Kadok also knew that he could not hide it, so he had no choice but to admit it frankly.

Chapter 230: Don’t be immersed in sorrow and madness. This is the responsibility of the princess.

Kadok: "That's right. In Russia,

Ivan the Terrible was already a pure disaster.

Not human, not Yaga, not heroic spirit.

It is an active volcano that spreads destruction whenever it awakens.

In this case, it is better to solve it.

Now that you have arrived,

This is a great time to build a new Russia.

So I will take advantage of you unapologetically. "

Everyone: ...emmmmm, we almost believed it.

Why are you so stubborn when asking for help? ! !

The grumpier old buddies, werewolf Burt and others, if it weren't for the fact that they couldn't influence Epic, they would have wanted to get together and punch him twice.

Musashi: "...just do some roundabout things.

As long as you put it forward honestly,

Fujimaru Ritsuka will naturally assist you. "

Kadoc: “I don’t want to have a good relationship with you.

All he needs to do is gather the pieces that can defeat the Thunder Emperor.

The rebels, Chaldea, me and Anastasia.

I just arranged it so that no one can choose,

It can only be a stage to defeat the Thunder Emperor. "


It sounds so handsome, isn't it because the devil is in Guda's hand?

Kadoc: "Okay, Fujimaru Ritsuka.

Is this a common occurrence for you?

Go forth and save the world. "

Kadok wanted to save face, but the person in front of him was Guda, this good old man.

I didn’t care about Kadok’s tone and attitude either…

Guda said: "...I know.

What should I do? "

Kadoc: “First, use [Crown: Light of Wisdom] to entangle him.

Ivan the Terrible also has weaknesses.

That's sluggishness. "

Beowulf: "...Does this make sense?"

Musashi: "I feel the same way. Even though I am not Master Otai,

But beings as huge as mountains generally move slowly. "

Kadoc: "That means he can't react to the actions of his Servants.

At least the attack works.

He cannot fly.

The repressive force is as you can see.

Just moving can cause an avalanche.

If the nose pierces the ground, it can be equivalent to an anti-army Noble Phantasm.

...There is only one weakness.

It's the crown on his head... It should be said that that is his true body. "

Guda: "The true body?"

Kadoc: "Strengthen your eyesight and see.

Despite the blizzard, we should be able to see it. "

The ground was shaking and the mountains were shaking, and the divine beast Thunder Emperor was getting closer and closer.

Guda: "I can't do it."

Kadok said dissatisfied: "...you are a layman."

Beowulf: “Oh, I see, I see.

Although it looks like the size of a pea, the actual size is still surprisingly large. "

Musashi: "But getting close to it is difficult. Even if you follow the nose from the tip of your nose

If you run at full speed, you'll be knocked down before you get there. "

Just finished,

The Thunder Emperor raised his hoof and let out a roar that shook the atmosphere——!

That terrifying power,

It also forces people to accept a fact.

‘Although it’s very unpleasant…

But no foreign aid is too much these days, right? Maybe it would be okay to cooperate with Kadok and the others...? ’

Many adventurers think so.

The princess Anastasia arrived at this time: "Is everyone here?

- It's no longer about rebellion or submission.

Calamity began to act, and the emperor was awake.

He won't stop until he destroys everything.

I can understand how you hate me.

But now I ask you to help me. "

Kadoc: “…Anastasia, the Emperor’s target is you.


Anastasia: “I will resist with all my might.

Use my Noble Phantasm. "

Kadok: "The next step depends on your intention.

Can it be done? "

Anastasia: “…As a ruler, I’m afraid I’m not qualified.

I hate my people and this land.

The things I hold dear have long since disappeared over there.

I don't even know why I became a Servant.

There aren't even many records left,

On the contrary, it was filled with a lot of information about this strange field of history.

However, I deeply love my parents and my siblings.

And they love this Russia deeply.

That being the case.

That being the case.

I can't escape my responsibilities.

You can't indulge in sadness or madness. "


People recalled the few memories they had of the princess.

That experience in life,

As the Master, Kadok saw in his dream,

It was the tragic scene before the princess died.

Died tragically on the land of Russia,

The princess who died in the hands of those soldiers will hate the people here and the earth.

It all seems to be understandable.

But because my family loves this place, do I have to shoulder my responsibilities as a princess?

There seemed to be light shining in everyone's eyes.

He had a good impression of the princess and gained a new understanding.

The most important thing is that it is different from other heroes and heroic spirits!

The princess had no possibility of becoming a heroic spirit. For an innocent princess, ordinary people...

Can suppress the hatred in the heart,

It is already very rare to have such an awakening.

Anastasia shouted: "To shoulder this never easy responsibility,

I also want to destroy Ivan the Terrible. "

Kadok looked at Guda: "...That's it.

So please. ...You want to save the world, right? "

Beowulf: "I can only stay with you until the end...There is really no other way."

Musashi: "Fujimaru Ritsuka,

How is the communication with the submarine? Still no signal?

Then we can only rely on on-site judgment. I get it too. only--

(Voice: ...I feel an uneasy feeling on my skin...

Maybe I can’t hold on for long...)

Nothing, let's go.

Time waits for no one. "

Beowulf: “Billy…it seems he can’t catch up.

Let's send Xia Xia to inform him. "


Kadok said that he would use the command spell to support the princess.

At the same time, he looked at Ta Miao——

"You should understand,

Now is not the time to talk about rebellion. "

Ta Miao: "...

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