"But this is a fight for survival.

Not out of spite, but as an inevitable sacrifice. "

"Ah...but people from the Lostbelt world would never want to sacrifice themselves to save others!

Who cares about the life and death of other worlds! "

"It can't be said that Patsy finally agreed with the world described by Guda and others.

Do you leave the hope of survival to a better and happier world of pan-human history? "

"Hey...a world ruled by those dirty magicians,

I don’t see how happy I am!

Don’t forget Fujimaru Ritsuka’s treatment after saving the world. The hero actually doesn't get the glory he deserves..."

"You can't say that...

Even if it is a false peace, at least the history of pan-humanity is beautiful on the surface.

And the harshness of the Russian Lost Belt, as well as the various ugly aspects of human nature that have evolved due to the wrong way of living,

This world is destroyed,

It’s much better than the destruction of pan-human history, right? "

In the wrong world, in the rich hostess's shop, a group of people are discussing their opinions on the demise of Fujimaru Ritsuka.

Although it did end up destroying the world, it was supposed to be an evil act,

But people who understand Fujimaru Ritsuka's position and their love for Guda make them subconsciously find reasons for it.

At least the world in the Lostbelt is not a beautiful one...

So being destroyed is better than the destruction of the more beautiful pan-human history. Thinking about it this way, people seem to feel comforted.

And at this moment——

In the lively tavern, everyone's attention was focused on the plot discussion, which was in full swing.

Even the gods have become inconspicuous here.

In the final analysis, when the gods assert their own power,

In addition to possessing charm that far exceeds that of ordinary people on earth, he is similar to ordinary people in other aspects.

Therefore, at this time, no one paid attention to the Alchemy Gods Hermitos, Hermes, Flame and others who were feasting in the corner of the tavern.

With the completion of the Lostbelt epic update,

It's almost time for Homura to start his next plan.

For this reason, he even called Lyu, who was looking after the store, and the store put up a sign saying it was temporarily closed.

At this time, Meishen's trumpet, Xi'er, was happily waiting for several people to eat. She skipped work openly and sat next to Yan, constantly pouring wine for him.

Although I know that this level of ordinary wine cannot make Master Yan drunk.


This goddess is very satisfied if she can get closer to Homura.

‘Ah——~! I really want to see how the brilliance of the soul becomes even more shining! ’

However, the next moment, Xi'er, who was trying her best to suppress her inner emotions, suddenly froze after hearing Yan's words.

"Hermitos - I'm going back, do you want to come with me?" Yan.

"Go back?!" Xi'er said in surprise. She was so distracted that she didn't even react when the wine poured out.

It wasn't until he saw the wine dripping from the corner of the table onto Homura's clothes that he hurriedly wiped it away.

While apologizing——

Xi'er asked anxiously: "Are you going back to the world over there?"

Yan: "I just left for a short time, and I will come here again later."

Xi'er was relieved after hearing this.

But even so,

When she thought about not being able to see Homura for a while, the goddess felt like she was going crazy.

It’s really too much suffering——!

It is more or less clear to everyone present that Yan and Hermitos come from a different world that is completely different from the earth and the re world.

Not to mention the wrong Hermes,

As the God of Fun, he had already joined the Tao when he learned about concepts such as the final trial of mankind.

At the same time, Hermes was also extremely curious about the world over there. At this time, his body and mind were happy and excited.

He also expressed that he also wanted to go there and take a look.

Yan: "The transformation of the power of grace has been completed, and I have made some appropriate modifications...

It's time to take the results back to the world over there. "

Hermitos looked at Homura in shock and made another modification? Is modifying this level of magic just like eating and drinking?

Should I say he is worthy of that sage?

Afterwards, Hermitus and Hermes both expressed that they would follow Homura there.

For Hermitus, who is dedicated to the survival of mankind,

But it's also selfish.

Compared to cultivating powerful heroes in other worlds,

He even wants to return home in fine clothes and bring the power of grace back to his own world.

It’s just that when I return, I have to rely on Yan to lead the way...

Can you finally go back now? !

Ceylon, a different world,

After a period of silence, the flower magician who had not been heard from for a long time appeared again and released a shocking message to the world.

Through the alliance of many principalities and churches, a completely futuristic (modern) city was built in Ceylon and a college was established in it.

It is used to cultivate every human being in the world who wants to become a brave man and a hero.

All young men and women who have heroic dreams are invited to come and try. As long as they meet the qualifications to become a hero, they can enroll for free.

Students who graduate from this academy will become 'hero candidates' recognized by various countries, as well as 'strongest human candidates'.

Enjoy many benefits and honors.

A school dedicated to nurturing heroes? ! !

For a time, the entire continent was in an uproar because of this unprecedented and absurd news.

Even in border towns, now that magic crystals are becoming more and more popular,

I can also understand what appalling news this is.

Let’s not put aside the thoroughly modern city that can only be glimpsed in the epic.

Even in areas such as Ceylon that have experienced industrial and agricultural transitions,

Now it's just steampunk, which is close to modern times.

Complete modernity is a sight that can only be seen in immersive experiences.

For young people with strong curiosity,

This city is full of mystery...

Not to mention the wild claims of cultivating ‘hero candidates’ and ‘strongest human candidates’.

I’ve heard of academies that train outstanding magicians or warriors.

At most, it is nothing more than training professionals.

But can heroes also be cultivated?

That's a hero!

The reason why a hero can be called a hero is

It is precisely because there can only be one absolute hero among millions of people!

It takes many adventures, near-death experiences, and the luck of surviving to the end to become a truly strong person!

Talent, wisdom, luck, courage, and will are all indispensable!

Can such a coveted miracle really be cultivated artificially?

Chapter 256: Training Plan for the Strongest Human Candidates! Everyone who was deceived!

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"What's the name of the college?" Hermitus.

"Let's call it Academy City..." Homura responded casually in the newly built city in Ceylon.

Immediately, the position of chairman was established to take charge of the entire city, and it was held by Hermes, the god of fun who followed him to this world, to find something for this tool man to do.

And personally cultivate heroes from another world,

It seems to be one of Hermes' interests. After all, he can witness the birth stories of different heroes.

So Hermes happily took over this position.

But it is impossible to expect him to put more effort into doing things...

If this God of Fun were more serious, he would not be criticized and disliked by his children.

It is his nature to like to run around.

And Yan didn't really expect to hand over the entire academy to his management.

After all, even though it’s called Academy City in a bad way,

But Hermes is not as conscientious and calculating as the Hanged Man, and he monitors (controls) the entire Academy City within his own layout.

The previously built machines can adapt well to the various management and operational levels of the new city.

He even takes on the role of a teacher teaching combat skills.

All he needs to do is to instill into the Ex-Machina a variety of combat skills data worth several worlds that Homura has mastered.

They totally make the best teachers...

These are further specific plans after the return of Homura, Hermitos and others.

That's right——

The establishment of Academy City is also one of the means to exercise "favor".

The blessings originally learned and transformed from the wrong world are ultimately meant to come back and act on the humans in this world.

Help them break the limiters and further explore the infinite possibilities that exist within the human body.

But even if the restrictions are also broken,

Talented people will grow faster and go further.

This is quite normal.

There will also appear in Dicuo, such as Bell, Aisi, etc., whose growth rate is several times or dozens of times faster than other adventurers.

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