"Fall down! Kill instantly!"

"Your life will be ended by me!"


"Stop!" Sigurd, who couldn't stop talking nonsense as soon as he started, became more and more courageous as he fought.

Seeing this, Brünnhilde snatched the spear from a soldier and waved it to help her husband defend against the enemy.

She is not the kind of weakling who can only hide behind Sigurd.

The dwarf Hagen was defeated by Sigurd, and even more so by Brünnhilde, who was only armed with an ordinary weapon. He quickly retreated with serious injuries in the confrontation.

At this moment Hagen thought of Brünnhilde's spear being fired because of the wedding.

When Brünnhilde cried bitterly yesterday, she told everything about her and Sigurd, from meeting, falling in love, getting to know each other, to how Sigurd left after swearing an oath on his spear.

It was not only a symbol of Brünnhilde's martial arts as a Valkyrie, but also a spear of oath that symbolized the love between the two.

The dwarf Hagen immediately thought of a way to break the curse of the ring.

There are prophecies and rumors that Brünnhilde will take away everything Sigurd has.

Pierced Sigurd with a golden spear that was engraved with longing and love and could not tolerate betrayal. It symbolized Brünnhilde's inability to forgive Sigurd and symbolized the execution of love. It was the death blow of love. !

An indescribable strange color blended in the heart of the dwarf Hagen.

Even though Brünnhilde had forgiven Sigurd, he would never allow Brünnhilde to forgive that man.

The confrontation at this time has entered a fever pitch.

The will of the divine sword Gram awakens again, because of the fiery warrior's soul, because of the firm heart full of love and determination to win.

"Very well, Demonic Sword, it's over. Let you see what restraint is...! This is the dawn of destruction. Prepare your ultimate move. Demonic Sword of the Sun, use your body to set off a wave of destruction! [Heavenly Wheel of Destruction] !”

A divine sword that possesses the attributes of the sun and is shaped like a magic sword.

The reforged divine sword Gram is known as the Dawn of Destruction.

It is said that this sword given by God King Odin will give the chosen one glory, jealousy, destruction and destiny when he chooses to forget.

Siegmund died tragically because of this sword.

Now his son can truly shine.

Do you think it would be more effective if [thrown]? 】 Sigurd released Gram with all his strength, filled with violent magic power similar to that of a dragon, but was thrown out without any excess power based on precise calculations based on his infinite wisdom.

At this moment, the thrown sword sprayed flames and penetrated the bodies of countless warriors in front of him.

A blow that could be called a city-defying Noble Phantasm was confined to this small space, and this area densely packed with warriors turned into a terrifying weapon.

Divine fire or demonic flame?

It was unclear whether it was the divine sword or the demonic sword that caused the fire, burning the entire world and the sky.

The scene that seemed to destroy the world, the spectacular scenery, even the gods in the sky were shocked and awakened, and they all opened their eyes and looked towards the lower world.

"So...so amazing!" Claire was so shocked that she was almost speechless.

He was already shocked by Sigurd's strength, as well as the new illustration that just appeared in the book, the shocking destruction caused by the corner of the Noble Phantasm Liberation.

Perhaps the Noble Phantasm released by Sigurd this time was not as shocking as Arthur's attack on the Roman army.

But the hidden power revealed in the description made everyone who could peek and guess what kind of effects the noble phantom could have in the open area be impressed by this powerful power.

Odin, the God King in the sky, immediately discovered that it was the brilliance of the divine sword Gram.

Just by taking a glance at Sigurd's people in the lower realm, he understood the whole story.

God King Odin's face was covered with a haze.

The curse of the Nibelung Ring must be broken.

For this reason, he did not hesitate to make so many plans, even Brünnhilde was included in the plan.

Odin had long known that this ordeal would surely happen to Sigurd and Brünnhilde.

The reason why he did not stand up to help Sigurd but chose to turn a blind eye was because he had the same idea as the dwarf Hagen.

That is to wash away the curse on the ring.

This goes back to when all the stories just started——

After the gold was stolen from the Rhine.

The fairies of the Rhine have been keeping an eye on successive ring holders and trying to retrieve the ring and invisibility helmet made of Rheingold.

But because of the curse on the ring and the sins of the Nibelungs.

The fairies could no longer touch the gold that had been transformed into rings and helmets.

Only by paying off the sin of stealing the Rheingold.

Only then can the Nibelungen rings and helmets be turned into gold again, and return to the seal and protection deep in the Rhine River.

Only by returning the ring can the fate of Ragnarok be eliminated.

Odin and Sigurd are both fighting against the invisible and tragic fate.

At this moment, they are fighting for each other and will not allow themselves to have any problems or retreat on this path.

When Claire and the others saw this, not only were they not moved by the great idea that the God King also wanted to fight against fate, but they were extremely angry.

I think you are just craving for the ring.

The fairies who returned the purification ring to the Rhine River were all deceiving them.

Otherwise, in "The Song of the Nibelungs", what the hell... Why didn't the God King let the fairies take the ring in the end, but wanted to take away Phineas' ring instead?

Moreover, in order to resist the twilight of the gods, Siegmund and Sigurd, and their descendants, fell into an endless painful and sad fate.

Such a ruthless God King is really hard to make people feel good about.

Chapter 254 Must the Divine Sword be shattered with the Divine Spear?

Not only the dwarf Hagen and Queen Kriemhild did not want to see Sigurd survive successfully.

Including the one-eyed God King, Sigurd's grandfather is also the same.

When the gods are facing a crisis that threatens themselves, they will not hesitate to abandon their believers and abandon humans.

Even the grandson of the God King is no exception.

Don't you see that even Brunhild, the daughter of Odin and Queen Frigga, was used as a sacrifice in this fight against time and fate?

If Sigurd had not died, their love would not have become a sacrifice, and the Twilight of the Gods would still come.

This was unacceptable to the gods! Especially the God King Odin, who had been planning for so long, wasn't it just to wait for the moment when the Ring Curse was washed away?

He would never allow things to deviate from the original trajectory of fate!

So, under the secret guidance and mental control of the gods, the dwarf Hagen once again thought of the spear of love's death.

While no one was paying attention, Hagen dragged his seriously injured body and quietly retreated to find Brunhilde's weapon.

On the other side, the soldiers who besieged Sigurd had already been buried in the sea of ​​fire. Sigurd and Brunhilde, who were wrapped in the flames, had no enemies around them, just like when they met in the Temple of Fire.

The rest of the people who were not covered by the attack also screamed in fear and fled around, fearing that they would be burned to ashes by the flames like the sun on the sword.

Under Sigurd's control, the flaming sword did not harm the innocent people, and the king's family standing on the high platform also survived by chance, becoming witnesses of this terrifying attack.

Perhaps they should thank Sigurd for the remaining kindness in his heart at this moment.

...Looking at the broken scene in front of them, the king's family's eyes went dark and they fainted in shock.

Just when Sigurd was about to take Brunhilde away from here.

"Sigurd! You once made a vow of love to this spear. Now, you betrayed your love, and you deserve to be stabbed to death by it! Am I right!?" The figure of the dwarf Hagen returned without knowing when.

At this time, he already had a beautifully designed spear in his hand, and Hagen was still panting.

The Nordic world attaches the most importance to oaths and agreements.

Just as fate cannot be violated, there is also a human-shaped power formed by self-restraint, that is, oaths.

Heroes cannot make promises lightly, and if they have made promises, they must do it.

As the king of warriors, he should have such a responsibility, otherwise it would be a tarnish to his own glorious name.

Of course, the dwarf Hagen did not simply want to let Sigurd die obediently by relying on an illusory oath. He was not stupid enough to think that Sigurd would foolishly commit suicide because of an oath.

(Here is a brief introduction to the prototype of the modified version of the Spear Oath.

In the Ring Route, Sigurd was killed by another golden spear. Sigurd once swore to Gunnar on the spear that he would guarantee the innocence of the Valkyrie Brunhilde and bring her back to Gunnar.

It was also because Sigurd awakened his memory at the wedding. Hagen used this spear to sneak attack and kill Sigurd from behind at the wedding.

When Gunnar angrily asked Hagen why he did this, Hagen made such a "swearing speech", saying that Sigurd, who had an affair with Brunhilde, should die for breaking the oath.

Before his death, Sigurd did not complain about anything and accepted death calmly. The only regret in his heart was that he hurt Brunhilde.

Later, the dwarf Hagen wanted to take off the ring that Brunhilde had put on Sigurd's body again. The grieving Gunnar wanted to protect his brother's body and let him leave with dignity.

Because Gunnar did not agree in the end and wanted to cremate the ring and Sigurd together, he was stabbed to death by the dwarf Hagen from behind.

In fact, the prince was not particularly bad, but he was kept in the dark. )

"Yes." Sigurd admitted coldly to the dwarf Hagen.

If Brunhilde wanted to punish him with this spear, then he had no complaints. The unforgivable sins he committed during the period of losing his memory were the most regretful things in his life.

Just like what he said after he became a heroic spirit.

Whether it was the treacherous scheme of Kriemhild (the king's wife) or the poisonous scheme of Surtur (here it is assumed to be the dwarf Hagen), I could not resist.

But the third time is the last, I will never be fooled again...!

All this is based on Brunhilde's own will. Sigurd is not so rigid that he will die just because of a word from the dwarf Hagen.

Brunhilde certainly does not want to see Sigurd get into trouble. She hurriedly shook her head and then looked at the dwarf Hagen angrily.

He deceived her last night and got so much information, and today he wants to use her weapons against her lover!

On the other side, the dwarf Hagen laughed ecstatically, and he looked like his conspiracy had succeeded.

A vow cannot be made casually, especially in the world of Norse mythology. On the positive side, it can be regarded as a blessing, but if it is violated, it is a curse.

Since Sigurd personally admitted his betrayal, the gods in heaven... who have been paying attention to this matter finally have an excuse to take action.

Especially the Queen of Heaven Frigga, as the goddess in charge of marriage, will not tolerate the existence of the slightest sand in her eyes for things like "betrayal of love".

Sigmund and his sister were forced to death by her.

And the man with the blood of those two hybrids is now harming her daughter, the beautiful Valkyrie Brunhilde.

How can the arrogant Queen of Heaven accept this? She hates the sinful bloodline more than anyone else and wants to cut it off.

The gods... including the King of Gods and the Queen of Heaven, secretly sent down their divine power, just when the dwarf Hagen stabbed Sigurd with the golden spear.

Sigurd's sword, which originally wanted to block with the divine sword Gram, suddenly shattered the moment it touched the spear.

This extremely familiar scene made Brunhilde open his eyes wide instantly.

This... This is!

"Only Gungnir of the God King Odin can break this sword..." Looking at the suddenly broken sword, Sigurd's pupils suddenly shrank.

He remembered the words of his former adoptive father Mime, the dwarf who adopted him in order to recast the sword, and knew the original reason why Gram was broken.

... Sigurd seemed to understand something suddenly. Despicable!

With a powerful divinity and a magnificent blow, the gun that seemed to be about to open up the world continued to stab Sigurd unstoppably after breaking the sword.

Uh... At this moment, the golden gun was no longer an ordinary treasure, as if it had really transformed into the indestructible eternal gun that could break Gram.

At this moment, the gun that must hit the target bloomed with a powerful brilliance that had never been possessed by its original owner Brunhild.

Feel the many terrifying divine powers mixed in the spear.

Sigurd's stern expression finally couldn't be maintained!

Damn, I was tricked again!

Chapter 255 The Dusk Guided by the Gods!

"Sigurd!" Brunhilde looked at this scene and shouted her husband's name in panic.

"We must hold on...!" Sigurd murmured with difficulty.

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