In order to enjoy this dream life,

Bob, who had actually saved a lot of money during this period, decided...

Set off immediately and continue to Ceylon to become a glorious Ceylon worker! !

Ahem, that's right... wage earner.

The so-called rich lords, aristocrats, and professionals before were just the fantasies of Bob’s boasters and bad-mouthed people.

Actually he wasn't that confident.

Even though Magic Crystal now discloses many professional learning techniques and advanced theories.

Even if ordinary people learn by themselves, they still have the opportunity to become powerful professionals.

However, the cost of training professionals is still beyond the affordability of many people.

Professionals who have the resources to train, and professionals who are self-taught by Ye Luzi,

Is there any need to say which one is stronger? !

Even if you become a magician, if you can only light a small fireball,

In addition to going to the countryside and fooling simple farmers who have never seen the world,

This level of magic is useless.

Not to mention the powerful warrior profession,

In the process of growing up, the flesh and blood supplements required by high-level monsters are simply not affordable for ordinary people.

Going out to hunt monsters in the wild by yourself is too risky.

These are far from being a Ceylonese wage earner who has three meals a day, nine to five, and two days off.

Coming to reality is even more desirable.

And Bob heard that the train route through Ceylon had been paved here not long ago.

He has already inquired about the fare,

If you bite the bullet and save some money, you should still be able to afford a ticket!

Anyway, this is already the case, and he doesn't want to stay in this bastard place and continue to be angry!

Even after that, if you can't find a job that includes food and accommodation right away,

He will soon face the danger of running out of food and ammunition and sleeping on an overpass as a homeless man.

But even if he starved to death, he would starve to death on the land of Ceylon!

He doesn't want to be bullied like this anymore, he wants to get ahead!

Thinking like this, the enthusiastic Bob returned to his temporary residence, took all his money, and

After groping all the way to the train station,

Buy a direct train ticket to Ceylon from the hands of a legendary 'mecha' seen only in epics.

After getting in the car, Bob regretted it...

When he first got on the train, he looked here and there to see the novel structure of the train that he had never seen before.

It's too magical to have him call this huge alchemical creation directly.

But after the excitement wears off...

Once a person calms down,

Bob, who was sitting on the soft seat, began to become restless.

He has never enjoyed such comfortable treatment,

Even the carriages of noble gentlemen must not have such soft cushions.

Ceylonese are so rich!

I heard that the birthplace of trains is over there...

Presumably the prices in Ceylon will be very expensive!


Will the Ceylonese be like that hateful foreman? Bullying them, country folk from other places?

Maybe this time,

He was really too impulsive.

Thinking like this...

Bob even had the urge to get out of the car.

But looking at the expressionless Ex-Machines guarding the door of the train station.

He became discouraged again and did not have the courage to go to these machines to discuss the matter of 'refunding the check'.

And in this situation of anxiety about the future,

At some point, a passenger sat down in the seat next to him.

A friendly and happy girl's voice came to him: "Hello..."

Chapter 258: Brain Boosting Emperor: Can’t we afford the WC and go directly to repair the singularity?

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"Hello... hello! Ah, no... I mean, are you talking to me?" Bob looked to his side in panic and flattery.

The fair-skinned blonde girl sat down at some point,

The freckles on her face made her look slightly less attractive, but they also made her look cute.

That ordinary appearance, set off by his fair skin, also gave Bob a sense of nobility.

Just like a wild boy from the country, when he meets a girl from the city, he is embarrassed when faced with the glamor and decency that is different from his own.

"Of course... aren't you the only one here?

My name is Pecola, what's yours? "

"Bob..." The moment he said his name, Bob even felt that his name was extremely tacky.

"Are you also someone who wants to become a hero in Academy City?" Pecola asked.

"Academy City?" Bob was stunned.

"Isn't this a train bound for Ceylon?"

"That's right... but Academy City is also in Ceylon. Didn't you board this train just to become a 'hero candidate'?" Pecola said in surprise.

As she spoke, she pointed to the people on the train who were gradually taking their seats.

Most of them are young people discussing something happily, and from time to time, you can see longing looks in their eyes.

Many naughty boys even behaved childishly like... children in some worlds imitating Ultraman.

He shouted that he wanted to become a legendary hero and wield the (air) holy sword to kill evil dragons and so on.

"Look..." Pecola.

Bob later learned about the news about Academy City from Pecola.

Bob, who has been busy at work these days, has not noticed the various intelligence updates on the Magic Crystal Forum.

"Wha...what?! Become a hero? I..." Bob was surprised and was about to say that he couldn't do it.

Looking at the young people on the train who are incompatible with me,

They are all well-dressed, and they look like children from wealthy families. With the support of their families, they want to try their luck.

Let's see if we can join that legendary Academy City.

Unlike myself who would be satisfied just to become a part-time worker,

These people have dreams and goals that are far bigger than themselves.

No wonder the train was full of people…

Originally, he thought that few people would be able to accept this novel and weird means of transportation.

Even when I saw so many people, I was still worried about whether there were enough places to work in Ceylon City.

If I let this group of people know that I just wanted to work and make money on this trip, I wonder if they would be laughed at?

When he thinks of this lovely young lady next to him, he will also look at himself with disdain.

In desperation, perhaps because of Bob's pride, when Pecola asked him again,

He immediately admitted that of course he was also an aspiring young man going to Academy City for the test, a man with lofty ambitions who wanted to be a hero.

‘Hero! ! ’ Such words flashed through Bob’s mind, and he, who originally had no big pursuit in life, couldn’t help but feel a little flutter in his heart.

Does a person like him really have a chance to become that kind of dazzling existence?

Although it is just a verbal showoff - it is inevitable,

A trace of ambition was aroused.

I heard that if you join Academy City, the tuition will be free and there will be many resource subsidies.

Compared to the outside world——

Family background is no longer the only thing.

As long as he can detect outstanding talents! !

It’s a free test anyway, so why not give it a try?

Even if it's just a false hope...

that's all,

After the train traveled for who knows how long, it finally arrived in Ceylon.

As soon as we got off the bus, under Pecola’s warm invitation,

Bob, who originally had some illusions in his heart that he did not dare to hope for, bit the bullet and went to the registration point of Academy City with him.

When I arrived at the registration point,

Looking at the huge crowds of people,

Bob was stunned...

There are actually so many people——!

After some questioning, they found out,

Many of them are also recruiting for other jobs in Academy City.

After all, it is a huge modern city.

In addition to students, there cannot only be machines, but also ordinary citizens and workers.

And the wages of all jobs in Academy City are more than three times those in the outside world...

Even in Ceylon, it is very popular.

When Bob heard this, his eyes lit up, and he thought that if he failed the test later, it would be a good idea to apply for a job in Academy City.

Although there was a trace of fantasy and inevitable throbbing before,

But he is still very self-aware,

A person who can become a hero,

It must be one in millions of people.

How could it be my turn?

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