--alright. Can I play now? "

Yaga Child: "What are you playing?"

Salieri: "It's the piano, the piano.

...This was originally an art that only the emperor could appreciate. "

Yaga child said: "Will it hurt?"

The twitching ears made everyone's noses feel bitter and their hearts trembled.

Speaking innocently and simply,

But it revealed the fiery and cruel life of the Yaga people in the past,

How many times have you experienced pain before you ask those words so carefully.

The curiosity and desire to face new things are suppressed by subconscious fear.

Salieri said gently: "It won't hurt."

Yaga child: "Can you fill your stomach?"

Salieri: "Of course."

Yaga child: "Then play."

The dialogue between the two made people feel more and more heavy in their hearts.

The child is indeed innocent...

The world is not a good place for children at all.

Than having a child born and struggling to survive in such hell.

Perhaps give the opportunity to more unborn little lives, so that children in the future can be born in that happy world,

Isn't Patsy also longing for it? !

Salieri: "...Then I'll start.

The tune was ordered by Amadeus.

He asked me to when peace is restored in the world——

Play this piece of music.

Even though I was unhappy, since it was the last words of that genius.

Then I have no choice but to obey. "

Yaga Child: "Does it make a sound?"

Salieri: "That's right."

Then Salieri raised the corner of his mouth slightly and began to play the little star.

Everyone looked at Salieri in astonishment, but they didn't expect that he actually remembered what Amadeus had only said at that time.


Salieri also popularized science like a teacher: "This is a love song in our time.

But it is said that in the future, it will become music about the stars. "

Yaga children: "What are stars?"

Salieri: "When night falls, you can see the stars.

The bright stars twinkling in the sky. "

Yaga Rebels: "Now that things have happened...

Even if we are allowed to see that kind of thing..."

Salieri: "...This Lostbelt is about to disappear.

Return to original form——

Let's go back to the shearing thing that never existed from the beginning.

It's like waking up from a dream.

After spending countless nights, I suddenly woke up.

Everything [has ceased to exist].

Because I am a pan-human historical being,

So I can't respond to this despair.

——But before this world ends.

I would just keep playing the music.

All of you are sinless,

It's just that the world is going in the wrong direction.

...This must be a sad thing.

However, none of you are responsible for this.

It's still some time before collapse.

It’s okay if you want to regain what you lost,

It’s okay to give up if you want.

...just don't hurt others,

There is no need to do this now. "

Quiet Requiem...

Salieri's words seemed to have a magical power that made people calm down.

Woohoo...he, he is really...so gentle!

The little stars that sounded at this time were like a stroke of genius! Absolutely amazing! but--

Everyone (gods) were happy: Oh oh love song? !


Amadeus, did you order a love song for Salieri? What is the relationship between you two? Does Princess Mary know? !

Yaga Rebels: "...I can...

Would you like to listen a little longer? "

Salieri: "Of course."

Yaga Rebels: "...Our world failed to give birth to

Such a wonderful sound.

Ah, this—

There is really nothing we can do. "

The Yaga child looked at his crying father and asked innocently: "What's wrong?

Does it hurt? "

Yaga Rebels: “Nothing.

Nothing happened. "

at last--

In that touching, weepy little star.

Countless Yaga looked at the starry sky that they had never seen before.

Looking at the beautiful scenery that I have never seen in my life.

‘The dazzling sea of ​​stars.

Flashing in the distance, a fleeting life form.

Yagas who know nothing about it,

Laughing and laughing together with the Yagas who know everything,

Or sigh.

They only know,

Those will be the twinkling things.

The old Yagas looked blankly

The real starry sky that only exists in legend.

It is the most beautiful thing in the world that humans who are struggling to survive and reproduce on the frozen soil have ever seen.

It is the glory of the future that can never be touched. ’

With these final words, finally - the Lostbelt epic has come to a complete end.

The last picture left to people is the starry sky like the Milky Way, and the sound of music (little stars) that still seems to echo in the mind.

When everyone’s consciousness exits the immersive experience,

Before I could react, for one second, two seconds... it was like I had lost my soul, and my mind felt empty.


it's over?

I don't know when they opened their eyes. People who finally recognized the reality could not help but feel a sense of loss flashing through their eyes.

At the same time, they couldn't help but think of the same thought in their minds - can those Yagas really not survive?

If possible - I really want to... keep that world as well!

Why... must one side sacrifice?

For a moment, people's psychology became more and more uncomfortable.

Chapter 255 Talent, courage, wisdom, and will are all indispensable!

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Fantasy excision is successful...!

This is the first of the seven abnormal loss belts,

and it is also the first step towards completely saving pan-human history.

Just like the seven singularities before, when the first singularity was corrected, people felt uneasy and complicated.

There is joy and relief...

It is always a meaningful experience.

Unlike the previous just wars to save the world,

this time Guda and his team successfully destroyed a world.

Until everyone in the world of Jicuo and re quit the immersive experience,

in reality, in the tavern...

in the magic crystal, on the forum...

there are still countless people discussing the plot and talking about it.

"Destroying the world...if it was in the past, I would undoubtedly think it was an evil act."

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