As for the epic,

Faced with the idea of ​​the fat director wanting to summon powerful servants,

Lao Fu: “Based on the current situation, this hope is relatively slim.

If a powerful servant is summoned to Russia,

There are bound to be rumors.

Since the rebels have never heard such rumors,

This means that there is no heroic spirit capable of saving the world on his own.

Maybe they haven't told us about this yet...

This possibility cannot be ruled out. "

Goldruff: "Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu"

In other words, things can't go that smoothly. "

Lao Fu: “Bold strategies at this time will bring higher risks.

It's better to solidify the foundation now. "

Little Leonardo da Vinci: "Yeah. Well, Golderroof is still

Let’s go back and predict tomorrow’s weather~. "

Goldruff: "Anyone can do this, right!?

Isn’t this a blizzard, blizzard, blizzard? "

People saw this and were unable to complain...


A severe natural disaster that has not changed in hundreds of years, depending on the situation, it is unlikely that anything will change the next day.

If it really changed, it would be like a new singularity and a strange belt!

Guda: "Okay. Then I'll set off, Mashu!"

Little Da Vinci smiled: "Have a nice trip~!"

Matthew: "Yeah!

I wish you good luck in martial arts, Master! "

The scene changed to the other side of the fast-forwarding road. Guda had just left the house and headed towards the direction of the rebels.

At Avisbron's reminder, he discovered the terrifying crawling sound of a giant walking like the Gods.

Then he saw one of the many monsters in the Lost Belt that Patsy had once popularized - the Demon Throne!

Avisbronn: "It looks a bit like a multi-headed snake..."

Okay, what should we do, Master?

Fight or avoid.

Both options are presumably correct.

...I leave it to you to judge. "

Encountered a monster of this level when you went out? ! Everyone was stunned.

Worried about the monsters attacking nearby villages, Guda chose to fight.

Avisbronn is happy to go...

And after a fight,

After successfully defeating the monster, it was observed that it seems to be a species that can produce alcohol in the body.

The fat director then thought of Russia's famous product - vodka.

Matthew: "Huh? No, it's not distilled wine.

Strictly speaking, it seems more like fermented wine..."

Goldruff: "Fermented wine! Bad alcohol!

Hey, no more, just leave it alone!

Hurry to the rebel stronghold, Fujimaru Ritsuka! "

And just when people opened their eyes slightly, a little dazed, they felt that the fat director was a bit harsh, but also quite reliable.

It will also remind Guda to focus on business...

Indeed, the main focus now should be on meeting the rebels...


The next moment,

Goldruff: "If they were soldiers, they would have hidden bottles of vodka!

Go secretly and get some leftover wine! "

? ! ha? !

Suddenly, because of the fat director's words, people understood his true intention.

His face twitched slightly...

Everyone suddenly felt a little melancholy - the new director was working hard to save the world in order to improve food.

Ah——As expected, he is a useless director who has extremely high rankings in all his secondary occupations except for his main job.

At this time, Avisbron also said——

It would be nice if Yaga was rich enough to have extra wine.

Then the two of them continued on their way...

The few people who had just returned learned from the rebel gatekeeper Yagana that Ta Miao was looking for them.

I want to ask for seems to be related to negotiation with the servant.

"Followers——!!" Everyone was refreshed.

Will it be a new fighting force?

They, who had been worried that Guda's side was too weak, immediately became excited.

He didn't even think about whether Guda and others could win over new followers.

In their view, as long as they are not related to the enemy,

Even if it is related to the enemy, as long as the Servant has no ill intentions toward humans,

In the end, they were all instigated and hooked up...

Isn’t it common sense that a servant who is favored by Guda will definitely join the righteous side of the Chaldean family?

And after that——

People watched Guda join with Patsi, Ta Miao and others.

Patsy was surprised why Matthew didn't follow him this time.

After learning that Mashu had become a logistics supporter, he was a little surprised. He seemed to be a very strong person, but he was so fragile.

Retired from the front line to the rear...

Maybe the werewolf guy didn't mean anything else.

But when Matthew heard this, he was still speechless for a moment, looking depressed and not knowing how to answer.

Until Ta Miao interrupted the conversation of several people and welcomed them back.

Ta Miao: "I have heard Patsy's report. In the three villages,

Two of them were willing to help us, and the results were quite fruitful. "

Chapter 138 Characteristics—Does the emperor’s new clothes count? !

Ta Miao: "The remaining village must have been destroyed.

There's nothing we can do about it.

Mashu...has left the team. "

Matthew: "...Yes. I'm very sorry."

Ta Miao: "You also have your own circumstances.

I won't investigate further.

[Since you are deemed unable to fight, you should leave the battlefield. 】

This is because it is a necessary decision. "

Everyone:! ! !

She... Atalanta seemed to see something?

This... is impossible, right?

The gods were also surprised by the delicate heart and sharpness of the Greek huntress.

But I wonder if she can see why Mashu can't fight.

Injured - unwell,

Or -

Have you even guessed that Mashu is confused from the bottom of her heart, so she can't fight?

The gods frowned...

The former is fine, if it is the latter,

From the perspective of the servants of the Lostbelt, especially the rebels,

the enemy is the tyrant emperor, facing such an existence, but the will to fight is not firm enough.

It's easy to make people suspicious.

If you finally know "that truth"!

That truth that the gods and people only guessed - for the sake of their own justice, they have to destroy the world of neighbors who have never made any mistakes.

Maybe not only the emperor, but this world will be the enemy of Chaldea.

And those ordinary Yaga and rebels are obviously included.

Once this is clear, even if there is only a slight possibility, the current alliance may be broken, and the two sides may become enemies.


Atalanta did not seem to have the idea of ​​going into it.

Instead, she changed the subject, which made everyone feel relieved. At this time, they had not yet thought about how to deal with that situation.

Ta Meow said that in addition to the villages that Guda and others found,

other surrounding villages also took the initiative to stand on their side.


Ta Meow's eyes slightly moved away: "There are too few soldiers who can fight."

Avisbron: "Indeed, after all, they are just ordinary villagers."

Ta Meow: "In fact, in addition to Ivan the Terrible and the Killing Hunters,

and our rebel army, there is another force.

We are mainly composed of the Yagas living in the countryside,

while they are mainly deserters and fallen nobles.

...Then the problem came.

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