Patsy: “...I was kicked out.

I don't want to protect them,

There was no intention to oppose the plan to plunder food.

It’s just that those guys and I are both Yaga.

Just don't forget this. "

Beautiful~! ! The gods applaud!

This is a soul that is not confused and does not hide its ugly side. It knows it is evil but will still act. This is much more real than a person who insists on labeling evil as justice and acting!

I have seen too many gods with false souls,

I love such a rare soul so much!

And seeing the situation develop to this point,

As the leader, Ta Miao stopped a few people who were still trying to argue, and finally spoke——

“…Pacsi is right.

It is prohibited to endanger the safety of citizens. "

The final word! !

Chapter 151 Famous Scene - Powerlessness that can't do anything!

Ta Miao: "I originally had this plan.

It seems that now the soldiers must be warned more sternly.

If anyone dares to do violence to children.

I would root that person into a hedgehog in a heartbeat. "


This tense atmosphere made them swallow their saliva.

I was worried that the rebels would become angry and disobey Ta Miao, the eldest sister.

I couldn’t help but complain in my heart...

In the end, we still have to protect the children.

It only says that violence against children is not allowed, but it does not say that violence against adults is not allowed.

This flaw in the language amused them.

Ta Meow... really likes children!


People looked at the rebel Yaga and frowned.

The atmosphere fell into dead silence.

Just when people are feeling bad...

Is it unacceptable to not respond? ! The rebels will not split apart first.

People feel dizzy when they think about the possibility of fighting against such a powerful enemy outside.


The Yaga rebel (female) suddenly said: "What kind of magical beast is a hedgehog?"

The background music also became a little cheerful at this moment.

Everyone:...? !

Forehead--! Never thought that the problem you are struggling with would be this?

People were also dumbfounded.

This makes it look like the thoughts and looks they just had when they were just thinking about it are so gross.

For a moment, everyone's faces turned red.

Ta Miao was stunned for a moment, and then said helplessly: "...It's really difficult..."

She changed her tone and suddenly said sternly: "In short, we can only rob ourselves of the parts we need!

If they hate us as evil people, let them hate us!

Defeat Ivan the Terrible,

Completely wipe out the murderous hunter Cong Ge from this world!

In this way, this frozen empire will usher in the dawn.

The pointer of history will also move forward!

Everyone, take up arms! "

The rebels responded with cheers! !

It was also after hearing that enthusiastic voice that people finally relaxed,

Thinking clearly at the same time...

The difference between the yaga in the rebel army and the ruling yaga on Beowulf's side.

Maybe it's because of the pungent nature of Yaga over there,

Let them subconsciously worry about the possibility of sudden rebellion among the Yagas.

But in general——

The rebels' confidence in Ta Miao is still... very high, right? !

And Patsy, who saw this scene: "...

……well. "

...On the other side, inside the Chaldean chariot,

Lao Fu: “Oh, yeah.

Are you still forced to get up..."

Goldruff: "Since some people will starve to death if this continues, there is nothing we can do about it.

For us, isn’t this development very good? "

Lao Fu: "Forget about guerrilla warfare, we have to fight with the killing hunters

For a decisive battle, our combat power is not enough.

We and the rebels, Avisbronn,

Miss Atalanta, Billy, Beowulf.

Even if Avisbronn's golems can be used to make up for the gap in troops,

I also hope to find one more knighted servant to help. "


The scene turned and everyone started to prepare. In the wind and snow outside the stronghold,

Matthew found Patsy through communication projection: "..."

"Um, Mr. Patsi. Are you okay?

Next, we have to deal with your hometown——"

Patsy: “Ah, no. It’s nothing.

I abandoned my hometown long ago.

Moreover, the leader's instructions will probably make them show mercy. "


Even though he said that——

But no one should be able to really calm down after encountering such a thing.

Avisbron also suddenly expressed: "...Well, will things really go that smoothly?"

I don’t know if it’s an illusion, but people seem to be a little nervous when they see Patsy.

Although there is almost no change in expression on that wolf face,

It is still too difficult for humans to distinguish Yaga's facial expressions.

But they clearly heard Patsy say: "What does this mean, Avisbron."

Avisbronn: "I am a Servant.

So I must have memories from my lifetime.

Whether it's pan-human history or the history here.

I have some grasp of it.

And according to my investigation——

Throughout the ages, this type of plunder has almost never gone smoothly.

In the earliest case, the dispute may even develop into a massacre.

It is better to be mentally prepared. ”

Ordinary people in the world of Earth and Re widened their eyes when they saw this——

“No way?

Ta Miao has already issued an order to restrict his subordinates, so it shouldn’t happen…”

“That kind of thing won’t happen? No, it is very likely.

Although the world is different, the war is probably the same.

Looking back at our world, similar things have happened in the past…

Once the battlefield is blood-thirsty, hatred, greed, and murderous intent accumulate, who cares so much…

If it is at the beginning, it may be possible to control the subordinates by punishing those who made mistakes.

But over time, the resentment of the subordinates will continue to accumulate!

If one cannot control it well, it is easy to cause a mutiny in the end.

Many things on the battlefield are beyond one’s control, and this is the case. "Some people are very realistic and respond in the barrage.

Especially in the re world, how long has the Demi-Human War lasted...?

For many people who survived the battlefield, it seems as if the nightmare is still yesterday.

They have the most say...

Don't have too high expectations for war, this naivety will bring more pain to yourself.

On the other hand--

Back to the epic,

Guda: "Massacre...! ?"

Mashu: "But, this kind of thing..."

Billy: "It's possible, Mashu.

Even in the history of pan-humans, those who are more prominent than me and smarter than me--

have done many things that are far more cruel than me, right?

There is no doubt about it.

And I am sure that if I were in the same position,

I would definitely do the same thing. "

Mashu: "...

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