But it makes people feel a kind of chill and loneliness that is even colder than those who simply stand on the ruins.

And then, the screen flashed.

I fell into a distant fragment that was like a memory.

xxx year, researcher records.

It was the second year after the human body was restored and a new year was ushering in.

Originally, when the savior arrived at the Temple of Crowned Time, everything finally ended, ushering in a brief period of happiness and peaceful daily life.

As if responding to the questions raised by previous survivors,

The scene at this moment gave the answer.

It was on a desolate yellow sand wilderness,

‘It was 18 hours before the observation results were obtained in the state of Mexico.

[Sample: E] was finally transported to this base.

To be honest, I couldn't contain my excitement.

This is a feat not seen since the Roswell incident in 2007.

I was not told exactly how this was passed

What kind of flight means forced landing on this planet. Not interested either.

What is certain is that this one is dying.

In a state where they cannot survive without the help of humans (us).

And, this is obviously different from humans (us)

Intelligent life forms other than humans.

The appearance and shape of this thing are beyond comprehension.

Should human imagination be praised?

The visitor from the universe looks like a monster that would appear in a funny movie. ’

The information revealed from casual self-talk is astonishing.

It surprised many people and gods in the immersive epic.

At this time, Tiona from the Loki Familia saw this and lost her voice: "A visitor from the universe?!

Could this be what the survivor was looking for, a precursor!

There really is an alien civilization that has arrived!

But why is there no news at all from the human world? "

When the god Hermes saw this, he narrowed his eyes slightly, and suddenly a hint of curvature appeared on his lips: "Have you been suppressed? What a bad nature.

Although heroes can be born among humans, such shining souls.

But more of it lowers the lower limit of human beings, like an individual who has gathered all bad qualities and is full of selfish desires.

Sure enough, there is no world without this kind of garbage. "

But Hermes doesn’t want to be accommodating to humans...

Without the support of these people, how can the hero's soul be pure and noble, and those shining qualities be rare and valuable?

But the gods and people also gradually remembered this human country that was the first to discover ‘alien visitors’.

From the comments, it seems like it belongs to some beautiful country. (Although there is a difference between New Mexico and Mexico, when it comes to doomsday crisis-themed works, is it right to look for beautiful national standards?)

Some hot-tempered gods thought that if they found that world one day, it would be better to inflict divine punishment and heavenly punishment on the leaders of this country.

Although it is the job of the scavenger to clean up the filth,

But since I have witnessed certain things with my own eyes, it is also the duty of the gods to occasionally be a gardener and clean up the dirt in the garden.

But wait, we still have to confirm which god the beautiful country in the world over there believes in.

From those epics, the gods also discovered that in the history of many countries, the gods they believed in had the same name as theirs.

Although I don't know what happened...

Especially the gods in Greek mythology should not be too famous in the world.

Since they believe in their gods' names, the gods may also provide a certain degree of protection.

What if there is no familiar or powerful god covering the land of Beautiful Country?

Countless beautiful countries on earth - in danger!

So here comes the question. To tell a joke, the local myth of the beautiful country will cover the beautiful country.

The epic continues——

‘The task we have been given (surgery),

It is to let friends in this distant world recover and understand each other. (communication)

Cheer up.

All staff, including me, have a sense of mission.

Although the operation is very difficult, we will definitely save this customer.

Because there is no work in the world more worth doing.

...It's just a little regrettable.

That is, this fact cannot be made public. ’


Seeing this, everyone understood.

Maybe they want to wait until the communication with aliens has certain results before announcing it to the public? Or is he planning to seize this opportunity to communicate with foreign civilizations, exchange what he has, and become the most powerful country on the planet?

All kinds of speculations echoed in the hearts of adventurers and gods.

But no matter which possibility it is, it seems that in the end this matter was not announced, and mankind lost the best opportunity to be wary of the invasion of alien civilization.

'This project is top secret.

It must not be made public until it is done.

We must remain unknown,

It is under constant care in this underground facility.

——Study this unknown life form that looks like a tree root. ’

The fragment of memories ends here...

The light in the field of vision gradually dimmed, and the last image that stayed in my mind was a modern operating table.

But the target to be operated on did not appear in people's eyes.

I can only imagine the appearance of the alien visitor based on those words.

Like a monster...an unknown life form as strong as a [tree root]?

What kind of ancient god's appearance is this...? !

Does that life form have anything to do with the intruder? Not only were the doubts in my mind not resolved, but they became even more numerous.

With such complicated emotions, people continued to look behind...


We came to some familiar forces.

In a large hall, like the Knights of the Round Table, there were seven luxurious chairs erected around a huge table.

Several rays of blue light lit up, and many figures suddenly appeared on the seats.

And those figures were the former Masters of Chaldea Group A.

"...!!! Those are the traitors!" The adventurers frowned and were displeased. Although it had nothing to do with their world, no one would like rape anywhere.

After experiencing the previous battle royale plot with Guda and others,

In people's eyes, all members of Group A have obviously surrendered to the enemy! They took refuge in the alien gods and in turn helped the alien gods invade their own world!

And now these people are gathered here collectively,

Is there any conspiracy to be hatched? !

Thinking of this, maybe we can learn more about the alien god through this meeting.

Even the gods pricked up their ears and paid full attention, for fear of missing any interesting information!

Chapter 91: First hearing about the King of the Lost Belt!

Just like kings having a meeting,

On every chair is a figure of the former Master of Group A.

But most of them are images, and only the person sitting at the top is the entity himself.

It looks like communicating across the world.

The gods remembered the traitor's announcement about the competition among the seven Lostbelts in the previous Lostbelt preview.

This competition does not allow beings from the history of pan-humanity to participate, and there will be no seats for them to watch.

That is, the planet that has been destroyed and should originally belong to the main world.

What did this remind the gods of...

Could it be said that behind every Master of Group A, there is a Lostbelt?

Thinking of this and seeing the chairs, their expressions changed slightly.

This difficulty...

The number of singular points that need to be repaired is not much greater than when the human body was burned.

And unlike the known history of pan-humanity,

It is not clear what mysterious development the Lost Belt has become.

If the unique points during the incineration of human nature were only slightly changed, there is still information that can be referenced from the original history.

It is really worrying for the Lostbelt Heroic Spirits that have already taken shape and have a spiritual base that far exceeds that of metahuman historical Heroic Spirits.

Back to the epic -

Kirshtalia, a handsome blond man wearing a white dress with his eyes closed tightly, was the first to speak after seeing everyone gathered:

"90 days have passed since the dream tree sprouted...

Three months of sex time.

The phenomenon of filtering the history of strange news——

The rewrite of Lostbelt was successfully completed. "

Opening his eyes, Kirshtalia's mouth curved slightly: "Let's celebrate the end of the first stage first.

These are the results of your hard work. "

Beryl: "Huh? This is too exaggerated, Kirshtalia.

None of us did anything worth comforting.

Because whether it is an invasion from the universe or a rewriting of the fabric,

They are all the great achievements of Lord [Alien God]. "

Even the adults were called...

I originally considered Da Vinci and the others at the beginning, and thought that Group A were all good people who could become good friends with Guda.

I also thought that maybe not everyone had betrayed,

Or maybe it's just a compromise with the invaders.

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