Guda, Patsy and others are preparing to part ways temporarily...

Patsy went back alone to report the situation.

Guda and others had to go back to the chariot first to deliver supplies.

When parting, Guda expressed concern for Patsy's safety.

This moved Patsy, but he didn't show it directly.

It's an excuse. Although I believe they won't rebel, they should come back quickly after finishing their work.

It seems that Patsy is also reluctant to say goodbye to Guda and others?

"We have become friends..." Hermes smiled.

So good...

No matter what era, Guda can always quickly gather some trustworthy partners around him.

And the screen flashed,

Jumping directly, Guda and others have returned to the time when they met little Da Vinci and the others in the chariot.

After that, he gave Mashu, who had used the power of the heroic spirit, a physical examination first, for fear that she would be overloaded again.

Simply speaking, the test results were very healthy and nothing serious.

This also makes people who have always loved the character of Matthew breathe a sigh of relief.

And just when Guda and others were outside the treatment room,

When Matthew and little Leonardo were left alone...

Facing the optimistic and smiling little Leonardo da Vinci, Matthew's face looked a little worried.

It seems that he wants to ask little Da Vinci something alone...

After getting a positive response——

“…Then I’ll get straight to the point and ask.

How many more times can I fight as a Servant? "

Matthew's question made everyone's eyes widen and they were shocked.

This expansion? ! !

That's not good...!

This sudden solemn atmosphere, as well as the worried looks and questions,

Let people suddenly dream back to when they were still traveling to the singularity,

Knowing that Matthew had only a few years to live was a panicky feeling.

And with great difficulty,

After Fufu sacrificed everything to save Mashu... just at the expense of not being able to force herself to fight as a servant,

This is already a very rare redemption.

But people also know how dangerous the next battle is...

Crisis Avenue,

Even the possibility of any combat power will be squeezed.

We can encounter crises that require Matthew to transform in the future, or even crises that are far beyond the ability to deal with.

Definitely more than once or twice...

"The happiness you have so hard to come by... must be cherished, little girl." Seeing this, Loki sighed and narrowed his eyes slightly.

She still likes this little eggplant very much.

Cute girl, please give her a thumbs up.

But this familiar feeling,

In those heroic epics and heroic tales, there is a feeling of being a character who hides from his companions and does not want them to worry, but continues to overdraw himself and continue to fight.

not good……

There is always a tragic perspective!

Mashu continued to say to little Leonardo da Vinci: "I know very well that I can no longer act as a sub-servant.

But the current situation cannot be solved by just saying "I can't fight".

Even if I hold on, I have to stand on the front line again..."

Everyone: Mashu...! ! !

Chapter 132: Already a unique ‘Shield Knight’!

The girl's determination and fighting spirit touched people's hearts.

No matter how many times, I recall that time in the Temple of Crowned Time, and that time when I faced the Holy Spear alone in the Chalk City,

The city wall that never fades, the absolute protective power formed by the strongest heart!

Even if her body is gone, her spirit remains...

The shock and emotion will never fade.

People have no doubt whether Matthew will continue to force himself when the crisis comes.

They wanted to support this realization, but they were very worried about Mashu's current situation...

"No! If you force yourself too much, you will die! This time I don't have Fufu's power to save me!"

"Faced with a disaster of this level in the Lost Belt, it shouldn't matter if we have one less Mashu and one more Mashu with more combat power.

I just hope that Mashu can hide safely in the rear...

But I also really like to see the story of those two people taking risks and traveling together again.

It’s so confusing…”

There was a lot of debate on the barrage, and whether they supported Mashu to continue fighting or not,

They were all very worried about her physical condition.

And at this moment——

"Da Vinci technical consultant?" Matthew suddenly opened his eyes in surprise,

Looking at little Leonardo da Vinci,

At this time, little Da Vinci looked like he was meditating hard with his eyes closed, his brows slightly furrowed: "Well... um——..."

Returning to Matthew’s question, is it so difficult?

Or does little Leonardo have any special ideas?

Everyone also looked at the wise man.

Although he is no longer the Da Vinci that people first knew, Da Vinci is still Da Vinci, a very reliable, reassuring and lovable person.

Seeing the way he was thinking,

They also expressed a hint of expectation,

I hope this genius can perfectly solve Matthew's problems.


Under the spotlight of everyone, time passed bit by bit,

Little Leonardo da Vinci suddenly opened his eyes, showing a serious and serious expression, but his immature face only made him look more adorable.

It should be a very majestic scene, but it seems to be showing off cuteness: "Uh-huh-huh... uh-huh-huh!"

Nodding for a while, shaking his head for a while!

Seeing this little Leonardo da Vinci made people look stunned for a moment, and they were all a little confused.

What does this mean? It seems like they are all so confused!

Until little Leonardo da Vinci said: “Hmm-hmm!

Forget it, I won’t mince words or hide things from you anymore!

How many times have this question been asked inaccurately?

You can now fight as many times as you like.

Because you have successfully awakened

The spirit base has been sleeping for a full year.

Although in the battle on the snowfield, your output as a servant dropped,

But you barely feel any pain, right?

That's because of your body

You have been allowed to become a subservient again. "

? ?

? ? ?

! ! ! !

Dead silence, accompanied by the sudden appearance of an unexpected surprise that no one had expected.

"Wait, wait...! What?!!"

Like throwing a pebble into a calm lake,

It's like the beginning of a burning fire. After a short period of silence where the mind goes blank and time pauses,

Everyone reacted,

Finally... it's boiling,

Everyone was in an uproar and stood up straight!

What, what, what, what? !

Confused...! I was stunned for a moment! Suddenly, countless barrages passed in front of the people who were watching the immersive epic.

"Isn't that what little Da Vinci meant?!"

"That's the one can't be!!"

"Oh. No way! It's a lie! Does this mean that there is no burden at all?

Will Mashu be able to transform and fight at will in the future? "

"...!!! Me, me, me, me!"

"The true perfect sub-server is born!

Use the human body to accommodate the spirit base, and exercise the power of the heroic spirit without any negative effects! This, this is something that no Chaldea could do before!

The perfect sub-server was born!

Doesn’t this mean that if one could understand the balance of Mashu’s current physical condition?

Will more sub-servers be born in the future? !

Let ordinary people obtain the power of heroic spirits and become heroes comparable to the mythical era? ! "

"I advise those upstairs not to behave in such dangerous ways...

Didn’t you see that the original Matthew was miserable as a test subject?

This kind of crazy experiment that allows people to gain power without any effort...should not exist at all. "

And just when people are excited and excited...

In the epic,

Little Da Vinci looked at Matthew with a gentle smile: "The only problem left is mood.

However, this is the most important issue. "

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