Cultivating talented people,

the value gained will definitely be far greater than that of ordinary people.

Instead of looking for them one by one, it is better to actively attract talents.

You only need to install a small qualification detection device.

With this level of technology, Yan can still easily complete it.

This is how the Academy City was established.

And the reason why many countries advertised for it,

this has to do with-

A long time ago, Hermitos passed the information about the final trial of mankind to the gods.

With this foundation,

the gods and even the top leaders of the faith countries under their control, who knew everything, felt a sense of crisis and were soon successfully persuaded to support the establishment of such an academy for cultivating heroes.

Since knowing those crises,

the gods have been trapped in a kind of running desperately as if they were forced to run with a knife.

There is a deep panic...

This panic gradually spreads around the world along with those terrifying crises. After more and more gods know about it,

even those who are skeptical will plant a seed in their hearts.

After all, the source of these messages is said to be Merlin, who seems to know everything and has clairvoyance.

Even the barbaric little gods in the extreme cold regions have heard of the name of the prophet.

More and more far-sighted gods began to be vigilant,

and captured powerful humans everywhere, wanting to learn from the Norse pantheon to build their own Hall of Valor and cultivate heroes to fight for themselves in order to deal with various crises that may come in the future, such as Ragnarok, the final trial, and the burning of human principles.

They are actually very clear about the problem of exhausting the pond to catch fish.

But it doesn't mean that if you don't catch people, other gods won't catch people.

Since everyone is scrambling to train their own team, one by one, they don't even want the face of the gods, so the gods naturally don't care about continuing to maintain dignity and calmness.

And when Yan appeared with a better plan,

although he doubted the power of the so-called "favor", is it really that magical?

But since there is an extra place to help them train heroes.

They are naturally willing to try...

These are all living combat forces to deal with future crises!

Little did they know that they indirectly helped Yan, or that they knew that this would spread the name of the sage of the ‘flower magician’ more widely.

But the gods still chose to ignore this problem and were willing to help Yan.

Compared to the crisis in the future that even the gods would be afraid of,

everything else was no longer important and harmless.

And for Yan, the false name of sage and prophet was not important...

In fact, he had already gained the most in this transaction.

The newly transformed grace can be called the hero's grace, and it is no longer the grace of God.

The biggest difference from the grace of God is that it is a skill that can be engraved without the need for gods.

The ability value update can be completed by the Mechas.

And the source of these graces will eventually flow to Yan, helping him to complete great deeds and accumulate legends.

The teacher of many heroes——

The trainer of the strongest human candidates.

Not to mention the improved grace, it also has actual power feedback. Just these titles——pure accumulation of merits,

When you arrive in the box garden...

You must get a super strong spiritual correction!

Such as the legend of Merlin training the king, the sublimated skills - the billion-point enhanced version of hero creation.

So -

When everyone was satisfied and felt that they had definitely made a profit, Yan: But I will definitely not lose!

This academy city was born suddenly.

At the same time -

With the construction of the academy city in full swing,

On the Magic Crystal Forum,

Although they did not know about the crisis of the final trial of mankind, they did not understand how much special meaning and ambition the establishment of this mysterious academy for training heroes contained...

Countless people were still successfully attracted by those propaganda.

Even in the major sections of the forum, there are various related propaganda pinned to the top,

And compared with the countries on the mainland...

The recommendations on the Magic Crystal Forum are even more credible.

At least for ordinary people who have gradually become accustomed to the magic of magic crystals, have already liked surfing the Internet, and learning all kinds of novel knowledge and experiences.

This place is more suitable for ordinary people like them, with opportunities to change their lives and destiny.

There are many ordinary people who want to become professionals and change their fate.

And these young people have gradually broadened their horizons, become more confident, and are full of hope for life.

When they saw the opening of the "hero training" academy, their first thought was shock and disbelief,

but then they were all overwhelmed with joy and irresistible impulse and excitement.

If possible, who doesn't want to be a hero?

Becoming a professional was something they could never dream of in their lifetime.

But thanks to the appearance of the magic crystal, thanks to the sage who created the magic crystal for giving them the opportunity to change their fate,

since they have been bold and tried hard,

why not be bolder?

Expect a happier and better life?

A soldier who doesn't want to be a general is not a good soldier, and a young man who doesn't want to be a hero is not a young man with dreams.

Who didn't dream of becoming a respected hero in childhood?

Ah~! If I can pass the entrance test of that academy!

For a time, countless young people with dreams and longings were excited!

Chapter 257: Inviting young people with dreams from all over the world!

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The establishment of Academy City has aroused the heroic dream of countless young people.

And at the same time...

Similar things are happening more or less in every corner of the world.

Bang~! !

"Didn't we agree on 3,000 silver carats a month?"

In a tavern,

Young Bob smashed the money bag on the table with an angry look.

The foreman of the construction team sitting in front of the wine table suddenly showed dissatisfaction in his eyes, and his face darkened.

"3,000 silver coins, that's the price of a free citizen...

He is just a country bumpkin from a remote area. He has the opportunity to make money. It is already my mercy, Mr. Habas.

Get out! ! Mudblood! "

The foreman kicked the thin young man over.

Then the drinking buddies around him burst into laughter.

Laughing at young Bob's overestimation...

Bob's face turned red and he wanted to resist, but when he saw the foreman's fierce face,

As well as the joking eyes of the people around him, he suddenly wanted to crawl into the cracks in the ground.

Not daring to resist, he finally gritted his teeth and tried to pick up his money bag and leave the tavern.

But his arm was grabbed...

"Who allowed you to take labor's property?!" the foreman said coldly.

"Yours?!! This is obviously mine...! Ah~!!" Just mid-sentence, Bob was kicked again and his whole body slipped to the ground.

"If you don't have any discernment, this little money will be used as compensation for provoking me just now." said the foreman.

Everyone around him also agreed.

This overbearing behavior is quite normal in many barbaric empires where laws are not yet complete.

The strong bully the weak,

Locals bully outsiders,

Rich people bully poor people everywhere...

These are various natural phenomena caused by the extreme disparity in strength and status.

No one would take pity on this young man, they would even enjoy this sudden drama as if they were having fun while drinking.

What happened next, Bob no longer remembers...

Amid countless jeers, Bob shed bitter tears and walked out of the tavern, holding back the pain.

In the end, he didn't get back the hard-earned money he had earned during this period.

Hearing the sounds of the resumption of excitement behind him and the laughter coming from the tavern, it seemed as if he was mocking how interesting the clown show he had brought before was.

This made Bob, a young man whose self-esteem was hit, not only feel angry but also frustrated by the situation just now.

I feel even more unwilling to live up to my expectations, be timid, and feel unwilling to do so.

hateful……! !

"Now you look down on me, but one day I will become a rich man, even a nobleman, and a professional that everyone respects!!"

Bob, who was born in a remote small town, longed for the prosperity of Ceylon, a city in a distant country.

If you want to go to a big city and stand out,

But after relying on the help of the whole village and barely scraping together the travel expenses, they were spent halfway through.

Bob can only work hard to earn travel expenses.

And this experience of being bullied only strengthened his idea of ​​​​going to a big city to get ahead.

He heard that in Ceylon, as long as you work hard, you can live in a big house with red tiles and white walls, wear bright and beautiful clothes, have endless food, and walk on marble floors smoother than sea level. superior,

Ceylonese people can even afford three meals a day.

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