"No... don't..."

"Why? It's so good to become a vampire! You won't age or die, and you don't have to worry about being hungry."

However, Lily's little head was still shaking like a rattle.

Especially when she heard that becoming a 'vampire' would mean 'hunger', she became even more nervous.

In Lily's opinion, Tina didn't like to eat human food, but liked to suck her blood... which meant that vampires had to suck blood for food.

Then she would only be able to drink blood in the future, and would never be able to eat all kinds of delicious desserts and food again.

You can't eat anything casually...

Thinking of this, Loli looked at Tina with a pitiful and tearful expression.

"..." Little vampire Loli.

"......! I understand! I'll go make money! I'll go make money! Okay." Tina still cares about Lily, her only friend after she became a vampire.

She looked at Lily with a complicated look.

In fact, she was still looking forward to Lily agreeing to become a vampire and become her compatriot.

She also had her own little thoughts...

She wanted her friends to accompany her forever.

It can be seen that Lily didn't dislike herself, but really didn't want to become a vampire. Although Tina was very puzzled and didn't know why she was so resistant to becoming a vampire, she could only follow her decision.

She didn't know at all that it was all because of her attitude of not eating every day and preferring to stay in the bookstore to read books on an empty stomach, which gave Lily a very negative impression, which made the cute Lily have some particularly strange definitions of vampires in her mind.

In addition to Tina's words just now, "Don't worry about the problem of being hungry."

The little Lolita, who was extremely sensitive about eating, only noticed the words "hungry".

All of a sudden, the little Lolita kept her distance.

After becoming a vampire, she would have to "hungry", this simple idea was born in the little Lolita's mind.

Ah——It's really terrible! Incredible! Incredible! (Majiya Baku)

'I must find a way to make a lot of money in one go. ' On the other side, Tina was also frantically worried about the problem of making money.

She is a great True Ancestor!

How can I be stumped by money?

Since I want to make money, I'll make more. Not only should I be able to solve the food problem of this lazy loli, but it would be best if I could buy another bookstore.

In this way, she can live in the bookstore and read books every day, hehe... hehe.

The little loli, who didn't realize how silly her expression was at this moment, subconsciously wiped the shiny silk liquid from her mouth.

At this moment, she looked like a little foodie.

"Tina... so stupid!" Lily looked down on Tina with a 'wise' look from a little girl.

She was cute and silly, and when she saw Tina at this moment, she also felt a sense of superiority in IQ.

'Tina seems to have become a fool. Will she be responsible for taking care of Tina in the future? '

"Ahem! You are so stupid! Huh!" Tina said angrily.

"Forget it... Let's go eat first, and then we'll start making money!" Because of the "dream" of owning her own bookstore, Tina quickly regained her fighting spirit and said excitedly.

Lily on the side heard the word "eat" and her eyes lit up. She seemed to be infected and raised her right arm and little hand with passion and said "Oh!" cutely.

After eating, Tina looked at her waist bag with lifeless eyes again, her face pale.

She barely cheered up and then came to the center of the capital with Lily. The silly vampire little loli was still preparing to find a job seriously, but when she saw the notice of rescuing the princess, her mind changed!


The reward is a country! ? The dragon has a lot of treasures? !

Directly ignoring the option of marrying the princess after rescuing her, Tina seemed to see unlimited treasures waving to herself.

Her breathing was short.

It seemed that she had seen a future that would no longer be troubled by the problem of poverty.

Just a giant dragon...

With her True Ancestor-level strength, she should be able to defeat it, right? !

Tina, who didn't have a clear definition of her own strength and only knew that she was considered a vampire of the highest level in the abyss, thought carefully in her heart.

On the other hand...

"The Nibelungen series is almost over, and it's time to finish King Arthur." Yan muttered in the library while drinking the tea that cat-eared girl Yuzuha had just brewed.


He also heard about the things in the capital.

The princess abducted by the dragon?

Yan showed a strange expression on his face.

I heard that it was a white dragon that could change the weather and environment, and snowflakes fell when flying.

This is obviously the characteristic of a frost dragon.

"Could it be that one?" Yan thought thoughtfully with a faint smile on his face.

Forget it, that kind of thing has nothing to do with him. Although Yan can complete a great feat of slaying dragons with his current strength, he still has a chance to defeat dragons.

But Yan prefers to rely on his own strength to cross the seventh step before challenging those powerful creatures.

Sooner or later, the dragon race will be one of his targets.

Yan Ke has never given up the idea of ​​completely transcending the realm of life taboos and creating alchemical dolls that are truly soul carriers, rather than the current semi-finished products.

Moreover, he now has some clues about the threshold of the seventh step.

Understand the truth of oneself.

Or to illustrate the power of the soul, what kind of power can be called powerful in the depths of one's soul!

Chapter 266: The choice of "reason"! Crush all dissatisfaction with knowledge!

Magicians pursue knowledge in order to achieve the coveted realm of magic—magicians.

This is the route to the seventh step of the Master’s ascension.

Since Yan took the path of a melee mage from the beginning, he would naturally refer to the method of making a magician.

And there is a ready-made magician (Hidi) beside him who can draw experience from it. Rather than becoming a human shield-like hero, isn't he better as a melee magician (Faye)? !

Homura had already learned the detailed steps from Hitti.

This sublimation process is roughly analyzed briefly.

The so-called "reason" can be understood as a manifestation of rules, the embodiment of things, and it can also be understood as the liberating power hidden deep in the soul.

There is a great magician who specializes in the fire system. By understanding the temperature, size, and shape of flames, he finally understands the principle called "flame", and then he beckons to burn the sky and boil the sea.

It has become easy to perform forbidden magic that is untouchable in people's eyes.

From this process, "reason" is a kind of cognition of things.

Just like the various online games that Homura played in the past.

From a level 1 newcomer who doesn't understand anything at the beginning, to a full-level high-level player who lights up all the skill trees and can use skills as he wishes.

Through the combination and arrangement of various skills, you can even deal astronomical damage (combination skills).

He even threatened that as long as the boss dares to reveal his health bar, even a god will kill him for you.

This is a group of "god-killers" known as the "Fourth Natural Disaster"!

The above is the first way to obtain reason. This path is called the path of acquiring knowledge.

It is also the path that is most suitable for him and easiest to achieve now.

Homura, who has a set of physical books on the earth in his mind, said that as long as he analyzes it through the human body computer, and then tries to open up the connection between the magic corridor in the body and the rules of the other world, he can easily become a five-series magician. There are even more and more complex departments.

Thunder, fire, earth, frost, storm - he can choose from various elemental attributes.

If this kind of thing were to be known to other magicians who were working hard to study the path of advancement, they would definitely be envious and jealous to the point of jealousy.

This kind of precious knowledge - even the magicians may not be willing to teach it to their own disciples.

But Yan now has a whole set of advanced knowledge here.

Moreover, the level of detail and depth is much higher than that of magicians from other worlds.

Just look at the way Hidi drooled when faced with the vaporization and freezing method as a magician, and you can understand how superficial the study of knowledge of ordinary magicians in this world is.

Yan is already far ahead on this path of advancement.

This is like Ace's flames in "One Piece" who ate the flaming fruit, but couldn't beat the magma of Akainu who ate the rock berries.

The temperature of magma is between 900℃-1400℃.

An ordinary flame, such as a match, has a temperature of 1000-2000°C when lit.

The burning temperature of candles is also around 1400°C.

If the flame temperature can be developed to the temperature of the sun's surface flame, it can reach 6000°C.

The core temperature of the sun is as high as 16 million degrees Celsius.

What kind of power is 16 million degrees Celsius?

It can be said without hesitation that even the superficial identity of "that Lord" - Captain Flamehead (Ultraman Zoffie), would be burned to the point of being burned to the core if he fell in.

Therefore, it is better to focus on increasing the temperature of the flame than just developing some fancy tricks.

Even if the fruit's ability cannot be developed to such an exaggerated level, as long as it can reach the level of a hydrogen-oxygen flame produced by burning hydrogen and oxygen, it is still around 3000°C.

In terms of ability potential, Rock Berry is actually the superior fruit of Burnt Fruit. This setting really made Homura complain for a long time.

On the other hand, Yamamoto, the captain of the "Reaper" next door, can reach the temperature of the surface of the sun after the initial release, and even approach the core temperature of the sun after the release.

Let’s take a look at the strength comparison between the two.

The final result can be drawn——

The fake flame manipulator only knows all kinds of fancy tricks.

The real flame control user is simple, crude, and can kill all the ashes with one knife.

To Homura, these magicians who understand the principles of fire in another world are like eating the Shashao fruit but only getting a glimpse of the power of the rules. Ace, who doesn't understand development at all, spends the whole process silently groping for a way forward in the dark. .

And Homura is now like the old man Yamamoto who can choose to open or not open the swastika at will. He has long been familiar with the rules and power of the flame.

If Yan, who possesses all kinds of advanced knowledge, chooses to understand the principle of fire, he can not only throw a big sun on the enemy in the battle, but also use cold flames to build a big iceberg in the enemy's confused and stunned eyes, telling them. The real gameplay of human flames in another world, what is the dual world of ice and fire?

In the same way——

The same is true for other elemental attributes, such as thunder, storm, earth, and water.

It can be said that if Homura chooses this path to understand his own principles, he will not only become a magician of the elemental faction in an instant, but he will also become a leader in the seventh ladder.

In terms of his understanding of the principles, he might have surpassed the eighth-level gods. It is a routine operation to cross levels and fight against veteran strongmen.


Hesitated slightly...

Deep in his heart, Yan was thinking about another thing.

In addition to relying on the understanding of knowledge and rules, mastering the "principle", there is also a special way to become a magician.

This is also the news he heard from Hitti.

And the question Yan is thinking about is whether to choose this path or choose the easier first path.

...As mentioned earlier, there are magicians who have acquired a lot of knowledge through accumulation and finally comprehended the principles of related things.

This is a process of knowledge and understanding, integration and mastery.

And there is another way to become a magician.

That is the "strongest" power obtained by understanding the heart.


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