Is it possible that the probability is one in ten million or even lower?

It’s better to think carefully about how you can stand out in the competition for future jobs!



There will be no more.

What I never expected was that,

Bob passed the test successfully,

The companions who got off the train with him were basically wiped out.

Looking at the brightly dressed people, many even shouted that they were descendants of sword masters and heroes. Why were they not chosen?

There are even many young people who have reached the level of advanced professionals.

They all looked at Bob, a country boy, with envy and jealousy.

Go straight into Academy City,

Bob was still a little confused, as if he was in heaven, and felt like he was dreaming.

He just put his hand on a certain crystal ball, and was informed by the inspection officer that he had excellent qualifications and passed? !

It's so simple?


Just like this, with excitement and excitement all the way,

After you can't help but start to look forward to it, do you have to start hell-like training and training like those heroic biographies to stimulate your physical potential?

Learn powerful combat skills, become a powerful warrior from then on, defeat all kinds of terrifying monsters, and complete the heroic deeds!

He was taken into the freshman dormitory and waited for several months.

After the first batch of freshmen were almost recruited,

Academy City's hero training course has finally begun.


However? !

When Bob and countless young people who were looking forward to the trial of blood and fire and attended the first class looked at the large virtual cabin in front of them, they all looked confused and confused.

Looking at that and some epic,

A virtual cabin with a frame similar to that used by the Master of Chaldea to transfer his soul.

He was informed that an engraving called ‘Hero’s Favor’ would be carried out in the virtual cabin, and then a subdimensional adventure would begin.

"Wait a minute...are we going to start an adventure now? We haven't learned anything yet!" Subconsciously thinking of Chaldea's spirit transfer technology, Bob and many others successfully entered Academy City simply by relying on qualifications and luck. Ordinary people began to panic.


Compared with those rich kids and aristocratic young masters and ladies who bring arts to school, it's okay.

They don’t know anything!

It can’t really be a plane adventure, right?

Will he be like Fujimaru Ritsuka, going to a terrifying world like the singularity and the lost zone?

Aren't they just going to deliver food with their fighting ability? !

After thinking for a while, Bob and others scared themselves and successfully scared themselves.

No way, no way, no way?

Chapter 259: The fourth disaster on the day is the card face coming to fight!

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Just when countless students were feeling flustered because of this unusual first hero training class...

However, the Ex-Machines informed and urged the students to lie down in the virtual cabin as soon as possible.

It also doesn’t explain whether these human souls are really required to be transferred to repair the singularity.

In fact, although the truth is far different from the fantasies of this group of people,

But it's not completely out of reach.

This also has to do with the principle of Dao Yan’s transformation of the hero’s favor...

Heroic grace born out of God’s grace,

The divine blood of the gods is no longer needed as a medium to unblock the limiter in the human body.

It turned into a man-made hero's art like a batch of spells,

Although it essentially still develops the infinite potential of the human body, it is also connected to the key to unlocking the lock - the source of the grace technique... the power of Homura.

Cultivating heroes means cultivating oneself...strengthening one's own inner universe. Flame will naturally not hide any secrets.

Instead, we spare no effort to help these young people grow.

Compared with directly taking those young people with strong talents selected from all over the world, just like the gods in the wrong world, throwing their dependents into dangerous mazes and other places to fight monsters,

Risking your life to pursue the meager results and great achievements of exercise,

Homura values ​​the sustainable regeneration (resource) capabilities of this group of people.

Only then did these virtual cabins appear...

By projecting consciousness into the game universe within Dao Yan’s body,

By the power of flame,

Create a spiritual carrier comparable to the real body...

Connect the game universe between illusion and reality in your body to the universe you observe,

Realize plane invasion...


It is a plane journey dedicated to helping eliminate crises in various worlds.

Through a game-like approach,

It allows students to experience the adventure of life and death crisis while ensuring their own lives, which has a real training effect of blood and fire.

Even if the spiritual carrier dies,

You can also be resurrected infinitely according to the rules of the game universe.

At best, it will only consume a little of the students' mental energy.

If I have enough mental energy to sleep a little more, I'll be fine...

This training method, together with the various immersive game experiences previously published in the Magic Crystal Forum,

There are different ways to achieve the same goal!

While ensuring the safety of students’ lives,

Help them grow as quickly as possible.

When the first batch of hero candidates succeed in their studies,

In spreading the experience of Academy City...

With a reputation of low risk and high achievement, coupled with the honor of being a hero recognized by various countries,

Even without clairvoyance or other abilities, Homura can already foresee...

In the future, Academy City will surely become more prosperous, and together with Ceylon, it will become the center of the entire world, a shining pearl.

...Thinking too far——

After all,

Whether it feels good once or every time, Yan can still distinguish clearly.

Fishing in a swamp is a last resort when the risk of taking risks cannot be avoided.

Compared to the adventurer, the monster in Labyrinth Oralina is just a dungeon.

The many worlds that Homura has observed can provide a lot of training materials for cultivating this group of 'hero candidates'.

Even if you want to level up quickly and achieve the great deeds of a legendary hero, there will never be a shortage of opportunities.

Not to mention anything else——

Drag these guys to the Absolute World of Warcraft front line for the finale.

The great achievements of jointly participating in the farewell battle of the Creation Mother Goddess are definitely a more powerful experience package than any crusade against the three major disasters in the world.

As long as there are enough great deeds, even an ordinary person can reach level 7, level 8, or even reach the legendary level of reaching the divine realm as a mortal.

And these talents are the first batch of students selected from a million.

They will only grow faster! !

What is the most terrifying creature in the world?

In the past, people might have said it was a dragon, a giant, or a huge and scary beast.

But everything will become a thing of the past from today onwards——

Even a giant dragon would be frightened by this news,

A group of indescribable creatures that will plunge even the creatures in many future worlds into trembling chaos - their name is the 'Fourth Natural Disaster'!

‘The engraving of grace begins,

Please select the appearance of your fighting spirit. ’

[Explanation: The spiritual body is the incarnation born from the combination of your consciousness and the power of grace.

Like an extension of body and soul,

You will control this avatar to embark on a battle plane, a heroic trial journey of blood and fire.

The death of your mental body will consume your mental power. You only need more rest to restore your mental power.

You will not suffer any harm, but the pain felt by your mental body will also be synchronized to your body.

You can continuously control your mental body to fight, acquire a lot of skills and experience, and sublimate your great achievements.

Along with this process, your favor level will continue to increase.

Starting from lv1, there is no limit to the level, and you can even embark on the road to becoming a god.

When exiting the virtual cabin, the spiritual experience will return to the original body and share the accumulated years.

Improve your numerical strength in all aspects. 】


Lying in a virtual cabin like a frame,

Bob looked at the various fonts that appeared in front of him in horror.

Is this... a miracle?

It’s too late to even be surprised by this high-tech product.

Spiritual body?

Share accumulated years? !

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