
Avisbronn: “Slaughter.

Regardless of whether there is malicious intent or not, it can happen.

And this time...

The conditions for this to happen are already in place to the point of being extremely dangerous.

First of all, as Yaga, the hometown of Patsy

The standard of living has long been completely different from that of the rebels.

Secondly, the rebels have sworn allegiance to the Killhunters,

They choose to live a stable life with hostility.

I can't say that things won't reach the point of massacre. "

Patsy: "I...won't let this happen."



Everyone: "..."

In their eyes, Patsy's words seemed so pale and weak.

Wouldn't you let that happen?

With what?

What can he accomplish with his own strength?

If it really develops to that point, even if Ta Miao is far stronger than him and more recognized by the Yagas than him, it will probably...


Thinking of this, people were silent and lowered their heads.

I can't bear to imagine that scene!

Chapter 152 Everyone:? ? ? ! It’s not anyone’s fault, it’s the world?

‘Will it really come to that? ’ People are unwilling to speculate on the extent of human (yaga) malice.


The greatest malice in this world is probably harm without malice!

There are countless reasons for violence.

And the rules of politeness and self-regulation,

Often people don’t like it…

They may not want to find any reason to be patient.

Avisbronn: "No way."

He gave Patsi's answer with absolute certainty.

Those were words without any personal emotions, just words that seemed to state the facts, cold words...

Patsi: "What did you say!?"

Avisbronn continued: “The so-called massacre,

It is not simply a case of evil people killing a lot of good people.

Rather, it spreads continuously.

Use rumors, history, hatred, intelligence errors, suspicion,

Racial awareness, wealth gap, self-esteem, panic, political propaganda——

and various other things inside the fryer for mixing the ingredients.

And this kind of thing is different from going downhill,

It doesn't happen slowly.

Instead, the dissatisfaction that reached the boiling point exploded and burned in one breath. "

When everyone heard this, they also remembered the meeting just now.

The dissatisfaction expressed by the rebel Yagas...

I wasn't convinced in the end.

It's more like being subdued by Ta Miao...

The commotion was temporarily suppressed.

Think about it carefully——

As long as one party believes that it is absolutely right, it is basically a condition for establishment.

You don’t even have to confirm whether what you are doing is correct, as long as it is the best way you can think of at the moment...what is wrong is also right for them!

Distorting facts and deceiving oneself and others...

Subconsciously pretending to be stupid...

Of course they won't admit they were wrong;

So the enemy who opposes it is naturally wrong?

Many people in the other world couldn't figure it out, and began to fall into confusion, thinking... and couldn't find the answer.

But some gods couldn't help but send a barrage: "Both sides are not wrong, and both sides are also wrong."

The world is not black and white,

Everyone wants to live, and it can be seen as fighting for their own justice!

But in the process, it is inevitable that others will be harmed!

So they are both right and wrong!

And with those words, suddenly...

Just like thunder lighting up the darkness and piercing the night sky, at the moment when it catches the eyes of countless people,

...it awakened many people and inspired them...

Although I can’t fully understand its meaning, people who saw this barrage,

They didn't know who sent this barrage, but there seemed to be a voice in their hearts telling them,

I agree with this sentence and feel a little confused.

That kind of confusion may be due to the incomprehension and disbelief of all the chaos in this world.

No malice intended…

Why can it show such chaos! ? I just feel that this is too twisted and absurd.

It makes people uncomfortable...

And Avisbron continued: "The plundered party only needs to try its best to resist,

But the same cannot be said for the predatory side. "

That's right...

Just understand this and understand that this is the end result.

Matthew: "How could this happen..."

And people who obviously cannot accept this result! !

Patsy: "...Damn it."

Guda: "...I want to control the damage to a minimum."

Guda didn’t say anything naively, he had to save... he had to have the best of both worlds.

This led many gods to identify more closely with this savior.

He's not a hero who is easily swayed by his emotions!

As a servant, Avisbron also immediately provided the master with a plan.

“Then we should do our best to eliminate the Killing Jaegers.

The worst situation is the rebels and the Killing Hunters

Start a war in the town and get the citizens involved.

The rebels regard the citizens as companions of the killing hunters,

The Killer Hunters don't care about the lives of citizens.

In other words, no one will help the citizens.

That's why we have to kill the signs of massacre at the critical moment.

...Master, does this meet your expectations? "

Guda: "Just do it."

Avisbron: “Got it.

However, before that, I have something to ask for.

Before the rebels set off to plunder food,

It still takes some time to prepare.

In the meantime, I want to collect as much material as possible to build the barrier. "

Matthew: "...

……barrier? "

Avisbron: “Yes, barrier.

The barrier called the Golem. "

All said and done...

After that, Patsy seemed to understand that this was one of the few things that he was still capable of.

I also worked hard on the golem barrier project in Avisbronn...

I kept busy until I was out of breath...

The Master standing aside apologized for not being able to help.

Patsi was complaining and complaining, but he was not distracted at all from his work.

Avesbronn also began to work seriously and asked them to notify him when the rebels started to take action.

Billy the Kid asked Xia Xia to remember the breath of Avisbron or the devil.

Afterwards, the group rushed back to the place where the rebels gathered.

And after waiting for Ta Miao to appear,

Guda and others came forward to chat with him, and by the way, they mentioned the possibility of massacre speculated by Avisbron.

Although Ta Miao looked a little downcast, she didn't show much surprise.

She said she had never thought of this possibility, which was a complete lie.


“But, so what.

I have the obligation and mission to protect them.

I must save those whose children are starving to death,

And the parents who want to use their own death to atone for their sins.

I understand these are not

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