...we want Mr. Patsy to...

You can also see...the blue sky...! "

Finally, when Guda and Matthew looked at the blue sky after the snowstorm dispersed.

It seems that with the removal of the fantasy tree,

The Lost Belt finally returned to its normal state.

But then this last beauty will also be cut off.

People shook their heads and did not think about those complicated issues.

Looking at such beautiful scenery, I suddenly felt melancholy and sad.


Still couldn't make it to the last moment.

Just like Riku was unable to witness the beautiful blue sky after the transformation of Disbod by the God of Games.

Such a scene makes people feel empty.

It also brought a different finishing touch to the ending of this Lostbelt.


What no one expected was what was even more touching was behind.

Beowulf and Billy the Kid begin to return as spirits,

Billy praised having made a good king.

Beowulf also smiles and expresses that he feels more relaxed and at ease like Billy the Kid.

However, it is better for him to keep fighting as a warrior.

Yet for some reason, everyone regarded him as a king.

Billy: "Good night, kind-hearted man in bearskin.

...Sure enough, you are more like a bear than a bee.

Oops, that’s it for me.

If there are still times when you have to be a villain,

Just call me. "

After these two servants who had established a deep friendship in the Lostbelt said goodbye,

The last kindness left to Guda.

‘Be a villain! ’ People know that this is referring to the Lostbelt adventure in the future.

Billy the Kid…

He is truly a reliable Servant.

Even if he gives up the name of a hero, he is still willing to help Fujimaru Ritsuka to save the history of pan-humanity, even at the expense of destroying other worlds.

The awareness required for this is quite heavy!

And think about Billy the Kid Beowulf who always stood firmly on Guda's side, and even played a key role in the final battle.

People love this heroic spirit even more.

‘Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Who says low-star heroic spirits are not powerful? ! ’

Chapter 254 A stroke of genius, little stars under the same sky!

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"After all, you see,

——I am the young bandit king. "In the end, Billy the Kid also left with a smile.

Young bandit king! !

People couldn't help but shout like this.

In the future, there will even be many players who will be bound to Billy the Kid by Wubao Man. This is a story for another day.

And just after everyone left,

Salieri said that there was still something to be done, and that his spirit base was still resisting destruction. It seemed that he wanted him to watch Guda and others leave.

This arrogant statement,

It made everyone smile knowingly.

Later, Salieri also said that if he was summoned, he would continue to help Guda and others.

The premise is that there is no ‘that person’ in Chaldea in the end,

Otherwise, he might be tempted to take action.

That person?

Who... Amadeus?

Everyone couldn't help laughing.

There was even a stronger urge to put the two of them together.

Falling in love and killing each other is the relationship between Salieri and Amadeus, right?

At this time, little Leonardo da Vinci came out and said that talented people and geniuses like her and Amadeus would always encounter all kinds of jealousy.

But Salieri directly expressed his disdain,

He even claimed that except for Amadeus, whom he recognized as a talent in the divine realm, the rest were all idiots! (People automatically make up translations...hahaha!)

This made little Da Vinci so angry that he almost jumped up and hit someone with a water pipe.

And just watching Guda and others leave...

As soon as the scene changed, the plot in Russia was not over yet.

Or rather——

There are also some aftermath work for those who are about to be abandoned,

People see the other side,

That was the silence of the remaining Yaga rebels.

Everyone: "! Ah... it's them!"

Since time immemorial, people have been subconsciously ignoring things without thinking about them.

The fantasy tree is broken...

Although I don’t know why the witch from the alien planet did something that seemed to help Guda and others in the end.

Maybe it has some deeper meaning and purpose that people don’t understand.


It has been confirmed that this Lost Belt was destroyed.

And now it’s almost the final countdown.

So what will happen to Yaga who remains in this world that is about to be destroyed?

People were silent.

And when a Yaga child asks his father, ‘Dad, what’s wrong?

The boss disappeared? ’

The Yaga rebels said blankly: "Ah... we... we...

From now on... what should I do...?

No, what should we do..."

After Ta Miao died,

The princess and the fantasy tree exited one after another, and the ending was already doomed, which probably made the Yaga completely confused.

Everyone also looked at these Yagas with confusion, and couldn't bear to think about what would happen to them next.

A doomed destruction.

Or the fact that it was still destroyed despite all the effort.

Now think about it carefully, if you stand on the side of the Russian Lost Belt,

Isn’t it more tragic than the history of pan-humanity?

We could have endured the darkness if we had not seen the light...

After knowing the truth of the world, working hard for it, and doing everything for it, I still lost.

Neither side wants to lose, nor can they lose...

The tragedy is already doomed.

But is it really...only tragedy?

Just when people think so.

Just as they thought the most touching scene had passed...

But then, when people saw Salieri's actions, they were shocked.

His stay seemed to have another meaning.


Everyone, please follow me!

There is something I would like to use your strength to move. "

Yaga rebels: "?"

Yaga child: "?"

They were no longer hostile to Salieri,

Because that doesn't make sense anymore.

In a world where death is the only way to go, everything you do is meaningless.

Finally ‘hey hoo’,

The Yaga rebels didn't know why, but they still helped Salieri move the piano out.

Maybe they can find something to do for themselves now. This is because they have lost their goal.

There are only a few meanings that can be found.

The scene in front of them also made people feel even more silent, sad and sad.


What are they going to do?

The Yaga rebels also asked: "What on earth is this..."

Yaga child: "What is this?"

Salieri: "The piano is an instrument.

Now that the Thunder Emperor is no longer here.

Then I can use it as I please.

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