Little Da Vinci: "Actually, when I ran away with Patsy just now, we detected something similar to spiritual veins.

It's just that you have to walk some distance away from this town to get to that place.

It would be a bit risky to rely on just a few of you. "

The fat director said that it would be good to find someone to lead the way.

But Guda is very sensible and understands that if there is no benefit, Mr. Patsy may not help.

The director of the fat office said that they were not in the mood to care about that guy's interests.

"Since it is a composite body with Warcraft,

He is a race that is completely different from humans. "

This obviously discriminatory statement,

It also made many adventurers who already hate monsters say again... it would be too scary to be fused with Warcraft!

Living like this, it is better to die.

Sure enough, this kind of evil magic shouldn't exist.

Monsters are monsters…

Although Patsy did not harm Guda and others, and even helped them.

But the prejudices of adventurers are not so easy to change.

What the humans in the earthly world don't know is that a sage who has lived for a thousand years, Fels, is also paying attention to the magic crystal that is popular in the earthly world.

The sage has been helping the monsters who have gained wisdom because of their pity and their plight that they are not accepted by monsters and humans.

That is, the existence of heretics.

In the epic of the Lostbelt, we see those Yaga clan who merged with the monsters and were not accepted by the humans of the old era. They also fought with the monsters and struggled to survive in the blizzard wasteland.

Most adventurers who pay attention to the Danmaku cannot accept this new species that combines humans and monsters and still maintains intelligence.

They are so similar to heretics...

But perhaps, we can learn from this epic, even... Fels had a hunch,

This is an opportunity. Maybe the existence of the epic can change the prejudices in many people's hearts.

Get to know the hearts of those innocent monsters from another perspective!

Prejudice is often driven by fear and hatred…

But if you can overcome the mountains of prejudice and look directly at the truth——!

Chapter 104 What the gods are looking for—the larvae of the hero!

Matthew: "In short, let's wait for Mr. Patsy to come back first.

Even if I can't trouble him to lead the way,

You should also ask him to point you to a safe path. "

Matthew and others began to wait quietly for Patsy's return.

at the same time--

On the other side, walking in a snowstorm village.

‘——Picked up a group of strange guys.

The so-called old species only remain in legends.

However, after actually seeing it,

You will feel that they are so fragile that you wonder how they survived before.

...For the time being, he can still be regarded as the ancestor of Yaga.

I don’t know if it’s because of this, but my appetite is strangely lacking. ’

Is this what Patsy thinks? !

Everyone quickly noticed this.

And the word 'appetite' gives many people a bad association.

Although it sounds like Patsy is not hostile to Guda and others, this is a good thing!


Why is this word mentioned?

It’s like——

Hermes: "Are Yaga a race that can sympathize with each other? Cannibals... monsters that can also devour humans. I see, this is a side effect of merging with monsters."

This god of fun is not stingy at all and is bold in his imagination!

And if he knew that in mythology, Yaga represents a type of cannibal,

This new species named after Yaga,

He will understand better what is going on!

Fortunately, he didn't expect this, but when he thought that Yaga could eat his companions, he became even more upset and disgusted.

Sure enough, a monster is a monster...! !

He actually felt soft-hearted for a moment, and felt shaken and pitied because they were once human beings.

Monsters deserve no mercy!

They have no heart at all.

Everyone continued to look behind,

‘If there is no use, I intend to leave them alone.

However, they seem to have a lot of information about hunting grounds.

The most important thing is that they are unknown beings.

…things I know nothing about are right in front of me.

Most yaga would be disturbed by this,

But I surprisingly don't think so.

I am conscious about this,

There are differences between myself and other Yagas.

Why you have to become stronger.

Why can't you be the weak one?

Why - always hungry for something.

I am always thinking about these questions at a loss.

Every time I come back to my senses, I laugh at myself.

What a fool for always thinking about these meaningless questions. ’

It's like, no, it's not like...

This is... in a world where it is difficult to even have enough food and clothing, and the jungle eats the strong, but we are thinking about the meaning of human life,

This particular Yaga caught the attention of the gods.

They were quite interested in observing this new species that was different from humans but also derived from humans.

This will even affect whether the gods will define them as monsters, a new intelligent life form, or even their subjects.

The inner voice continued - '...I am also conscious.

Although I have always wanted to correct it

I’m always thinking about these unnecessary questions——’

Yaga Citizen: "Patsy, hello, Patsy."

Patsi came back to his senses and looked up at the lone figure in the snowstorm - "...what are you doing."

The werewolf in this shape was the one who blocked Patsy before.

The other party asked: "Are you going hunting?"

Patsy: "Yeah. Is there any problem?"

"There's a problem.

That hunting ground is public property of the town. "

Patsy: "So I'm only hunting stray monsters."

"Strong monsters are also public property of the town.

...However, that hunting ground is blocked,

No holes left! "

Patsi: "...Really?

Then I'll find other hunting grounds. "

Immersive Epic Everyone who sees this,

——This Yaga is so domineering! !

No, it should be said that the village rules in this village are very overbearing!

A girl with a weak personality like Lefiya felt that the other party was a bit too much when she saw this.

Why do even stray prey belong to towns? !

The world is so big,

Not all places can be classified as towns.

Since Patsy would brave such dangerous snowy weather to hunt, it must be because he wanted to store enough food for the winter.

Hunting is not allowed here, and hunting is not allowed there. Do you really want people to starve to death?

But the strange thing is that Yaga doesn't feel anything wrong with this overbearing theory at all.

Shameless? still……

Immediately afterwards,

People heard Patsy's voice again.

‘While glaring at the extremely annoyed man,

I walked in the opposite direction of the blocked hunting ground.

Not only that guy, but also many Yaga are watching me.

Monitor whether I am poaching in the hunting ground before them.

...Even among monsters, there are some that are easy to hunt and some that are difficult to hunt.

A roaring beast that endlessly summons its companions

Strictly speaking, it is not easy to hunt, but there are exceptions.

For example, a valley with no way out.

Even if you roar loudly, the sound will not travel far.

This is the place where Roarmon cannot call its companions endlessly.

This is how Yaga created a place convenient for hunting and used magical beasts as food.

It is said that honest beasts were bred in the form of livestock in the past.

Although the productivity cannot match that,

But the number of people who can [hunt safely] and [will increase after a while]

Hunting grounds are a lifeline for Yaga.

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