During the process, I still had some lingering fears and tried hard to maintain the balance of my body.

But when she calmed down completely and woke up, she felt completely messed up again, and an extremely unreal feeling surged into her heart.

Female... girl? ! ! ! Princess Chenxi, who had completely reacted, was greatly shocked in her heart.

Not only can this dragon transform, but it's not a male dragon? The little princess' breathing quickened.

He looked at the beautiful girl with silver hair and blue eyes who was a little prettier than herself, too perfect to be human, with a special temperament.

Princess Chenxi is complicated and confused...

Then, the white dragon who kidnapped her took out a few books from nowhere and put them aside in front of her, and became obsessed with the world in the books.


The princess who was abducted by the evil dragon had a bleak fate. Not only did she have to warm her bed, but she also had to be used as the dragon's food reserve at any time. What about the fear?

Princess Chenxi's delicate and pretty face was tangled together, and the tension in her heart only increased.

‘How strange! ! It’s so weird no matter how you think about it! ’

After abducting her, he took her back to his lair and did nothing, but allowed her to move freely.

Aren't you worried about her secretly leaving the snowy mountains and running home?

What conspiracy does this white dragon have?

Trembling... Because of the unknown and incomprehension, I am even more scared.

Bailong's various actions confused the little princess.

While Princess Chen Xi was thinking, she couldn't help but keep looking at the white dragon.

She...she looks so beautiful in human form.

Princess Chenxi couldn't help but make a sound of wonder and envy.

She is not bad in terms of appearance alone, but the temperament of the white dragon and some strange characteristics of the dragon species are not available to humans. Those characteristics will not reduce the beauty of the white dragon girl, but are bonus options.

Even humans can have admiration for beautiful things, even if Bai Longji's current appearance is definitely not human.

No... no, we can't be fooled by this guy! !

Princess Chenxi, who suddenly woke up, shook her head desperately, her little head almost turning into a rattle.

She is the princess of a country!

The thought of being imprisoned on the top of this silent, uninhabited snow mountain, and having to live with a terrifying white dragon all the time.

The key is, there is also the danger of being used as a food reserve.

Because the white dragon is a girl, Princess Chenxi has dispelled the first speculation that the dragon is greedy for beauty.

Since they are not looking for beauty, they are looking for wealth, or simply use themselves as food reserves.

Absolutely, she definitely doesn’t want to live such a life of fear!

"Must escape...eh? Wait, what book does she read?"

Chapter 264: A fight triggered by a book, a completely stable determination to escape!

"Um...can you take a look at it too?"

It felt familiar, extremely familiar, especially the vaguely visible illustrations, which were the same as the illustrations in the mezzanine that she accidentally saw when she got the new book.

Wait, why does it feel like she sees the paper differently from how I see it? Eh? Paper? Shouldn't it be a cover book?

I didn’t think much about it——

It wasn't until she stared blankly for a few seconds that Princess Chenxi was sure that the book seemed... to be "The Ring of the Nibelungs"? !

Wow! It’s Mr. Andersen’s new work! Star eyes!

The favorability level rises linearly!

For a time, Princess Chenxi's fear of the dragon dissipated a lot. There was only deep excitement left in her heart.

‘Would even the proud Dragon Clan like Mr. Andersen’s works? ’

Princess Chenxi suddenly thought that the story of the Nibelung series seemed to be the legend of the dragon-slaying hero... Uh... wait, although she hasn't read the new work "The Ring of the Nibelung" yet, she also knows about the new work. The protagonist Sigurd is also a dragon-slaying hero.

‘A dragon is watching the story of a dragon-slaying hero? ’

Princess Chenxi thought with a confused look on her face, and her brain was a little confused for a moment.

As for the general outline of the story, she had actually already known it from other people who had read it, and she was itching to hear it.

After finally completing the homework on Wang family etiquette, I had free time to rest.

As a result, something went wrong when the little princess was about to see it in person.

Being captured by an evil dragon was already an extremely thrilling and unexpected thing, but the dragon that captured her also liked to read the legend of the dragon-slaying hero.

Princess Chenxi, who had no idea what the operation was, looked extremely complicated for a moment.

On the other side——

When Bailong suddenly heard a timid voice coming from his ear. "Um...can you let me take a look at it too?"

Miss Bailong always felt that there was a hint of hidden excitement in her voice.

"...!? What do you want to read?" Bai Long was not too immersed in the plot of the book at the beginning. He also had a hint of response and doubts about the words of this human princess.

She had never kidnapped a princess before, this was her first time, and she didn't know how to treat a human princess.

‘Did what I just said or did something wrong? ’

‘After you steal the princess, do you have to show her something? ’

Bai Longji, who is very thin-skinned and extremely arrogant, pays attention to the majestic side of the dragon clan, and strives to be perfect in everything...

Even if you are a dragon in a heroic story, you must be a model dragon!

So the little princess's words made Bai Longji respond seriously for a moment, and she thought carefully about the 'treatment of prisoners'.

A white dragon that didn't regard the princess as a real prisoner and didn't know how to treat a prisoner.

Getting along with a princess who was frightened and wanted to escape, just like this.

Bai Longji's solemnity was completely different from the little princess's gloomy face.


When the words were spoken, Princess Chenxi remembered that the girl in front of her was not an ordinary person, but a dragon!


At this time, Princess Chenxi could only bite the bullet and continue to speak, "Do you also like to read Andersen's books? I..."

Books! ? Bai Long was instantly alert when he heard the word "book".

At the same time, his heart was also alarmed.

On the other side, noticing that Bai Longji suddenly gave her a "sharp and vigilant" glare for no reason, Princess Chenxi took two steps back in a hurry as if she was frightened.

She just found that the book she was reading seemed to be the new book in the Nibelung series that she was reading before - "The Ring of the Nibelung".

She also read it together...

But the other party didn't seem very friendly.

When she thought about herself, who used to hide in the warm bed and read books happily, but now she can only watch others (a dragon) read books happily.

A strong sense of grievance surged into the little princess's heart.

"No... these are all redundant." Bai Longji put away the other empty books, stared at the little princess as if facing a great enemy, and hid the books aside childishly and continued to read.

If this human made some other requests, she would agree reluctantly, but if he wanted her books... absolutely not!

The dragons are creatures with a strong sense of territory. For other dragons, getting their treasures is equivalent to invading the territory, or even a more serious crime.

And for Miss Bai Long, it is obvious... her treasures are these books.

She herself is not good enough, how can there be a share for this little human!

Bai Longji turned her back and continued to read.

Seeing that Bai Longji was no longer paying attention to her, Princess Chenxi felt relieved. She didn't care about Bai Longji's rejection and suddenly fell down with her back against the ice.

Talking to a dragon still requires a strong heart and a lot of courage.

Just these few words, she felt that she had used up all her strength.

Princess Chenxi pouted her lips. Because she couldn't see the book, she could only look at the people who had books to read (dragons) with envy. This grievance overwhelmed her fear of the evil dragon for a while.

Then - she was about to cry, but she seemed to realize something and covered her mouth in time.

For a while, there were only bitter tears on her delicate face.

She was not afraid... but sad... sad that she had no books to read in the next few days.

'No - I still have to run away! This kind of life without books is simply unbearable, I must find a way to escape! '

If she didn't know that Andersen had published a new book, it would be fine. She knew... even the subordinates bought it for her. She just read the beginning and was kidnapped by Bai Long!

This feeling is very subtle.

Especially... the white dragon is reading the book she wants to read.

—— Envy, jealousy and hatred.

Too... too miserable (greedy), she really——!

I really want to know the plot later! Envy, longing.

Thinking of this, Princess Chenxi seemed to have courage and motivation all over her body. She propped herself up and walked out carefully.

Seeing that the white dragon did not pay attention to her movements, she finally breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that the white dragon allows her to move freely within the snow mountain range...

Then the foot of the mountain also belongs to the range of the snow mountain, so there is no problem, right?

While this white dragon is not paying attention, maybe I can run to the nearest village for help!

And just when Princess Chenxi was desperately thinking about how to save herself.

In the capital——

Many powerful warriors came here because they heard that the king had issued an urgent task with a particularly generous reward.

Many warriors came to the place where the notice was posted in the center of the city.

They found that the reward was indeed quite generous, and they could marry the princess directly and become the heir of the kingdom in the future, but the difficulty of the task was too great.

——"Dragon slaying"? Hiss~! Are you kidding me!

When they saw that the target was actually a frost white dragon that could change the celestial phenomena, everyone's faces changed.

Even those powerful sixth-tier warriors gave up the unrealistic idea, and no longer saw the greedy and surprised look when they saw the reward in front of them, and immediately stepped aside.

Chapter 265 Contempt from the "wise" loli!

"Tina... I'm hungry..." In the capital, two little lolita walked on the street, and a pink-haired little lolita followed the little lolita in front of her and spoke softly, with a silly look in her eyes.

The little vampire lolita in front of her, Tina, stopped and showed an embarrassed and hesitant expression on her face when she heard the words.

The little money she had before was almost used up. These days, she spent all the free novels in the bookstore, as a shameful freeloader.

As an immortal vampire, she can actually survive without eating. At most, she will feel uncomfortable when she is hungry. As long as there are books to read, she thinks this kind of life is acceptable.

But Lily is a human being, and a big eater.

She is so small, why can she have such a big appetite.

Thinking of this, Tina's face darkened a little.

She touched her belt, which was already bare, and her face showed a look of grief.

Her human friend is a glutton——

This is such an unfortunate thing.

"How about... I turn you into a vampire?" Tina suddenly thought of something and spoke excitedly.

Yes! Wouldn't it be great to turn you into a vampire! Then Lily would become the same as herself, and she wouldn't starve to death even if she didn't eat! She could sleep in the bookstore every day for free... ahem! Appreciate those stories!

"!!!" Lily.

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