The man in front of her was an illegal immigrant, a life that did not belong to this world at all!

Just knowing this, the huge surprise made her so excited and happy that she almost fainted.

She lowered her head slightly, and although she was shy, she was still reluctant to take her hand away from the other person's chest, feeling the texture of the other person's real existence in front of her and the active life consciousness.

Ai Ge did not realize how nympho her behavior was at this time.

For the first time, she started to operate as a human girl.

Because she encountered unknown things, she felt fresh and had the consciousness of independent thinking.

She could no longer be called a blank sheet of paper, nor was she a puppet like an extension of the root.

But she was truly like the children of the root, with emotions, ideologies, and new lives, new individuals.

Chapter 281 If the master is Ai Ge, how can she lose with a Tian Hu card in hand?

It was completely different from the ideal partner in her imagination.

Although it was also a very strong body, it was not thick. When she noticed the muscles, Ai Ge felt hot all over and felt a little weak.

With her watery eyes, she stared at the visitor from another world. Aige was worried that he would suddenly disappear in front of her eyes like a fantasy.


From the root, she saw her own world line in the future that she saw most.

She would summon an unexpected hero in the Holy Grail War a few months later, and fall in love with surprise because of the feeling that she was not in control.

It should have been something worth being happy about.

That was exactly what she, who was blank and pure, expected the most, the rebirth of Sajo Aige.

But after meeting a more perfect "surprise", Aige felt a very strong resistance to her original destiny line.

Originally, she closed the channel connecting to the root in the hope that one day she would encounter something beyond her expectations [surprise].

But now, the future she has seen is no longer fresh to her! Not to mention, she has found the "Prince" who can attract her more!!!

Being omniscient and omnipotent is not a happy thing, just like the hero king who has the omniscient and omnipotent star also chose to seal this treasure of his to find fun.

In the original work, the serious Sajo Aika is more terrifying than the serious Gilgamesh. Both of them have the ability to resolve the Holy Grail War overnight.

However, although Aika became "serious", she still lost to her "love" in the end.

——Blindly wanting to fulfill the wishes of her beloved, the result of constantly trying to please, the final result is that she lost to her sister who is far more ordinary than herself.

So this verifies the old saying "A dog who licks his tofu will not die well!"

Although Homura did not know that the girl who was eating his tofu in front of him was Sajo Aika.

... He himself did not have much bad feelings towards Aika.

If Homura knew that it was this girl who touched him, he would not have to be so vigilant.

In Homura's heart——

Although Sajo Aika's crazy look for love is very Yuno, but after the correct guidance [beating], she should still be able to grow up to be a good child.

Especially in the face of such an incomprehensible and unknown existence, Sajo Aika will be abnormally persistent, and the possibility of choosing to hurt and destroy him can be regarded as the smallest among the few people who can reach the root.

In fact, when watching "Fate: Fragments of Blue Silver", Homura thought more than once that if Old Sword could stand up earlier to stop Aika, then it might be their group that finally held the Holy Grail.

If we briefly summarize the plot of Blue Silver, it can be roughly divided into these steps.

Aika and Old Sword met, found their life goals and fell in love - Aika wanted to fulfill Old Sword's wish to kill seven people at once and complete six kills by any means - Old Sword's conscience was condemned in the middle and wanted to dissuade him, but Aika didn't listen - Aika was short of the last sacrifice to fulfill her wish, and she was ready to sacrifice her sister Ayaka - Old Sword turned against her and woke up, and saved the world for the greater good!

Sajo Aika's love is like a bullet, and she wants to smash everything that prevents her from being with the prince.

Therefore, the other people in the seven riders or their masters died faster and more miserably.

But even so, it is impossible to complete the sacrifice of the beast like black magic without sacrificing the last rider Saber.

This requires a large number of souls as substitutes.

Even though her so-called sister was among this group of soul fodder, Aige, who was not interested in such creatures as so-called sisters, was ready to kill her without hesitation for the sake of her lover!

The entire Holy Grail War was a crazy love story that Sajo Aige showed in pursuit of the old sword.

She pursued the old sword at all costs.

Homura remembered that in the first volume of Cangyin, Aige asked the old sword for a reward after completing the task of repelling the enemy, because she was so happy and blushed to death when she was kissed on the forehead.

In order to get closer to the old sword, of course, she had to finish the war and conquer the old sword quickly, and then go back to live a happy life with the two of them!

But the old sword's wish was a very terrifying wish for humans.

Raji, who was summoned as a Rider, commented that the old sword's terrifying wish was trying to subvert human nature if it wanted to be realized.

Unlike Aige, the old sword did not ask for the re-drawing of the Sword of the Chosen King, but for the disappearing Kingdom of Britain to come again.

The kingdom that has been completely destroyed in the past, if you want it to come back to this world, you will inevitably have to wipe out the land where Britain originally existed from the map.

Only in this way can it be completely replaced and Britain can be reborn.

If the world was originally a "saturated" whole, the wish of the old sword is to insert a new object into it, which will inevitably "squeeze" out the extra objects.

This behavior has threatened the integrity of the world itself, and what Ai Ge wants to help the old sword realize is the "eternal" kingdom.

Let Britain stand forever on the earth, let the old sword be king forever.

The conditions required for that are even more demanding.

Ai Ge simply began to raise the 666 beast...

Since the existing world cannot accommodate the wish of the old sword, then she will completely destroy the world and recreate a new world that can accommodate this wish.

Anyway, she is omniscient and omnipotent. In this world, except for her favorite old sword, no one can stop her from doing anything.

The origin of the name of the so-called goddess of the eclipse was born from this.

When the pure white goddess had the idea of ​​destroying human nature, she became a complete goddess of disaster.

Even though the old sword's personality made him dislike Aika's behavior, he half-acquiesced to this behavior in order to fulfill his wish.

But in the end, for Aika's sister Ayaka, the old sword decisively rebelled.

Wishes or something - how can there be a lolita fragrance! Sorry, master! I don't want to fulfill my wish, I actually like your sister!

Then came the popular backstab of justice!

Even the princess of the root can't escape the fate of licking the dog and licking until she has nothing!

In Homura's opinion...

If the person that Sajo Aika likes is just an ordinary person in the daily life, she wouldn't have the idea of ​​destroying the world for no reason.

Of course -

Because of his wish, the old sword was not very active in dissuading Aika in the middle, but he didn't expect that he would wake up at the last moment.

The old sword's acquiescence and connivance are one aspect, and on the other hand, there is also the reason why Aika didn't listen.

Homura had imagined more than once that if he became the old sword and had a great card like the Root Princess in his hand, how could he reasonably and perfectly realize his wish.

666 must not be summoned again. Cang Yinzhong has already said that realizing wishes in that way is destroying human nature.

Maybe the Master of Chaldea will be attracted someday.

Now an opportunity to satisfy his fantasy has come. Without Homura's knowledge, he has been targeted by the Root Princess, but he still doesn't know it.

Chapter 282 Surprised Aige: "Are you craving me (making love to me)?"

Sajo Aige got a new future, and Sajo Aige rejected the original destiny line.

The world will also make way for her. The name of the omniscient and omnipotent Root Princess is not called in vain.

To a certain extent, the old sword is also a miracle born only to respond to the miracle that Aige expects.

But Homura is an existence under another sky that Aige cannot reach.

'It's really wonderful——! The feeling of falling in love and accelerating heartbeat.

That is the heart that beats for you when I meet you who is completely unknown! 'Thinking like this, Aige completely ignored other situations and fell into beautiful fantasies in her mind.

Just like a princess meeting a prince she loves, there is no other person in her eyes.

At this moment, she can't listen to any words or things that are not related to Yan, and she can't care about it.

Just like Aige facing the old sword in the original book.

If it was a woman in front of her, maybe it would become friendship or the beauty of lily blooming.

But since it was a boy, Sajo Aige's emotions naturally leaned towards the path of love.

Because the man in front of her was too attractive, she became obsessed all of a sudden and couldn't extricate herself.

She didn't want to get out of this beautiful state of obsession.

As for the old sword... the wish of the knight king-to let the city of chalk come again?

That is completely irrelevant to her.

Now there are more important things than changing the quantum belt hub and destroying human nature. Yan and the other world where Yan is are what Aige really yearns for.

She didn't want to follow her original fate, and it was even more impossible for her to fall in love with the heroic spirit trapped in this world.

Aige only had Flame in her eyes at this moment.

She wanted to go over, help him, understand him, and understand this unknown "human" that she had seen for the first time since she was born.

That's right, "human"!

In Sajo Aige's eyes, only Flame, who came from the outside of the world and was completely unknown to her, and whose origins she could not even analyze, could be considered a human being like her.

The rest were just puppets whose fates had already been arranged and at the mercy of others.

Would humans make friends with rigid robots whose everything was fixed? Friendship, love, family affection, future, dreams, all were paths that had already been decided.

Aige, who understood them deeply, could not see the world with the eyes of a normal person, and she was also regarded as a monster by the world.

And the only ones who could influence monsters were naturally the same kind of monsters, and even the original old sword could not do this.

Ai Ge will fulfill all of Jiu Jian's wishes and try to please him, but she will not completely obey him in her actions. Instead, she will do what she thinks is right in her own way.

Now, Yan, who is also approaching the ultimate knowledge and is about to become the next omniscient and omnipotent, is the same kind as Aige.

Her consciousness and shyness have long been all hung on the unknown mysterious man in front of her, and she can no longer look away.

Help him! ! When Aige tried to guide the knowledge of the root mother to accelerate and sort out Yan's absorption process.

——The "Simulated Star Creation Chart" rioted! The power of the armillary sphere was stimulated, forcibly breaking through the universe in the consciousness and rushing out to Yan's outside towards Aige's little hand, and then controlling Aige.

With the new excellent medium taking the initiative to help, the efficiency of converting knowledge has increased.

Aige suddenly let out a blushing and heart-beating moan.

The sudden burst of fiery power in Yan's body was something that Shajo Aige had not expected. She just wanted to help sort out the messy knowledge so that Yan could absorb it better, but she didn't expect to become the transmission "medium" of the "Simulated Star Creation Chart".

"Ah - you, you... are you craving me?" Faced with this dangerous emergency, Aika Sajo asked nervously and surprised like a surprised little girl.

She attributed the instinctive stimulation of the 'Simulated Star Creation Chart' to the desire dominated by Yan's self-consciousness.

Using her as a medium to absorb knowledge, there had to be some too deep soul contact in the process, just like the arm and shoulder connected together to become an inseparable whole, which has far exceeded the negative distance communication between the flesh, but is something that can only be done by closer people.

- That requires great trust.

Although the 'Simulated Star Creation Chart' seemed to be in a weird evolutionary state at this time, it was very domineering and controlled it for medium transmission without Aika's consent.

Yan didn't need to pay anything, but Aika was completely controlled. Instead, Aika had to pay for it, and even panicked and frightened because she couldn't trust strangers and was forced to have such a friendly communication.

However - Aika Sajo was not an ordinary person after all, and she would never have the idea that normal people would encounter such a situation.

...Aige ignored the fact that she was being controlled by force. She was not afraid or terrified, but was extremely shy and excited!

'Isn't it too fast to communicate with each other on the soul and mind directly on the first meeting! '

Ah——she originally thought that at least they would go through the process of holding hands, kissing, and dating first, and then the deeper physical and mental communication, but now she has directly skipped those and reached the spiritual level.

As expected of you, even the way of dating is so direct and rough. But Aige doesn't hate it. She is too arbitrary. How could His Royal Highness go on a normal date like those ordinary people!


Aige, who regarded this behavior as another unique way of courtship, responded to Yan decisively as if it was a gift, and responded to this love more strongly by fully cooperating and even helping the "simulated star creation map" to speed up its efficiency!

She believes in love at first sight!

Meeting this man is definitely arranged by fate. No...even fate can't control her love with him!

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