Guda looked at Beowulf, the most powerful person present...


Beowulf: “No, that’s impossible, right!?

This thing has a diameter of 300 meters! ? "

Beowulf was dumbfounded!

Do you expect me to use a sword to cut down those giants? !

Although I know that the current situation is very embarrassing and tense, it is inevitable that

Everyone burst into laughter when they saw the embarrassment on the tough guy's face, Beowulf!


Fuck - outrageous~! This is so fucking outrageous... This must be so embarrassing.

A normal human body shape, and a sword adapted to the body shape,

Even the Holy Sword of the King of Knights cannot cut off something 300 meters in diameter without firing the light cannon.

This is no less than using a fruit knife to chop down a tree!

Can anyone really chop down a tree hundreds of times larger than their body size with one sword?

Everyone was laughing so hard...

(The Royal Knights collectively clicked and said let us do it. We are professionals in cutting down trees!)

Chapter 253 Look, blue sky!

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Something that even Beowulf thought was impossible.

Not to mention the rest.

Either the weapons are inappropriate, or they are musicians, detectives, or the like.

Just when Guda and others were helpless——

A new turning point has appeared,

When Chaldea was destroyed, the mysterious figure of the ice woman wearing a mask appeared again.

Billy the Kid, who could regard anything as a target, was surprised to find that he had no desire to target the other party.

Beowulf: "... Grendel. No, no,

Although Grendel is a faceless monster, he has substance.

But what happened to that guy...

Although I can definitely see it, I have no real feeling...! "

And in Mashu seeking help from Chaldea,

Lao Fu didn't detect that figure...

Holmes: "—No. That's impossible.

No. It's completely invisible...! ?

da Vinci! There is nothing wrong with the measuring instrument! ? "

Mashu was still asking if he could be considered an enemy.

Lao Fu informed Chaldea of ​​the monitoring results. Although they could not detect anything,

But that doesn’t mean that what Guda and others saw didn’t exist.

‘Miko from an Alien Planet’…!

Ah~! It's her!

Regarding this, from the beginning of the Lostbelt plot, it has always been mysterious and mysterious, and there are many scenes...

But no one seemed to notice her presence.

People remembered that this figure also appeared at the last moment of the meeting of the masters of Group A.

That's what the leader of Group A called this guy.

Is it finally exposed to Guda and others now? !

And this guy has never shown his combat power.

People who feel nervous subconsciously for a moment,

Mystery is always scary,

And Lao Fu described——

The existence of the other party at this time is a [blank] that happens to belong to one person.

Like a void of nothingness seeping out of space.

Although the figure cannot be observed mechanically.

But this blank space proves that something does exist there!

'vacancy'? ! !

Just because [Vacancy] was detected, is it more wrong than nothing?

People felt a little dizzy after hearing this.

They just felt that this alien witch was even more mysterious. Such a high-level introduction made them feel confused for a while!

And finally——

Guda: "That - exactly is -"

I saw the miko gently touching the branches of the fantasy tree.

Then under Beowulf, Guda and others, as well as everyone's shocked gazes,

Click, click, click...!

Boom~! ! !

The big tree in the sky froze and then shattered.

Then, where the remains of the big tree were, the Holy Grail appeared... no, it was the reaction of a replica of the Holy Grail.

The huge problem that originally troubled Guda and others seemed to be solved just like that...

But people can't feel any joy,

There is even a sense of conspiracy.

"The Fantasy Tree... was so easily...

Did that guy do something?

It was as if all the nutrients were taken away in an instant and it withered into dregs. "Everyone was shocked and lost their voice.

nutrient? !

If the last nutrients of the big tree rooted in the world were sucked away by the witch of the alien god, who would it be dedicated to? Needless to say, who would it be dedicated to?

——Alien God...!

Thinking of this, people's hearts were filled with a layer of gloom.

What kind of conspiracy does the Alien God have? !

The gods who play with the world and change it at will,

Playing a role that even the gods of Earth and Earth are afraid of and fear.

But it seems useless to think so much now...

Lao Fu also declared that no matter what, they won!


Matthew: "...Yes. We also want to report that the battle in the Russian territory of the Lost Belt has ended.

…Although it was a battle where a lot was lost. "

Lost...a lot...


As the background music gradually became calmer, they seemed to know that this time it was really over.

And Guda said that there was one more thing to do.

Bury Patsy...!

The screen turned,

In the hole that took him who knows how long to dig, Guda buried this friend he knew from the Lost Belt.

While saying: "He told me not to lose."

Matthew: "Master..."

Sad emotions flow in the air,

Matthew couldn't help but close his eyes: "Yeah.

…It’s not about winning, it’s about not losing.

Perhaps Mr. Patsy also understood vaguely.

our journey,

It will definitely be more cruel than before.

Chaldea is frozen,

All we have is shadow-border.

More importantly, this is a journey to destroy the world.

Let’s go next——

It’s not about saving the destination world,

but to destroy them,

This is how our world can survive. "

Guda: "Yeah...

We must not lose. "

Matthew: "Yes!

Mr. Patsy said.

We have a responsibility upon us.

The responsibility to protect human rights,

And the responsibility of trying to survive——! "

Matthew: “…!

Master, look at the sky! "

Guda: "Blue sky——"

Matthew: "Yes.

It's blue sky...!

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