ah……! !

Everyone and God couldn't help but take a deep breath for a moment to suppress the restless voices in their hearts.

Chapter 229 Kadoc: Let’s cooperate! In the end we have to borrow the power of Chaldea...

Countless Yaga citizens screamed in the Thunder Emperor's wrath...and ran around.

It was like the end of the world.

There are noisy and frightened voices everywhere,

Citizen Yaga: "What...is...?"

Could it be that that is...?

The emperor was furious...

This world... is over..."

Yaga rebels: "Ah, ah...

Can't win...how could we win...

It would be a mistake to try to fight that guy...! "

At this moment, the fear of the Thunder Emperor, whether the enemy or the people of the Thunder Emperor, finally reached a consensus for once.

Everyone looked at the huge mythical beast...


Didn’t you say you want to protect your people?

Now they are panicking and fearing your power, so what on earth are you going to do?


People turned their eyes and looked at Ta Miao, who was evacuating the crowd in the square at this time.

Being kind-hearted, she no longer cared about whether they were rebels or ordinary citizens. She directly united them all and evacuated with the Yaga.

After issuing such an order——

Ta Miao looked in the direction of the Divine Beast Thunder Emperor: "...Although I have fought against the monsters,

I also fought against giants..."

Bang~! ! ! The loud sound of the beasts moving around was as terrifying as a mushroom bomb exploding.

Listening to the terrifying footsteps, Ta Miao said: "But I have never seen an existence on that scale.

...Maybe it’s already comparable to the true forms of the Olympian gods, right? "

Beowulf: "I heard that in the age of the gods,

Giants are everywhere!

At least in my case,

It’s only about ten meters big at most! "

Patsy arrived at some unknown time, but the princess didn't seem to make a move on him: "So I've said it before!

Never wake the emperor! "

Patsy shouted.

"Facing that monster as huge as a mountain,

We are completely helpless! "

Musashi: "This kind of thing should be explained in advance, right!?

If I could at least say one thing, it’s very big.

Then we can also be mentally prepared!

After all, that’s not a mountain at all, it’s an elephant! It's a giant elephant!

Isn’t that the so-called mammoth! ? "

Patsy: "Huh? Elephant? What is an elephant!?

Is it a living thing? ? "

Musashi: "...Ah~, the elephants in this world must have become extinct..."

Then of course I can't explain it to you in detail...

Patsi, that is not a mountain, but an existence called an elephant!

It’s just that the size is a bit ridiculously big! "

Patsy: "Elephant! Do you still have such a thing in your world!?

So awesome! ? "

Everyone:…………! ! !

Now is no longer the time to discuss whether it is powerful or not.

Steps, steps, steps!

People looked at the dull footsteps in horror, and each sound was like the earth shaking like a mountain explosion.

Although it’s not like I’ve never seen a bigger one——

The Mother Goddess of Creation, Tima, is much more terrifying than this.

But Ti’s mother is also floating...

At least when moving, it won't cause such horrible noises.

And now this substantial movement is accompanied by an increasingly dull and loud noise that is getting closer and closer.

And the whole body is vibrating with the resonance of the earth.

The closer we get, the greater the pressure becomes...

Take a deep breath people...

"Woc...屮屮! We need to think of a solution quickly! How to deal with it?" Although I know that this is just an immersive experience in the epic, I will not really be trampled to death by the terrifying mammoth.

But that feeling that my heart is about to beat,

People really don't want to take it anymore.

It turns out that this is the fear that comes from small things, sensing the arrival of huge things?

This feeling of being suffocated just by the movement, even without looking.

The so-called display of overwhelming power, this is it!

People couldn't help but sigh in their hearts...

On the other side, Guda said: "...can...win it?"

Beowulf: “It’s not a matter of winning or not.

We can only fight with it. "

Guda: "...(Pat cheek.)"

Musashi chuckled and said, "Yeah. That's what a leader should do.

The task of riding on the golem and overlooking his whole body is left to you. "

Beowulf: "Yeah. After all, you have to use the Command Seal at the critical moment.

The time to play the trump card is up to you. "

Beowulf: "...But, that guy,

They're not looking at us at all.

Keep calling Anastasia.

Still talking about betrayal and so on. "

And at this moment——

A voice interrupted everyone's communication in Chaldea...

? ? ? : "That's right, we did betray him."

The next moment, the figures of Kadoc and others appeared in front of everyone.

Everyone, Guda:! ! !

Guda: "Kadoc Zemlupus...!"

Kadok: "Since you are still alive, that's good.

——Will you come to help? "

Everyone:? ? ?

When they saw Caddock asking this question, everyone seemed to turn into black question mark faces for an instant.

When question marks appear above their heads, they don’t feel like there’s something wrong with them, but they feel like there’s something wrong with you.



He persecuted Chaldea so miserably and continued to attack Guda and others along the way.

The Master and Servants of Group A, who want to put them to death, want to cooperate with Chaldea?

Even now it is known that the purpose of Kadoc and others seems to be to deal with the Thunder Emperor.

But when I think about what this sixth person has done before, he has been persecuting Chaldea, and he even keeps trying to poach people.

Everyone:! ! ! Ah, where is the face...

In the end, we still have to rely on the power of Guda and others.

Is this what the so-called proving yourself means?

Everyone thought with some disdain.

Since you want to prove that you are a better Master than Guda, then use your own power to single-handedly defeat the giant Thunder Emperor in front of you!

Really yes...

But...people who think of something,

Suddenly I couldn't help but laugh.

Hahahahahahaha, Kadok probably didn’t expect that the core point in Avisbron’s mouth would be solved by himself.

The result is to sacrifice yourself to become the heart of the furnace.

According to the previous dialogue, the labyrinth was prepared by Kadok and others from the beginning as an abandoned child to use for Avisbron to display his Noble Phantasm.

But I didn't expect that Avisbron would eventually lose control of the labyrinth to Guda.

As expected, Teacher Avisbronn still cares about Chaldea!

This makes people feel much more comfortable instantly, just like taking a big sip of sour plum soup in the dog days of summer!

Sure enough, the next moment, people heard...

Guda: “What do you mean?

Do you also want to fight Ivan the Terrible? "

Caddoc: “I’m glad you responded so quickly.

The Killing Hunters were liberated,

Ivan the Terrible has awakened.

The next step is just to defeat him. "

Beowulf: "...The point is probably this devil."

Beowulf gets right to the point.

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