this is the result?

How could this be?

They all ran away without saying a word, leaving them waiting in vain for so many days.

For a time, a lot of strong resentment attacked Hermes and other gods.

And those gods who have been staying in the world of Heat want to try their luck and see if they can wait for Ang.

"Hermes, what a plan."

"I really didn't expect it to be like this."

"Damn it!!! Bastard!! Ang should have joined my family!!" The last one was the jealous and jealous Apollo.

If you can bring this treasure into the family,

One after another... people like Emilia, Rem and others will also come to my door!

For a male and female notice, the super handsome Apollo god,

It is simply an unforgivable crime to miss the opportunity to win so many lovely children in one fell swoop.

And at the same time on the other side...

Rem, Emilia and others also firmly determined to find Ang.

Ram was still suspicious at first, but now he stopped trying.

The time and place are correct,

It proved that the man had appeared in the royal capital before.

I just don’t know why neither God Hermes nor God Hermitus accepted it as a dependent, but instead gave it to the goddess Meili.

But such a coincidence, if coupled with the story in the epic that almost predicts the future, this is not just a coincidence, but fate!

Rem: "Rem, I want to join the Merry Familia!"

Ram: "Have you decided?"

Rem: "Yeah!!"

Ram sighed: "I understand, sister will help Rem.

But that Lord God has always been in the other world and has never come here.

Let’s try first to see if we can contact Goddess Mei Li through the live broadcast room. "

Rem: "Yeah!"

...Just when Rem made up her mind.

Emilia: "..."

Are you in another world?

If you want to pass, do you have to give up participating in Wang Xuan?

Unlike Rem, who can pursue her hero wholeheartedly,

Emilia, Crusch...and even Betty, who was still in the big library and hadn't even come to the royal capital,

Everyone is burdened with heavy burdens and responsibilities, and they are unable to escape. Some people are happy and some are sad at the same time.

And on the other side...

Homura approached Lyu, and at his invitation, Lyu changed his mind and agreed to reactivate God's favor and join Merry's family.

In this way, Lyu became the second member of the Familia.

After asking Lyu to take him to the underground dungeon,

Homura also left Meili with a new task...

"The new epic can start to be updated. Taking advantage of the current hero trend..." Flame.

That's right, after re, Homura plans to update something new.

Little by little, he brought the world of the old epic that was completely wrong and re-created.

Although the enthusiasm for discovering the new world has not yet passed,

As a result, there are fewer people discussing and paying attention to the new epic.

But gradually, as more and more people read those epics,

A storm is brewing! !

The battle of myths, the struggle for the throne of the only god in the world, the tragic song of the weakest human race defeating the strongest.

The touching love between Riku and Hubie,

The collective sacrifice of the Ex-Machines!

In the dark soul, generations of fire kings burn themselves and use themselves as Chai Xin's fire, just to continue the light of this cursed world for a few days.

The human mind is burned away, the last master of mankind crosses the seven singular points, bids farewell to the Mother Goddess of Creation, and bids farewell to the Exploding Hammer Demon King Goetia in the Crowned Temple of Time, as well as the doctor's final farewell!

Even the ancient Pharaoh, whose name is in the name of the king, the Creator God of Light who shines in the multiverse, ended the great evil god of darkness, Thok, and ended the struggle between light and darkness that had lasted for countless years!

This is the time when the gods cheer and go crazy,

It is also an era that stimulates the gods to explore and open up new worlds!

From the age of heroes, to the age of gods, to the present age of exploring other worlds.

What Yan did before finally had obvious results.

Because of the real existence of the re world, the gods have no doubts about the legends of saviors filled with various magnificent epics.

Just defeating monsters and completing the great feat of defeating the weak against the strong is enough to make the gods marvel, greedy, and love the hero...

And even among powerful heroes,

When working with Riku, with the last master of mankind, with the immortal who spreads fire, and with that insignificant individual at every turn, he managed to do something that even the gods could not do.

Compare to the savior who has solved various world crises!

All the heroes faded and suddenly became boring.

And just in this case...

Every epic update will attract the attention of a large number of people and gods.

And the gods are like drug addicts who simply cannot stop.

A new epic was quietly mixed among the many updated new epics, and appeared in the magic crystal.

And as soon as the magic crystal prompt sounded, Hermes entered it.

"Oh oh oh oh oh! Let me see which series of epic updates it is...

Wait, wait... is this the continuation of the story of the last master of mankind? !

New subspecies uniqueness? ! "Hermes was ecstatic and his eyes suddenly widened.

Among these many epics, the ones he likes the most are the ones he tells about, ordinary and ordinary, even the master's talent is extremely weak, the last master of mankind...

In order to regain the future of mankind, the story of restoring human nature.


When Hermes clicked in, he was suddenly stunned.

It's not a subspecies singularity...but--!

"The Lostbelt - Permafrost Empire Anastasia!!!" Slowly read out the font that burned like a flame but was as colored as ice and snow, appearing on the cover of the epic.

Hermes was stunned.

It’s actually the Lost Belt——! ! !

Chapter 89 If the secret cannot be revealed, mankind will not be able to rest in peace until death!

Living in a pure western fantasy world,

In an era when fairies, gods, and heroes were active,

Has anyone ever thought that one day in the future, the mystery will completely disappear and usher in an era of human rule?

Reject relying on the strength of others, but rely on human beings' own wisdom and courage to open up the future.

It seems that one or two special cases can always be found in any world for such special people.

Even if others don’t understand...

Still carrying the burden and moving forward alone!

Ke Qing in the Original God, Kurxiu in the Re, and even the most powerful and invincible couple of the human race that has never had any protection from gods from the beginning.

The human era is like an extremely distant dream...

There are always one or two people who want to be the pioneers who let the dream set sail.

And what is it like when there are only humans?

This is a scene that humans in this world have never dreamed of.

Now, it seems that we have the answer...

It was a kind of shock and impact that cannot be described in words——!

And when the setting of Lostbelt comes,

Straight across the era of human rule, adventurers and gods from other worlds learned about invaders from the stars for the first time.

The pair of enemies fell into complete ignorance, mysterious and profound panic...

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