Princess: "It is precisely because of this twisted power that I can kill.

Kill Chaldea who gets in our way. Even in this strange zone of Russia,

Also kill any rebels who dare to go against the royal family.


As he spoke, the surrounding temperature began to drop and the environment began to frost.

Kadok: "Oh. Stop talking, princess.

...After all, he was just sleeping.

While you are here,

Be sure to contain your magic.

He is always sleeping peacefully,

In a short period of time, this has to be the case. "

Princess: "——You are such a boring person."

Kadok: "Stop talking.

I know this myself.

...But, I will not fail.

This time, I must succeed.

Otherwise, I will be expelled. "

Princess: "That's right.

Then just struggle hard. My master. "

Caddoc: "I know."

Gods: ‘Are you so eager for success? ’

Then the princess said she wanted to prepare a dress.

Kadok was surprised——

ha? What the hell?

He asked why he was preparing that kind of thing?

The princess said she would attend the dinner.

Kadok: "Where's the dinner party?"

Princess: "Then let's hold one."

Kadok: "No one here knows how to dance. This is such a world!"

Princess: "...



It turns out you are such a princess.

...It's unexpectedly lively and cute.

Pfft~! Everyone laughed out loud when they saw this.

The princess in particular was so helpless as she just stared at Kadok silently without saying a word.

Hiss~! Who can hold this!

Kadok: "...Is it possible that you are looking for me?"

Princess: "How is that possible? I'm kidding.

Who is going to host the dinner party?

Also, you'd better not be in front of me

Showing that [sincerely disgusted] expression.

Otherwise I will freeze your legs,

Let you stand in the corridor all night. "

Everyone shuddered——! ! Hiss, so scary!

I take back what I said before, it's cute, but when you cut it open, it turns out to be black, so sinister!


One of the three major illusions in the world,

Does she like me? !

Just now, when Kadoc thought he was going to prepare a dinner party with him,

Everyone's eyes widened in envy, but they didn't expect such a reply.

Everyone showed pity,

And although it is impossible for Kadoc in the immersive epic to know how many people are pitying him at this time,

But faced with the situation in front of him, he was speechless for a while: "...


Princess: "This expression.

This is what I'm referring to, Master.

You have to be prepared to accept my lovely and willful invitation. "

The girl with a big mouth and a confident voice made everyone's eyes widen.


I originally thought she was an elegant princess,

It turns out to be a sinister little devil?

Kadoc: "It's so tiring..."

After these words that expressed the common sentiments of people, the vision gradually dimmed.

The scene changes...

Back to the Chaldean group.

Inside the chariot...

Little Leonardo da Vinci says hello to Guda who got up early.

Afterwards, they discussed something that no one expected.

Little Da Vinci said that now that he has Avisbronn, a servant who is particularly suitable to face this cold winter,

There is no longer any need for Mashu to accompany him on the front line.

And Guda also accepted this matter.

Later, after Matthew arrived, the two looked at each other without saying a word...

After confirming that he could no longer follow his master to fight on the front line, Mashu had a very sad and depressed expression on his face.

Everyone: Wait!

Didn’t you just confirm that Mash has become an invincible Shield Knight and a perfect sub-server?

Why did you go to the front line instead?

People were a little confused for a while...

Could it be,

People suddenly remembered the previous conversation in the infirmary, discussing the reason why Matthew was confused.

Is it because I don’t have the will to fight?

Even because of this, it is impossible to exert the fighting power that it should have...

Everyone frowned - in this case, indeed...

It might be better to let Mashu adjust his will first from behind.


Chapter 137 News about the new followers! Third party force? !

Without Mashu around Guda, it always feels boring!

People still prefer to see Mashu and Guda active on the front line of adventure together.

I like watching the interaction between the two...

I didn’t expect that the two places would be divided again now.

at the same time--

On the other side, Lao Fu was also analyzing the existing intelligence with Director Pang and the others, as well as things to be detected in the future.

Although it has been a while since I came to the Russian Lost Belt, there are still many unanswered questions...

Lao Fu: "As a new human being, Yaga, the Thunder Emperor who has lived for five hundred years,

The storm at the end of the world and the mysterious tree.

Find out the truth about these issues,

It determines our future policy.

To do this, we must first obtain information about Ivan the Terrible.

Fortunately, we have gained the rebels' trust.

I will help them from now on.

Just wait for the opportunity to get close to Ivan the Terrible.

Also, if possible, I hope you can help the rebels grow in power.

If their power can grow strong enough to defeat the Slaughter Hunters,

then there will be nothing to complain about. ”

Avisbron: “Atalanta is a famous female hunter in Greek mythology...

But it is still difficult to fight against Ivan the Terrible.”

Goldruf: “Can’t we summon more powerful servants?

Like the Hero King, the Conqueror King, the Knight King, and so on. "


If the fat director was not in Chaldea when he knew about the restoration of human order,

people would have suspected that he had witnessed the battle of those powerful kings.

He mentioned three kings in one breath, all of them were their favorite and popular Heroic Spirits.

Don't say it--

They also want to see those powerful Heroic Spirits appear.

There are obviously spirit portraits. If they are still in Chaldea,

they can summon all the Heroic Spirits that have appeared in the Grand Time Temple in one breath. What can't be pushed through?

People thought aggrievedly...

At the same time, they also sighed again for the enemy's plan to destroy Chaldea in the first step.

Now the villains are not stupid anymore, and they don't give people time to develop.

If the Demon King and the Demon Pillars were more ruthless, they would have opened fire earlier and destroyed Chaldea, and there wouldn't be so many things.

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