Inner issues?

It feels like the same confusion that Matthew had when he didn't know the Noble Phantasm Liberation Language and didn't even know the true name of the spiritual base in his body.

It makes people a little confused...

History is always surprisingly similar.

Little Leonardo da Vinci told Matthew: "The reason why you are afraid of weapons is that you refuse to transform into a servant.

It's all because you are very confused inside. "

Matthew was surprised: "Am I...confused in my heart?"

Little Da Vinci: "That's right. Didn't I tell you that before?

Will becoming a Servant cause any problems? "

Matthew: "...This...yes.

But are there other problems besides that? "

Little Da Vinci: "Yeah. This time, you really don't want to fight.

No, actually you never wanted to fight in the past.

But our legitimacy as human beings, as human beings.

So no matter how scared you are, you can still fight, but——

Not so this time.

This is not the case with the threats we face now. "

What's the meaning……? !

Seeing this, everyone was stunned...

I always feel that there is something in what little Leonardo da Vinci said.

Even though the lost zone and the singularity are different,

But the nature is still bad, is it any different from the previous battles?

Aren’t they all ‘just’ battles to protect the future of human history? !

In this case,

Shouldn't Mashu's fighting spirit be as strong as it was at the singularity?

Everyone was a little confused.

In other words - they have been looking forward to the bond between the two heroes - the master and the servant - to shine again.

Just like the time when human nature was burned,

The legendary hero's journey to reclaim humanity's future savior.

It is more shining, enviable and touching than any hero story I have ever seen before.

I hope this feeling can last...

See that light again!

The adventurers who chase after this vision, those who choose to take risks and become heroes because of this vision,


what is going on?

They never thought that one day, when their idol has grown up to be today,

There are still times when I feel confused.


Just when people are confused, confused, and uncomfortable.

After a slight pause, little Leonardo da Vinci suddenly said: "You have already noticed it. (Right?)"

That was a very definite tone...

Chapter 134 I just want to ask, can this broken world be saved?

Little Leonardo da Vinci: "It must be the same for Fujimaru Ritsuka."


This gratuitous sentence made people confused and couldn't understand what it meant.

They can understand it if read alone,

But if we use it now as a link between past and present, we don’t understand it.

Master...and Mash, both 'aware' of...what?

Everyone looked confused...

Is there anything they overlooked?

Obviously from God's perspective, there shouldn't be any mistakes in the plot.

The goddess Freya was suddenly startled, thought of something, and then a faint smile appeared on her face.

"That's right. The experience from a third-party perspective is different from the personal experience..."

Mei Shen suddenly figured it out... Really, she almost ignored her...

Perhaps it is because there is no tense state in the imaginary space where even the passage of time cannot be perceived.

They also cannot have time to calm down and think carefully like Guda, Ma Xiu and others, and they don't have the pressing feeling of being forced behind them.

Leonardo da Vinci: "Therefore, this is the disappearance of Galahad,

A more profound problem than the negative effects of follower transformation.

Matthew Kirilet. "

Calling Mashu's full name so solemnly.

Whether it’s the gods or certain people who are gradually starting to wake up one after another,

Most ordinary people are still confused,

They all felt the seriousness of the atmosphere...

Gudong...many people swallowed their saliva,

Then I heard little Leonardo da Vinci asking: "Even if the opponent is a 'neighbor with no fault',

Can you also fight for your own justice? "


There was thunder across the darkness, illuminating the dark brain.

'Fight for...your own justice...? ! ’

'What's the meaning……'

‘And there are rivals and neighbors who have no fault at all…? ’

People trembled and froze.

"Sure enough, to be precise...not only Guda and others are fighting for their own world and their own justice, but also among those Lost Belts...

No, the intruder had explained this once from the beginning, but everyone ignored it...

The world that can finally survive,

I'm afraid there's only one. "Hermes,

The Lost Belt continues to expand, and in the end we have to fight to the death, win the world and devour the weaker world,

In the end, only one remained...

If Lostbelts could exist at the same time,

Team A, as fellow members of the group, has no reason to kill each other.


The answer is indeed obvious.

If you want to survive in the Lost Belt, you have to fight, but what about the history of pan-humanity?

Can an exception be made?

In other words...

Hermes lowered the brim of his hat slightly and lowered his head, and suddenly figured it out...

"Ah, what a cruel choice.

Even at the beginning of the competition, the enemy announced that it no longer had a place in the history of pan-humanity.

But as long as the Master and Chaldea are still there...

Then the history of pan-humanity has not been completely lost.

A savior? Ha ha ha ha! ! "

Raising his head suddenly, an unpredictable look flashed in Hermes' eyes, and the corners of his mouth curved.

If - if you want to save your own world, you must destroy other people's worlds...

So here comes the question...

Is what Chaldea is doing now a salvation? Or destruction?

Will the savior and the demon king who destroys the world actually have the same identity in the end?


What an incredible thing!

What a special era, what a special time period, for such a contradictory miracle to be born!

At the thought of this, Hermes' whole body trembled with excitement!

Incredible, incredible!

At the same time, on the other side,

The perspective returns to Director Fatty and Lao Fu.

The two were arguing about the difference between Yaga and orcs, and even quoted scriptures and related various magic knowledge and concepts.

at last--

Lao Fu insists that the two are not the same: “Listen up, Yaga and the others—founded the country.

Build the foundation of life and build civilization. "

Director Fatty also realized that the important point was not whether the other party was an orc or not.

Holmes meant something else.

Fat Director: "...Isn't this different from the singularities you solved?"

Lao Fu: “Yes, it’s different.

The seven singularities that have been solved.

It is the existence that causes history [if].

To use an analogy, it is like the moment when a train switch is switched.

In order to correct history, Chaldea

The spirit son shifts through the ages, switching the switch back in the right direction.

However, this time the situation was completely different.

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