Chapter 262 The roar of the white dragon! The legend of the evil dragon and the princess unfolds!

The White Day Castle in the capital of the king welcomed an uninvited guest today.

The huge roar of the dragon awakened all the people who were still sleeping.

"——!!! Damn, what is that thing?" The soldier who was originally guarding the castle just felt that the weather was getting colder and colder, and a cold current came from afar.

Until he looked up and inadvertently saw a black spot that was getting bigger and bigger.

It was really just a black spot, he thought so at first, and didn't pay much attention to it.

Until the black spot became bigger and bigger in his dull eyes... Gulp...

When saliva passed through his throat with difficulty, he could clearly feel his accelerated heartbeat. He promised that his heartbeat was definitely not caused by shyness or any other emotions.

At this time, the true appearance of the black spot had been imprinted in his eyes. The proud and beautiful figure, shining in the sun under the sky, flashing with bright silver like crystal, each scale was a symbol of beauty and strength.

I had just read the story of a dragon-slaying hero not long ago, and I fantasized about being like Siegfried and Sigurd in the Nibelung series, and I was looking forward to meeting one or two dragons. Now I only have one idea in my mind.

If I could travel through time, I would go back to the past and strangle myself who just had this idea.

"Dragon!! Enemy attack! The dragon is coming!!"

Ding ding ding! When the soldiers panicked and rang the alarm on the city wall.

The giant bell with magical colors spread his voice and the bell sound throughout the capital in a short time.


At this time, many people on the street also noticed the UFO in the sky.

When people looked up and really saw a dragon, their blood vessels froze instantly. The moment they noticed the figure, an indescribable sense of oppression hit their hearts.

Due to the instinct of fear of creatures, some people's blood accelerated just by looking at the figure, and the humans who were accidentally glanced at by the white dragon were like being struck by lightning, so scared that they dared not move at all and could only tremble.

It was like the terrifying feeling of being targeted by a predator at the top of the food chain.

The white dragon circled in the sky above the capital, and rushed directly into the most beautiful palace in the palace after confirming it.

It was not until the white dragon disappeared into the palace that the people in the capital finally breathed a sigh of relief and recovered.

"Dragon! I just saw a dragon!"

"It's over, I must have watched too many "Nibelungen" series and had hallucinations! I actually saw a dragon too."

"I feel like I also had hallucinations. Not only did I see a dragon, but it was a black dragon like Fafnir."

"No! Isn't it a white dragon?"

"Hiss~! Just kidding, it's a white dragon. It seems that it's really not an illusion."

After a group of people on the street said this, they looked at each other in surprise.

The pedestrians who were originally strangers actually became much more familiar at this moment.

Just when everyone was thinking about whether to run away and go home quickly.

Boom! A huge roar suddenly came from inside the capital.

Then, a huge mouth was blown open in the palace where Princess Chenxi lived in the palace. The white dragon held a petite and cute figure in its mouth and flew up to the sky, leaving gracefully without looking back.

Miss Bailong was very nervous at this time.

Just now, I seemed to have sensed the breath of the sword master in the capital.

Run away quickly...

Although it is not impossible to defeat him, if he is left in the human kingdom, he will be exhausted to death by other powerful humans who come sooner or later.

The snow mountain is her home court, so let's go back to her hometown first!

"——Ah!!! Oh!" She screamed first, and then Princess Chenxi made a timid and panicked cry. She was watching the latest Nibelungen series in the palace, with red eyes and tears for the story of Sigurd and Sister Bu. In a blink of an eye, she found herself being captured by a dragon.

The white dragon broke through the wall...

I don't know if it was too lucky or too coincidental, but he actually found Princess Chenxi directly without taking too much detour.

When Miss Bailong asked if the little princess was the princess of this country,

Princess Chenxi, who was shocked and stunned by this terrifying appearance, gave the real answer subconsciously.

However, after she came to her senses, she was not afraid of the dragon, but was sincerely happy and amazed by the white dragon's proud and beautiful appearance like ice crystal.

As a beauty control, Princess Chenxi subconsciously thought that the white dragon would not be an evil dragon.

There was even an idea in her heart that she wanted to touch the other party's scales, but this idea was too dangerous and she had to suppress it temporarily.

As a result, she was taken away by the dragon in its mouth.

Princess Chenxi was so frightened that her face turned pale instantly, and the servants who took care of the princesses were also frightened and could only scream and speak.

‘This dragon’s goal is actually me? ! ’

It was not until the white dragon took her to the sky that Princess Chenxi reacted with a confused and absent-minded look.


Her father has the powerful dragon-slaying hero, the hero king!

There is also a country that is suspected to be the Knight of the Round Table Lancelot in the legend.

I heard that my father had always wanted to meet that knight and was in constant contact through His Highness Rhine.

Although that Lord Lancelot was very mysterious, he could barely be considered a half-citizen of their country.

Including the magician Lady Hitti, whom she also knew.

Princess Chenxi never thought that as a princess from a country with so many powerful heroes and magicians, she would be treated like the princess kidnapped by the dragon in the story.

But the princesses in those stories are all small countries with few strong people and a small land area!

The strongest ones are just a few sixth-level beings.

It was completely incomparable to their kingdom.

Confused, extremely confused and panicked...

I don’t know where I attracted Bai Long, risking his life to take him away.

Princess Chenxi still doesn't know that Bailong is a titled dragon.

It was not at the same level as the dragon that the King of Heroes once killed.

At this time, Princess Chenxi could barely keep her composure, and she even wondered curiously what the giant dragon wanted to do by kidnapping her.

Covetous for beauty, greed for treasure, or...

Thinking of the reasons why the evil dragons kidnapped people in the story.

Princess Chenxi swallowed her saliva, very frightened.

If you want to use her in exchange for treasure, that's okay...

She was just afraid of what this dragon would think of her!

That's a giant dragon. Even pure-blooded advanced dragons have the ability to transform into humans.

But no matter how it looks like a human, it is also a dragon.

Racial reproductive disorders and such things are absolutely prohibited!

She still didn't know that the little princess who had kidnapped her was a little princess with a maiden dragon. She was so frightened that her whole body was going to be bad.

When her favorite 'Mr. Andersen' wrote some strange works in the future, when Princess Dawn looked back to today in the future, she found that she was in a different situation.

Chapter 263 The princess’s “determination” to escape!

It's obvious...

Miss Bailong is actually not interested in princesses or anything like that.

If it wasn't to attract a strong enough dragon-slaying hero, she wouldn't have captured any princess.

But the problem is that Princess Chenxi cannot guess Bailong's true purpose even if she thinks through her little brain.

Princess Chenxi has never been exposed to the White Dragon Flower Marriage and does not understand how wonderful the relationship between dragons and humans can be.

The girl never imagined that evil dragons and dragon slayers could have some special emotions other than hostility.

Until Princess Chenxi was taken away from the royal capital.

It was only those guards who were attacked that the news reached the king's ears.

...When the Hero King arrived, he had already seen the white dragon running away with Princess Chenxi.

He had some scruples in his heart, so instead of pursuing him directly, he went to the palace to meet the old king.

When the Hero King saw the old king, the old king was furious and broke a vase.

A great uproar spread in the royal capital.

Both the nobles of the upper class and ordinary citizens saw the scene of Princess Chenxi being caught and taken away by the white dragon.

...This matter cannot be hidden at all.

For a time, many young people who admired and liked Princess Chenxi were angry. The crowd was excited, really - the crowd was excited!

Damn it——

The dragon kidnapped the princess? !

They are a country with dragon-slaying heroes!

How can I bear this? The giant dragon has provoked them to the point where their king is shameless!

When the white dragon came, many people saw it and were too frightened to move.

Now that Bailong is gone, people can finally scream in peace.

When I think of the evil dragon Fafnir in the Nibelung series, he was lined up to be slaughtered like a chicken.

Thinking that all the princesses in their country were kidnapped by evil dragons.

There is absolutely no comparison between people.

The old king ordered at that time to form a princess rescue team.

At the same time, the king, who was worried about the evil dragon's impatience, announced to all the surrounding countries that whoever could find the white dragon and the princess would be rewarded greatly. If he could rescue the princess, he would be able to marry the princess and inherit his throne in a few years.

The old king, who regarded Princess Chenxi as the apple of his eye, was really worried at the moment.

He is an old father who truly loves his daughter. He is worried about her safety and must rescue her no matter what.

Especially when he thought of the stories in which the evil dragon kidnapped the princess and not only made her serve him, but also ate him when he was hungry, the old king felt even worse.

In fact, most dragons prefer large animals and don't like eating humanoids.

Only the Black Dragon Clan are truly non-vegetarian. They eat whatever they have. They only eat the beautiful princess once or twice when they are in a bad mood.

This leads to the fact that the stories of brave men rescuing princesses in this world are not all that wonderful.

Many brave men have not yet rescued the princess. The princess may have been ****ed by the evil dragon and excreted through the gastrointestinal tract as a dessert after the meal. No... it should be said that she was directly digested. With the powerful digestive ability of the dragon family, There will be no excrement.

That's why Princess Chenxi changed from joy to fright when she was captured by Bai Long.

When Miss Bailong returned to the snow mountain with Princess Chenxi, who was thinking wildly and worrying all the way.

When the white dragon was about to land, it threw Princess Chenxi away.

The little princess cried out in pain and fell to the snow, almost crying in pain.

As soon as she raised her head, she saw the huge dragon head that Miss Bailong was approaching, and she almost fainted from a heart attack.

Stared at by the gaze of that ancient ferocious beast.

‘It’s finished, I’m going to be eaten! ’ Princess Chen Xi took a breath and thought in panic.

Just when Princess Chenxi was so frightened that she shivered and collapsed on the ground without daring to move.

A beautiful ice-blue light flashed, and in the little princess's wide eyes, the white dragon turned into a beautiful girl with silver-white hair and dragon tail and wings. (For detailed appearance, please refer to the blue-eyed white dragon - the white dragon girl version)

"???" Princess Chenxi's pretty face was briefly sluggish, and she was stunned!

"Okay, you can rest here now. I still have to read a book and don't have time to watch over you. As long as you don't leave this snowy mountain, you can move around freely." Bai Longji said.

"Yes... yes!"

Princess Chenxi agreed timidly, and at this moment she felt like she heard the sound of nature. She hurriedly stood up and bowed to apologize, then stepped aside and away from the beautiful girl in front of her.

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