Matthew: " that so...?

That...I thought Mr. Galahad had..."

Matthew's expression looked surprised and flattered, but then turned into unconfident and disappointed, lowering his head and saying,

"...It has been determined that I have lost my qualifications,

He has left me..."

And just when people thought that little Leonardo da Vinci would comfort Matthew...

What I didn't expect was...

Little Da Vinci confirmed his conjecture, and suddenly said solemnly: "Well, it should be so.

I'm also very angry about this.

One year after the Battle of the Temple of Time.

It took me a year of diagnosis and treatment to fully understand this matter.

The heroic spirit Galahad will no longer lend you power.

The man known as the Paladin has given up this responsibility on you. "

See this...

Everyone: No way? !


So what's the situation with Mashu now?

Is her spiritual power still considered Galahad's spiritual power?

People were suddenly confused and couldn't believe that this would be the result.

How could that happen with Galahad's character?

Although I don’t want to believe it, this is the fact...

And little Leonardo da Vinci continued to explain: "In short, it's like putting down

[I will never lend you my power again. From now on, you can fend for yourself. 】

Such a sentence,

Completely disappeared. "

Some people saw this and subconsciously wanted to refute:

"Impossible——!! Galahad, wasn't it because you couldn't turn a blind eye to Mashu in the first place——

Wait, it’s not because Mashu’s life is no longer in danger and he doesn’t need to fuse anymore.

I just took back my power. "

If he had been so indifferent from the beginning, it would have been impossible for the Holy Grail Knight to choose to hand over the Spiritual Key to Mashu even though he was disgusted with Chaldea's sub-servant experiments.

On the other side, facing the truth told by little Da Vinci,

Matthew also subconsciously said at this time: "But...but, I can still be armed..."

Little Da Vinci smiled: "Yes. Because you and Galahad are different existences.

Galahad simply lent you the template of his power.

Through that battle,

You have grown independently into a 'Shield Knight'.

The heroic spirit that possesses you, fuses with it, and transfers its spirit base to you,

You are already a different existence from the one standing here now. "


For a time, people seemed to understand something, but there were still many questions lingering in their minds.

So this means -

Galahad left because Mashu was able to stand alone, to rival or even surpass him? !

Chapter 133 You have noticed it, right? Everyone: (Element) What did you notice? !

Little Leonardo da Vinci: "Although Galahad's reaction is gone,

But your body is already established as a sub-servant.

Do you understand? The reason why you take damage when you are armed,

The reason why the spiritual base output dropped has nothing to do with Galahad. "

Everyone:? ? ?

So what is the reason?

People were at a loss.

The surprise came too suddenly, just like everyone always thought they were sick, but in the end they were told by the doctor that they were not sick and that they had been misdiagnosed.

I'm ready to eat, the advertising world is over,

You told me it was a misdiagnosis...

Now that I think about it, I feel complicated, even a little bit unacceptable? !

And this is still a good attitude...

Similar to some special diseases——

Those with a bad mentality will go around taking revenge on the world and marrying the opposite sex after discovering that they are infected with a special disease.

Finally I was told that it was misdiagnosed...

Giving people free prostitution!

The feeling of going from gloating over misfortune to extremely happy and sad, and then to crying in an instant!

Live in Bengbu!

Ahem - in short, people finally accepted this fact.

But I don’t understand why Matthew is still injured.

Their hearts are still like a kitten scratching its paws, itching unbearably and unable to control themselves...

At least tell them what's going on!

So, people continued to look behind,

Leonardo da Vinci: "All problems lie in your heart and body.

The drop in output is purely a physical issue.

And the inability to be armed as one pleases is a matter of the heart. "

In the wrong world, "Then... what about the injury?" Lefiya asked innocently after seeing the barrage sent subconsciously.

"Idiot!! Of course he was injured because he was too weak! He was injured!

Isn't it normal for the weaker party to get injured in a battle? "Not realizing that this barrage was sent by a fellow member of the family, the werewolf Bert followed up with a barrage with disdain.

Where did this newbie come from...

I can't figure out such a simple question...

Now it seems that the so-called burden is entirely due to Matthew overthinking and putting pressure on himself!


Bert frowned,

There's one thing I still can't understand,

As a powerful warrior who has experienced hundreds of battles, Mashu should know his physical condition better than anyone else.

How could he not even understand his own body so vaguely?

In the epic poem, Matthew: "——

Please...please be more specific.

As long as these two problems are solved,

Can I help you all again...! ? "

Little Da Vinci: "Due to Galahad's separation, your spiritual power level has been reduced."

A big drop is coming. To be honest, it's less than half of what it was before.

So it is natural that the output will drop.

This is the problem with the body.

In addition, he also lost the ability to rely on his spirituality and

The art, blessing and protection of anecdote formation. "

I see--! !

Just like after losing various buffs in the game, does the sense of gap caused by the sudden drop in strength affect Mashu's judgment?

Seeing this, Bert and others suddenly woke up.

But if it's just a short-term buff, that's fine.

Those blessings and protections are like the protection of the re world and the passive skills of the earth world.

It is a hidden and permanent blessing,

It is not surprising that it is mistaken for one of the original attributes of the body.

Little Leonardo da Vinci: "From now on, you must explore, learn,

Strengthen your own fighting methods.

However, these are things we can support you with.

It's just a return to the original plan. "

Matthew: "The initial plan...

Could it be referring to the Lingji Exoskeleton Project? "

Little Da Vinci: "Ouch. You actually know?

Did Romani tell you that? "

doctor--! !

People who heard this name after a long time looked dim.

Matthew: "Ah... no. This is what Director Marisbili told me.

He said that sub-servers might be rejected by heroic spirits.

I guess it will be very difficult to act as a healthy Servant.

Therefore, we must prepare something to make up for it..."

Little Da Vinci: "...Ha, I've obviously already considered this.

But he doesn’t plan to stop the sub-server experiment yet…

What on earth do you think of the body of a heroic spirit?

In order to achieve his goal, he even degraded the body of the heroic spirit. It was really shameless.

But I'm not qualified to say it, after all, for the sake of

I will do whatever it takes to achieve my goal!

All in all, the problem of insufficient output

It will be solved sooner or later. Let’s talk about the details later.

The rest is a matter of the heart, Matthew. "

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