Just different beliefs...

Even many rebels believed in the emperor at first, but in the end they were forced to join the Taoist rebels after they had no other choice.

The former is for self-protection, the latter...


——No, shook his head.

No one said anything in the end.

After all, it is stupid enough to distinguish between right and wrong on the battlefield.

Now that it is determined to be an enemy force, there is nothing to be soft-hearted about.

Even the innocent Emilia didn’t say much...

If you fight for your own justice and fight to protect the loved ones behind you...

Only this moment, only this moment of justice, is absolutely infallible.


Chapter 150 Let Patsi attack Patsi’s town? !

Ta Miao: “That’s not the border, nor is it near the capital.

The Killer Hunters' security is also relatively lax. "

Matthew: "Snatch...food...!"

Patsy: "From my... town...!?"

But what Patsy said made everyone stunned, and they suddenly reacted...

Wait, wait, Patsy's town?

Wouldn't that just let him deal with his former partners?

Reality is often crueler than imagined,

Everyone's expressions froze...

An unavoidable question came to mind.

Among the rebels, there should be... many people whose hometowns are probably also in the villages and towns of the pro-emperor faction.

If we have to attack these villages and towns in the future to keep the rebels alive...

Everyone suddenly felt terrified...

Is this a different kind of Yaga law - the weak eat the strong and kill each other?

Point the butcher knife at your former partner...

This is something people are ashamed of.

Can you really feel at ease just by saying that you have a different stance?

Everyone hesitated...

I dare not think about it for myself.

That must have been quite painful.


People also thought,

Patsy's old mother is still in town.

Towns that are not wealthy to begin with and are almost in chaos and killing each other, if they are attacked by foreign enemies...


Thinking about it this way, the actions of the rebels did not seem so noble compared to those of the thieves.

The so-called justice is nothing more than carrying out acts of aggression with high-sounding reasons.

Loki looked at Ta Miao and others with interest, and finally decided whether they could make a decision.

We have finally reached this point!

As the god of trickery, he has already seen the limitations of the rebels from the beginning...

In this doomsday world,

Where is the happy paradise and pure land, hahahaha!

If you want to protect something, you must fight for something...

Avisbron: "...This is the only way.

However, this is a bad move. "

Ta Miao: "I know it without you having to say anything!

However, there are still frail old people and children in the fortress.

But if food is given to them first,

Those who fight on the front lines will be weakened.

Well, I know exactly that.

This is the next step for the rebels.

Therefore, I chose the most pro-imperial city on the border.

Moreover, the food will not be plundered.

Throw in our armies and negotiate with them,

And let them provide food.

However, this time the other party has no right to refuse.

Even if we refuse, we still have to take the food. "

Of course everyone understands what food means to Yaga...

Be it the tyranny of the emperor or the threat of the rebels,

Even if Yaga does not join the rebel army, his living space is slowly shrinking.

And the pro-emperor faction seems to have nothing to gain from the emperor...

No matter how much they believed in the emperor, they would sooner or later fall into an untenable desperate situation under Goyanskaya's trick of inducing killings.

Some kind-hearted people can't bear it anymore...

For those towns that are already having a hard time surviving, after this action is carried out, there will definitely be——

Ta Miao: "Although I only want to take away the amount that won't make us starve."

Yaga rebel (male): “This is not easy to handle.

Although they should have plenty of food in reserve. "

Yaga Rebel (female): "They must have concealed the place where the monsters live."

Yaga rebel (male): "This is what those guys do. Not only do they ensure

The rations he needs are also used to make a lot of money. "

Yaga rebel (female): “No wonder they are so kind to the killing hunters.

After all, you don’t have to worry about going hungry! "

Yaga rebel (male): “Those guys,

Life is as smooth as the people in Yaga. Moscow. "

Yaga rebels (female): "They have no self-respect as Yaga."

Patsi: "...

...Hey, I said.

...If you are in the same position,

Wouldn't he do the same thing?

It just happened to have the right geographical environment,

They also worked hard to build the city.

Not all residents live a prosperous life.

There are also Yaga who starve to death because they cannot go out to hunt. "

Conflict... is about to break out! !

The atmosphere of fire began to fill the air.

Everyone looked at the scene in front of them and became a little confused.

And they only feel cold inside...

Compare one's heart to one's heart... This word may not apply to the enemy at all.

The rebel yaga kept complaining.

And I have witnessed with my own eyes that the people in Patsi Village,

It’s actually very clear…

Those Yaga are also living a tight life.

The so-called Yaga starved to death because he could not go out to hunt...

Originally, Patsy's mother should also be included.

It was because Patsi hunted like crazy, more than anyone else.

Only in this way can he and his mother survive...

And meet Guda and others by chance, and save them.


Although they are both poor and in difficulty, it is difficult to understand each other once they are in danger.

Moreover, poverty can also be divided into several levels, such as having nothing and relatively well-off.

People who are at a lower level will be jealous of people who have a slightly easier life than themselves, even if it is just a little easier...

Many people who have come up from the bottom can understand that mentality.

But regardless of whether he can't bear it, he still feels that war is like this, and one cannot be merciful to the enemy.

Everyone was silent...

Everyone can talk big words, but if you can't come up with a more constructive plan to solve the current problems...

If it were them, most of them would probably do this in order to survive in the end.


Until people hear—

Patsi: "Although, other villages... no,

In your opinion, the conditions there are still very good.

That’s why there is [They are bad guys, so you can do anything to them]

Such a stomach-churning thought. "

Bad guy?

Many people suddenly realized,

So it turns out that they were confused precisely because they were clearly committing an act of aggression, but they still wanted to label themselves as righteous.

In order to make his own conscience better, he tried his best to belittle the enemy...

The Yaga rebel (male) suddenly asked: "Are you from that town?"

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