But he soon found that he could not avoid the shot no matter what.

The tip of the gun was the brilliance of the curse formed after the oath was broken. With the support of the gods in the dark, the power was so strong that even Sigurd, the king of warriors and the dragon-slaying hero, could not stop it.

Puff! The spear was gently sent, and it pierced Sigurd's body effortlessly from the chest.

"What a pity... Brunhilde..." Sigurd looked at his pierced chest and spoke with blood at the corner of his mouth.

This extremely powerful warrior king felt the passing of life for the first time, and blood flowed from his chest.

For the first time since he was born, he felt the extreme weakness and powerlessness of his body. It turned out that his life was such a fragile thing? Sigurd had infinite regrets in his heart. If he had recovered his memory earlier, neither these treacherous people nor gods would have had the opportunity to attack them.

But it was too late to say anything now...

The only thing he couldn't let go of was his wife Brunhilde, who had just been deeply hurt by him.

"Sigurd!!" Brunhilde hugged the fallen Sigurd tightly.

How could it be possible! How could her beloved powerful warrior lose to the villain Hagen, the dwarf? Even her former sidearm would not be that powerful!

He was a great hero who could kill the dragon Fafnir, so how could he fall so easily under her spear?

Even if she held the magic spear, it would be impossible for her to take Sigurd's life so easily.

At this time, Brunhilde's wise brain quickly figured out everything.

It must be the gods in the sky, or even her beloved father, the great god Odin, who took action personally! Brunhilde's eyes were filled with sad tears.

A pair of pink arms tightly hugged Sigurd in her arms.

Why, why should all this unfair and sad fate be imposed on this simple and kind man.

Brunhilde thought of the miserable fate of this beloved man throughout his life. Obviously, they were only one step away from breaking the prophecy and fate together.

It's all my fault. We shouldn't have met!

If we hadn't met, you would still be the great hero who had accomplished the great feat of slaying the dragon and was admired by thousands of people. If you hadn't met me, you wouldn't have been calculated again and again by these treacherous villains and gods, and forced into the abyss of desperation. At this time, Sister Bu was like Sigurd, and she was still thinking about each other.

Brunhilde remembered the words that Sigurd had said when he just recovered his memory and hugged her.

——If someone still stood in front of them, he would knock down everything, even the gods, and he would knock down the gods with his own hands! He would tear the throat of fate with his own hands!

As the hero's wife, she should continue to complete what the hero had not completed.

The gods actually chose to attack Sigurd, so they should pay the price they deserved.

At this time...

The Nibelung Ring, which had been washed away by the curse of generations of sacrificed love, had no harm in its huge magic.

Brunhilde pulled out the spear that had pierced her husband.

Looking at the dwarf Hagen who looked at the ring on her middle finger with greed, Sister Bu raised her weapon without saying a word.

She gently kissed the corner of Sigurd's mouth and then put it down.

"Rest in peace, my love. Death is not a terrible thing. The world after death is only pure nothingness, unlike this world, which is always bound by desire and power. You are free, Sigurd. Leave peacefully, this world is not worth your nostalgia."

After saying that...

The magic power of the ring amplified Brunhilde's magic power, and a blazing blue fire ignited under the feet of the two. Brunhilde stepped in without hesitation.

That huge and pure power has existed since the beginning of creation, enough to achieve any miracle.

At this time, a very familiar sentence and an extremely familiar illustration appeared in the book.

It was the same blue flame rising from the spear that the Valkyrie held in her arms.

Brunhilde, as an individual, has been with the flame from beginning to end.

When she met Sigurd, and now when she avenged Sigurd.

From the moment her consciousness was born to the moment her life ended.

The flames followed her at all times.

When she came to her senses, she had become the flame itself.

You can see it too, right?

Blue flames. Magical power released?

Brunhilde: No, it's not.

This is the form of my thoughts overflowing from my heart.

Regardless of life or death, it will never go out.

If it looks like it has gone out -

Claire and others saw this and suddenly realized that she was one of the two people who were promoted at the beginning of this book.

Then, the figure in the shadow, now thinking about it, is not just similar to Sigurd's figure?

The deep and inseparable love between the two, a love that can only be separated until death, made everyone fall into a deep shock.

"No, don't come close!!!" The dwarf Hagen shouted in horror at the green flames spreading towards him from the spear and the ground.

But the flames still surrounded him, and in the end he was like a rabbit surrounded by wolves, screaming helplessly as he was burned by the flames... Even so, Brunhilde did not let her go.

Her spear, which was full of love for Sigurd and hatred and curses for this unfair world, pierced Hagen's body fiercely.

The blue flame did not stop there. After burning Hagen and Sigurd's body, it began to burn Brunhilde, the master.

Brunhilde endured the burning flames without frowning. She pointed her spear at the Valhalla Hall of Valor in the sky.

Then, something that frightened and unbelievable to the gods began.

The blue flame burned up to the sky, and the endless fire surrounded the entire heavenly world.

The twilight of the gods began in this fire of death of love.

Many humans on the earth saw the fire burning in the direction of the castle, and at the same time, in the clouds on the horizon that were not perceived by everyone, reflecting the fire.

That was the light of the flames burning in the Valhalla Hall of Valor.

The fire buried most of the people who knew the truth.

And the few people who survived and knew the truth were also afraid of what happened that day and were unwilling to mention it.

So the story gradually became another version.

Sigurd betrayed the Valkyrie Brunhilde, and was killed by her with a spear, and both died in flames.

And the gods in the sky began to bear the bitter fruit of the disaster they had sown.

Who would have thought that this would become the fuse that led to the beginning of the Ragnarok.

Chapter 256 Restraint - Alaya, the unconscious aggregate of human beings?

According to many versions of the ending.

Whether Brunhilde burned Sigurd's body, the gods and temples in the sky were burned together, and the Twilight of the Gods began.

Or Brunhilde could not stand Sigurd's betrayal, killed her husband and finally died heroically.

There are rumors that in both endings, the souls of the two will be reunited and live together forever after death.

If it is a version where Valhalla is not burned down, Brunhilde will re-exercise the power of the Valkyrie after her death, and lead Sigurd's soul into Valhalla together, and then the two will stay together in the temple forever.

However, in this version of Yan, the ending adopts the route of the gods and the temple in the ring collapsing together.

Valhalla has been burned to ashes by the burning endless blue flame of love.

The simple Nordic world view naturally has no place to lead the souls of heroes, accommodate them... and let them sublimate.

At this time, Yan took this opportunity to move the setting of Type-Moon Heroic Spirit into the finale.

At the end of the story, when Claire and the others felt lost.

...I still can't believe that the ending has changed so much. Sigurd was ambushed to death. The god king Odin, like he did to Sigmund, shattered the sword Gram in a despicable way, but the gods were eventually burned to death by the blue flames burned by Brunhilde's sacrifice.

The last scene is really satisfying.

However, Sigurd and his friends were sung by others as a legend that Sigurd betrayed Brunhilde and was killed by Brunhilde.

Claire and the others were a little depressed when they saw this.

Only they knew the truth of the story, but they couldn't tell the people of that world.

They wanted to tell the people of that era that Sigurd had always loved Brunhilde, and the wrong things he did before were also done because he lost his memory and was calculated by others.

He had never betrayed, so how could there be a betrayal?

And the fate of the ring... was also like in Siegfried's plot, swept away by the fairies from the fire.

In the end, the supreme ring that helped Brunhilde destroy Valhalla exhausted the huge magic power at the beginning of creation, and the curse was washed away by the love that Brunhilde and Sigurd sacrificed.

The fairies were able to turn the ring and helmet back to the appearance of Rhine gold.

Then the fairies put it back into the depths of the Rhine River, and the Rhine gold began to accumulate magic power again, and the seal returned to the original time.

Those who were greedy for the ring and did evil because of desire.

Such as the king's wife, the dwarf Hagen, and the god king Odin also received the punishment they deserved, either destroyed or killed.

It can only be said that Claire and others guessed the ending of the evil people, but did not expect the ending of Sigurd and others as the protagonist.

"Wow... Sister Bu died because of Sigurd. It's so sad! I don't want them to die."

"Did Sigurd and Brunhilde finally not escape the choice of fate?"

"It's all the fault of God King Odin and Dwarf Hagen. If they hadn't been calculating and calculating, Sigurd should still be living happily with Brunhilde now."

Just when everyone was talking about the finale.

When they continued to look back, they were all stunned.

This is a conversation between Sigurd and Brunhilde when they were dying and their souls were about to return to the underworld or somewhere else.

Sigurd and Brunhilde's souls did not dissipate after death.

When their consciousness was dying, they heard a mysterious voice.

"Mysterious-voice?" Everyone was confused. What was going on? Could Sigurd and the others still be saved?

With doubts and confusion, everyone continued to look at the back of the book.

"I still want to... still want to meet him (her) again." That is the voice of Sigurd and Brunhilde.

Both Sigurd and Brunhilde hope to meet again one day.

Whether it is to make up for regret and guilt, or to love that is unwilling to be forgotten until death, or to miss beyond death. For the two, it is a pity to die in this way.

So the voice responded to the two.

"I will prepare a chance for you (speaking to the two at the same time). In exchange for this achievement, I want to accept your afterlife." x2

The mysterious voice sounded directly in the dying consciousness of Sigurd and Brunhilde, and slowly unveiled its mysterious veil with the description in the book.

A new word also appeared in the eyes of Claire and others, and at the same time - it also appeared in the eyes of the god of alchemy.

Inhibition force - Alaya.

It is not a planet but an unconscious collective of humans. Although the planet has accepted the end of civilization, humans who have become the primates of the planet continue to reject the end of civilization.

It is a defense device of the "human world" made by the unconscious collective of people.

In order to allow human history to continue, it absorbs countless records and countless powers, and a soul storage that will exist forever before the end of human reason.

In short, it is a high-interest commodity without a limit.

If that person is someone who can "help humanity survive", that person will be given unlimited magic power - given the opportunity, and will be used as a tool to make human history continue.

It is such a being that is talking to Sigurd and Brunhilde.

"Hiss~! Inhibition... Inhibition?" Claire stuttered.

——The unconscious aggregate of humans.

What the hell is this! ?

Through the inhibition, the book also spawned another detailed concept of Heroic Spirit.

It is similar to the Valhalla Hall of Heroes in the Norse mythology that we have seen before, but it is essentially different and cannot be mentioned in the same breath.

[People who can receive the will of the primates as a whole] There are very few people with this special channel.

In history, it is called [Hero].

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