After all, she was born into a family of magicians. Even if it seemed strange to ordinary people that animals could talk, Ayaka could not accept it.

The sound did come, but it was not the sound of a dove.

"Pigeons can't talk to people, and they can't talk. They can't have the same feelings in the first place. Even if you are young, you should feel it right away." That was the thick and serious voice of his father Hiroki Sajo.

"..." Ayaka shrank timidly, not daring to reply.

‘Can’t pigeons… and humans talk? ’

For some reason, she always felt that her father Hiroki Sajo had something to say, and she felt a little chilly.

"This is for your own good. Ayaka."

This is what is said, and is said again, every morning.

Ayaka also wants to respond to her father's expectations.

But being so close in this (magician) way, no matter what - that feeling of resistance, she couldn't deceive herself.

The young Loli doesn't like the black magic inherited from their family.

It is a magic method that requires killing sacrifices and using the pain of other animals and creatures in exchange for a source of power.

Her sister Aige's talent in magic has long surpassed hers, but Ayaka now doesn't even dare to kill a pigeon.

Weber, who was not yet ready for time and space, killed several chickens in order to draw the summoning circle.

But Ayaka still failed to achieve her great goal of killing pigeons until she became an adult in the future.

Maybe she is really not suitable to be a magician.

When Ayaka finished receiving her father's education and entered the living room dining table, bursts of fragrance came from the kitchen.

The aroma, like that of a five-star chef, made Loli Ayaka instantly forget her previous depression, and instead revealed an expectant, star-like gaze.

After all, he is just a child who likes to eat delicious food. Bad moods come and go quickly.

‘——What did sister do today? ’

While she was looking forward to it, Ayaka became proud of her sister who knew everything and did everything perfectly.

Even her cooking skills are not inferior to those of chefs in big hotels. My sister is indeed the best.

However, Ayaka would not have guessed that all these "perfect, peaceful days" were just the surface behavior of the body named Sajo Aika.

In reality, she——

...There is no purpose or desire, she is just playing the role of a gentle sister and a filial daughter. There is no human emotion called family affection in the girl's heart, and the smiles and politeness she shows to everyone are just disguises. of.

Pretend to be a normal 'human' as much as possible.

In other words, her heart is endless white, untainted by any color, not just family it love, friendship, the seven deadly sins of mankind, or even the basic sense of curiosity about the things around her.

Because everything in the world is clear to her, without any color.

For a child who has been like this since birth and whose personality has not yet been determined, this kind of growth process is abnormal.

——It’s also a miracle.

Human beings will subconsciously want to understand something new when they encounter it.

The understanding of the world and the shaping of three views are also in this process of continuous exploration of the unknown.

If you knew everything and understood everything, then there would be nothing in this world that would make you feel "fresh".

The young Ayaka didn't realize that her sister had been living every day over and over again.

This individual named "Sajiao Love Song" actually has no soul and no independent consciousness in the body.

As a younger sister, she was completely unaware of this terrible fact. Should it be said that Shajo Aige usually pretended too well?

Perfect as a machine.

Only Hiroki Sajo, a magician, had any idea of ​​this abnormal thing.

But regarding his daughter's monster-like growth and vague terrifying speculations, he could only pretend to know nothing.


He is Ai Ge's father, and he loves Ai Ge deeply. As long as Ai Ge doesn't do anything excessive, Shajo Hiroki will just pretend that he doesn't notice anything.

However, Hiroki Sajo didn't know that the words he taught his second daughter Ayaka were quite suitable for Aika.

'Humans and pigeons cannot communicate and do not need to communicate. ’ For Sajo Aige, in her eyes, ‘human beings’ are the same existence as pigeons, including the nominal... creatures named father and sister.

In the future, in order to help the only love in his heart, he would sacrifice his sister. This is not only because Aige desperately wants to realize Arthur's wish, but also because he has no relationship with his family at all.

Although it is cruel, Ai Ge's heart has never accommodated other existences. Even if the relationship with her sister becomes more natural and intimate, it is only because of the hope and request of the prince she loves.

When Ai Ge prepared breakfast, she had already closed the channel with the source, but she had not yet discovered that an uninvited guest had arrived in the world where only she and another girl could stay.

With a smile as bright as a flower on her face, after finishing the meal with her family, she put away the dishes and chopsticks.

Ai Ge changed into her school uniform as usual and embarked on the road to school.

Shajo Aige was walking on the way to school, ‘How long will it take for things like this to change! ’

She thought flatly.

Although he was thinking, he didn't have any expectations in his heart.


That is something that is totally impossible!

...A day of ‘change’.

Chapter 280: The Princess of the Origin flirts openly!

Sajo Aika has always been a perfect girl in the eyes of others.

Whether it is studying or black magic. She is good at everything. In the eyes of outsiders, she is probably the kind of person who will not say things like “I am happy because I did it” or “I am happy to try it”.

Despite this, she always keeps smiling, as if she is already very “satisfied and happy” in her daily life.

‘——Don’t speak to the sacrifice, and don’t talk. You must never empathize with the sacrifice. Empathy will lead to hesitation and confuse the black magician.’ This is the magician’s family motto of the Sajo family.

For the princess of the origin, humans are to her the same as sacrifices such as pigeons are to black magicians, or even smaller.

So, is such a day really meaningful!

But she actually uses the name Sajo Aika, and she will do what she should do as this personality.

For example, fulfilling the long-cherished wish of the Sajo family, taking the Holy Grail and wishing to go to the source.

To be honest——

She had actually achieved that from the beginning, but probably no one would believe it if she told it.

Regarding the holy relics of the Holy Grail War, Aika did not make any special preparations.

With her ability, no matter which heroic spirit she summoned, there would only be one result, which was victory.

Originally, she thought so, so she did not ask for leave and temporarily ended her school life.


"What is this inexplicable throbbing feeling?" Sajo Aika covered her chest in confusion and suddenly stopped.

If it were an ordinary person, they would probably think it was just a whim for no reason.

But for her, that was not true.

For the first time since she was born, Aika's eyes had a touch of color, and she had the emotions called surprise and confusion.

——Then joy was born.

She was surprised because she could understand the emotions of surprise and confusion.

Sure enough, something special happened in a place she didn't know.

Her strong intuition made her immediately aware of the subtle changes in the world.

Even though the change was subtle and far from affecting their world, Sajo Aika still keenly noticed it.

Her index finger pointed at her crystal-clear chin, and Aika's face blossomed into a beautiful and moving smile.

Since she couldn't figure it out, that was the only way!

She was eager to know what went wrong, and she even lost the mood to go to class.

No, she wanted to know now! What happened!

In other words, she no longer planned to maintain her human image in her normal state. Aika opened the passage to the root again, and she didn't care whether the class would be late.

It had been closed since childhood, but now it was opened again due to a slight emotional fluctuation, the passage to the cause of everything.

Obviously, her intuition was right.

When Aika entered the root disaster, she saw the human being who was at the center of the root, accommodating infinite ultimate knowledge without any signs of disappearance or assimilation.

Aika trembled all over and was stunned.

The originally rational and calm transparent eyes suddenly radiated a blazing light that seemed to melt everything after seeing the male individual who was out of place and seemed to be forced into this space.

"Male... man!?" The little mouth opened slightly to reveal a cute look of surprise.

It was completely beyond Sajo Aika's expectations. The situation that she had never thought of suddenly appeared in front of her.

'... She was completely unprepared! '

'Uh... ah! '

Aika's mouth made a cry of sorrow and joy that was more beautiful than a bird.

What is this!

How could they meet in such a situation? Was the special thing she was looking for inside the root?

There was no need to look for it at all. It was as if it was delivered to her eyes on its own.

The cry was mixed with uncontrollable excitement.

Her heart was beating, and Aika blushed.

She noticed that the individual who looked like a male human in front of her was not wearing any clothes.

But she did not choose to close her eyes, but stared at the other person's whole body, as if every inch of skin was a treasure she had dreamed of.

...At this moment, most of Yan's consciousness was simulated by the Creation Star Map as a transit station for receiving information. Yan, as a conscious body, could not even maintain the form of a piece of clothing.

When Shatiao Aige approached him like this, then-

The excited Root Princess could not help but slowly stretched out her little hand to the chest of the life in front of her. During this process, Aige's face was already red to her ears. For the first time in her life, she felt what a girl's shyness was, and the shame came so intensely.

But she did not give up the idea of ​​this behavior at all. Instead, her emotions became more turbulent, and she was attracted to the man in front of her.

Aige let herself fall into the vortex and acted without the urge to stop.

This is like a person who has not drunk water for a long time in the desert. How can he suppress his desire when he suddenly sees a clear spring?

Homura also felt that someone was approaching, which made his consciousness, which was sighing that everything was going too smoothly, suddenly freeze when a soft and cold little hand was put down.

——That feeling of comfort came together with the feeling of being touched by a human being in a terrifying place like the Root of Disaster.

...Yan instantly felt horrified.

Although his eyes were open at this moment, they looked empty and lifeless on the outside, unable to receive the information in front of him at all.

Therefore, Homura now doesn't know who touched him!

"!!!" The root type, the princess of the root, or the restraining power? !


No matter which one it is, the current situation is very bad for Yan! Shocked!

Will the other party continue to look at me as a 'thief' and let me steal things from their world?

"Awesome! You...ah! Are you absorbing the knowledge of our world?" With just one glance, Aige could see the state that Yan was in at the moment.

Faced with the child of this world's taking advantage of him, Yan didn't need to use his trump card to leave. He could only maintain that creepy sense of vigilance deep in his consciousness and let the other party do what he did.

As long as the other party shows the slightest sign of attacking him, he will leave here immediately.

Ai Ge didn't mind at all about Yan's lack of response.

"Do you need me to help you?" Ai Ge, who knows everything, understood the whole story the moment she entered the root. Although she didn't know what kind of existence Yan was, she was sure of one thing.

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