The world is cut short.


‘——In this way, our history comes to an end. ’

Open the immersive epic,

Act 1,

The extremely desolate snowfield and the blue sky came into view.

In the howling cold wind,

There is a sound...

‘It has been more than 90 days since the invasion from space began.

The Earth became a completely bleached planet.

Just three months of resistance.

No. It was a long and long battle that lasted for three months.

All resistance is in vain. This is normal.

Because we are only good at containing and monitoring our neighboring countries,

There is no plan to deal with the invaders from the universe.

The United States, which resisted until the end, was eliminated a few days ago.

The few remaining humans,

He could only stare into the void helplessly.

Everyone has eyes clouded with despair,

Accepting the reality that today may be the last day on earth,


I can't accept it no matter what. ’

'Ignoring those who immerse themselves in final prayers,

Like a troubled child, he rushed out of the camp.

What is shown in front of you is nothing like the past.

A white wilderness where everything is brand new.

We have no chance of reversal or survival.

All activities failed to yield any results.

And what's even more embarrassing is,

I'm looking around for old records.

Riding an old-style automatic two-wheeler with fuel that can only go there but never come back,

Speeding through the wilderness that turned into a white world. ’

This is……?

After the alien god has arrived, what is the inner monologue of someone among the surviving humans on that planet? !

As soon as I entered the immersive epic,

Crusch was so shocked that he forgot about the white wilderness in front of him.

In her previous epics, she had witnessed the human beings in that world, the prosperous and powerful civilizations of all eras,

Some civilizations even gave her a feeling of invincibility.

And I sincerely admire and admire the series of great deeds accomplished by the heroes in the history of mankind in that world.

Even if human reason is burned, it cannot defeat the history of mankind.

It is unimaginable that we will face such a desolate and miserable future now.

Can the last survivors of mankind have no choice but to hide in such an extremely cold place and eke out an existence?

It's really hard for her to believe...

Such a powerful future built by human history, the fact that humans on this planet have been defeated.


Only 90 days.

He accomplished what the original jealous witch had never been able to do, and destroyed the world.

Uh~! ! Cruxiu's heart sank as he looked at the scene in front of him.

Although the trailer for the Lostbelt-related intelligence epic followed the previous one,

In the end, the savior who saved human history escaped with his companions.

Sneaking through imaginary numbers, he completely disappeared from reality and sank into the ‘Sea of ​​Time’.

But no news has come back yet.

The original question of why the outside world has not supported Chaldea is completely meaningless now.

The whole world has fallen. If we try to find out whose fault it is, what can we change?

But facing such a powerful enemy,

And when even Chaldea has been completely lost, even if Guda and others are still alive,

Can those people alone really save the world?

He could only rely on the group of people who fled in such a panic and were forced into the gaps in the world to escape.

With this thought in mind... I continued to look back, becoming increasingly worried...

It’s not just Crusch, there are countless people who have opened the immersive epic at this time, such as Hermes, Rem, etc.

The voices after the survivors were heard.

That was an extremely confused... question.

'Because everything is weird. ’ In the cold wind, the owner of the voice tried to find an answer.

‘There are so many questions.

At least I want to figure out [why] this is all before I die. ’

'The world is over. No problem.

The invaders are aliens. No problem.

But its motives, purposes, and origins,

It's really hidden too deeply.

Although the invasion has lasted for more than 90 days, there should be precursors to this.

Someone must have foreseen this situation.


The voice paused for a moment, attracting the attention of countless people and gods.


Immediately afterwards, an extremely terrifying and horrifying guess, accompanied by a voice, quietly floated into people's minds.


[There are people who know this will happen but still turn a blind eye. 】’

Boom~! !

It's like dropping a pebble into a calm lake.

"How is this possible!!" xN

Almost subconsciously, everyone and all the gods were silent. They were shocked and shocked, and at the same time, they all wanted to refute this possibility.

"No, it can't be. Before the planet's catastrophe, even former enemies, countries and even races that were hostile to each other should work together.

If we turn a blind eye, no one will be able to escape before the final disaster strikes! ! "A certain goddess was a little unbelievable when she saw this.

But you can’t deceive yourself in your heart.

Just like the question raised by the voice, if it is not what it thinks, then the logic cannot be consistent.

As if to make people think...

The voice continued - 'How did the invaders appear on this planet.

If its traces and secrets cannot be revealed,

Human beings cannot rest in peace even if they die.

Continue to search for [that] clue.

This recording is just me talking to myself,

But at the same time, I'm afraid it will also be the last record of this planet.

My name is Davitt.

David Brumbuck.

It is giving up hope and expectation for tomorrow,

But a weirdo who embarks on a final journey in search of an acceptable answer. ’

Wow~! There was a sound like a television set caught in snowflakes.

The next moment, everyone's vision dimmed, and the snow-white wilderness disappeared from their eyes.

And people also remember the name of the survivor who may be the last man in that world to search for answers—Davit Brubke!

What is inexplicably worrying is whether I can still hear this person's name in the future.

In other words, after that... can this person find the answer?

If you can't reveal that secret, you won't be able to rest in peace until you die, what a tragedy! Even though we are two worlds apart, even though we are far away in the future... we seem to be able to empathize with each other now!

‘The Lost Belt—! ’

Chapter 90: Gods: Which mythology system is behind the beautiful country? !

The world... has fallen into the crisis of destruction more than once!

This is not a special case in a certain world;

Similar things seem to have happened in the re world and the earth world.

But either that kind of world crisis is already extremely far away.


That is, the crisis has been solved quietly by those heroes, and the names sacrificed in it,

Some have appeared in the Heroes' Tales, while others have been forgotten forever in the corner of the world.

Perhaps only some gods still remember those figures.

But one thing is the same...

Even though I know that the world was almost destroyed several times,

People do not have a clear understanding of the future caused by such terrible consequences.

And after the Lostbelt arrives——

The prologue begins with the snow-white wilderness witnessed from the perspective of a survivor.

It seems to have told people something, but it also seems to have said nothing at all...

Although it seems to be just some insignificant information.

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