So as long as the guy who once became a "weak\

,"will be completely degraded.

If Yagaga doesn't eat, he will die soon.

… This town is actively creating this kind of underdog.

Towns as a whole are crowding out neighboring villages;

Flatter the emperor, flatter and kill the hunters.

Only the strong are allowed to eat——

This is an ironclad rule for the Yaga, and they exploit it with malicious intent.

I am also being ostracized.

But there is nothing I can do about it.

You cannot be an enemy of the emperor.

There is no escaping the clutches of the Killing Hunters. ’

Got it, now everything is clear.

At the same time, the gods also figured out the existence of the resistance that Patsy mentioned before.

The strong were allowed to eat, but the weak were not even allowed to hunt, and in the end they could only starve to death.

In order not to starve to death,

No matter how powerful the enemy is, a large number of people will stand up and resist due to the desire to survive.

Maybe in this fierce conflict, a great hero will be born! !

Thinking of this, the gods became excited.

Fighting for survival, fighting for the weak, isn’t this a brand new heroic story?

For a moment, they even forgot about Yagana's appearance that was different from human beings.

Even, because of the discovery of Patsi, this Yaga is different from ordinary Yaga.

Will he be the hero of this race?

Hermes became interested in Patsy...

After all, even if you are not a hero now, as long as you are the larvae of a hero, certain precursors will be reflected early!

Chapter 105: A truly kind-hearted person born in the wrong era!

‘…So, if they really are magicians,

If you really want to save the world.

It should be able to erase the pain in my heart a little bit.

But then again, what those strange old species said,

Is it really credible...' Finally, with this thought in mind, Patsy embarked on the road of hunting.

In the cold snow, gunshots kept ringing out,

It was a weak life, unwilling to disappear, not succumbing to this world, not succumbing to this hegemonic power, in order to survive... the last struggle.

"——It's true." Patsi murmured happily.

"I actually caught so many prey...

As long as you have these, even after paying the taxes, you should still have enough left to survive..."

Patsy then took the prey home.

On the way, he met the Yaga citizen again.

The other party called his name sharply.

Patsi: "...What are you doing?"

"Doesn't it look like you have a lot of money?"

Patsy: "'s about taxes, I will pay them."

"Well, that's right. But,

Your mother's share has not yet been paid. "

Patsi: "..."

"It doesn't matter actually.

That old woman is of no use anyway.

Since I can't go out hunting,

It’s Yaga who is not needed in this town.

Rather, why do you have to pay your mother’s share of the tax as well? "

This question is very ridiculous...

Even adventurers who hate Yaga, a monster that combines warcraft and humans,

Everyone was stunned when they saw this.

Even though they are animals, they still have feelings for their parents.

Isn't it normal to protect Yan's mother?

Why can this werewolf say it so naturally, as if giving up is the choice of a normal person.

Such a cruel and bloody law! Just show it in front of people,

Make people feel a little uncomfortable physically and mentally...

At this time, they could subtly feel the anger in Patsy's heart.

Obviously there is no change in expression on Patsy's furry face.


The adventurers thought a little dazedly and dumbly,

He is obviously a monster, why should he have such a sensitive and delicate heart like a human being?

This is really...

However, don’t say that the wrong world and the re world cannot accept it.

Even the beasts from another world would not be able to accept this kind of thing after seeing this.

In the barbaric era long ago, and even today, although the orcs also have many cannibalistic barbaric habits.

But they also have the same emotions as humans.

Pay equal attention to your parents, brothers and sisters.

If those orcs saw such a scene, they would definitely curse!

It is absolutely impossible to admit that this cold-blooded, inferior race that has lost all ethics is the same race as them.


It's impossible to tell whether it's just the Yaga in front of me or most people.

At least Patsy didn't continue to disappoint people at this time.

"It's really incomprehensible." Just as the other party continued to speak hypocritically,

Patsy: "Stop being so verbose.

…This is my mother’s share. "

Peng~! More corpses of monsters were thrown in front of this Yaga.

at the same time--

People heard Patsy's voice again.

‘——My mother is to this town,

It is already useless.

Mother also knows this,

She could only wait quietly for death.

They can only wait to starve to death. ’

how so……

People with simple and kind hearts, such as Lefiya and the others, couldn't bear to look at this voice.

Even Ais, who had full hatred for monsters, looked slightly stagnant at this moment, feeling a little dazed.


And the scene changed,

Patsy did not go back to his house directly, but carried the remaining bodies of the monsters to another hut.

Bang bang bang!

? ? ? : "Who?"

The door opens——

Patsy: "...This is meat. I put it here."

? ? ? :"Thank you so much.

I can’t thank you enough… I’m grateful…”

Patsy: "Don't worry."

Just when people were wondering, what was Patsy doing? How could he give all the hard-earned meat to others? !

This confusing behavior even made the adventurers who hated its monster identity a little confused.

And on the other side——

The owner, who received the free meat relief, happily said: "My husband and son are coming back soon.

Please be sure to have a meal with us..."

Patsy: "...No need."

‘——Even my appearance,

She no longer recognized him.

For Yaga who is already old,

This seems to be a common occurrence.

The memory became ambiguous, and she could only hold on to the memory.

She is living in a fantasy.

There was no point in keeping her alive.

It would be better to die quickly and return to dust. ’

One is 'meaningless', the other is 'die quickly'...

These are obviously very excessive words.

But people can hear Patsy's inner resistance, even confusion.

That's not what he was thinking,

It was more like this cannibal world, the world of Yaga, was forcibly instilled in him.

People feel a little uncomfortable for no reason...

And what surprised people a little bit...

They have already reacted to Patsy’s voice,

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