this……! ! !

A certain Emiya boy cheated with the help of a large trumpet, and the image of rapid escalation flashed through Bob's mind.

Let the spiritual body experience it, and even experience some adventures that may face death crises,

Whether you die or survive, you will definitely gain a lot of valuable experience.

The failure experience accumulated in those battles is often the most valuable. After experiencing it once, you will be very cautious next time.

After all, it is a lesson learned in exchange for one's life.

You can achieve great growth without really paying a lot of money.

Isn't this a miracle? !

Spiritual body…

What a magical thing this is.

Bob tried to use his mind to control it and found that he could see a vague humanoid form with his mind.

"Is this my spiritual body? Ah, by the way... the voice just now seemed to ask me to choose the shape of my spiritual body."

After a while of groping according to the instructions,

The more Bob groped, the more shocked he became;

The physical frame of this spiritual body seems to be limited,

But the details can be fudged according to your own fantasy.

The spiritual body does not look like a flesh and blood body.

The appearance is more like a warrior wearing armor, but it seems that you can feel the sound of breathing that resonates with your soul from above.

(ps: Use the card surface to set the appearance of the mental body.

It's Homura's bad taste.

Being able to customize the appearance of your own personal knight also helps promote the hero setting.

The more bizarre a hero looks, the more impressive and memorable he will be in the future.

It has even made countless young people proud of being (weird-crossed out) ‘heroes’, further stimulating their excitement and yearning! )

Chapter 260 Student A: What a painful realization, where are my big steel chest muscles!

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And although the setting of customizing your own knight armor is very interesting! !

But after all, this is the first time to create a spiritual body shape,

Bob and others don’t have much experience.

Most of them are based on the shape of ordinary knight armor, but because the main body frame is there,

The final shape will still be very different from the orthodox knight's shape.

But perhaps because of their (real) ‘soul’ painters, they themselves are quite satisfied with the people they created.

At the stage of pinching people, they spent quite a long time.

This batch of newly sprouted fourth natural disasters is based on the principle that being handsome lasts a lifetime, being strong or not is a temporary matter, and being handsome or not is a lifelong matter.

No one urged them,

Even let them use their own whims.

Yan is quite looking forward to seeing the birth of one or two ‘Ancient God Appearances’.

A hero who takes on the appearance of an ancient god and saves other worlds,


Is it quite exciting? Ha ha ha ha!

And on the other side,

Bob and many young classmates, after pinching people, chose the option of logging into the plane to fight.

The next moment——

Their vision went dark,

When consciousness returns again,

When they opened their eyes, they saw a rather spectacular scenery.

The towering Tower of Babel,

"Welcome to the labyrinth city Orario, adventurers, are you ready to start your journey?" Hermes, the chairman of a certain college who works as an initial NPC, has returned to the world of Earth in advance. Shi Zheng smiled and opened his arms to welcome the new group of adventurers.

That's right——

Although he has to conquer many planes,

But the underground labyrinth in the Earth's World is still the best training ground for new recruits.

If you don’t use it, you won’t use it.

Yan dropped the first batch of people here.

The gods of Earth and Earth, who had already been greeted, did not cause any commotion because of the sudden appearance of these strange guys in Orario.

“Today is another day full of hope!”

While murmuring the words he learned from Homura, which are said to keep 'adventurers' full of energy throughout the day, Hermes looked at the students from another world who followed his guidance and began to explore the dungeon with emotion. them.

By the way——

Did he forget something?

It seems that I forgot to tell these children to go to the guild to get the novice equipment first.

Although armor seems to be unnecessary, weapons should still be needed.

Should we fight with bare hands?

Um...there should be no problem.

Hermes thought to himself, the corners of his mouth curved slightly.

on the other side,

Bob and several young people have temporarily formed a small team,

He was as excited as if he had been given a shot of blood, and he was exploring the underground maze cautiously.

Along the way, adventurers from all the major clans in the world saw these strange-looking knights. Although they had all received notifications from their own gods,

Knowing that these are visitors from another world,

Adventurers like them,

But they still subconsciously stayed away.

Not to mention that it is very dangerous to get close to strangers in the maze.

Just these people wearing strange armors,

It's better to stay away.

I always feel like I might get infected if I get too close!

At this time, the adventurers of Dicuo never thought that one day in the future, their XP and aesthetics would all become knights.

At least now they are still too unable to accept this trend.

And Bob and others have no idea of ​​communicating with the locals of this ‘plane’.

At this time, they were still immersed in the creation of spiritual bodies, as well as various magical and miraculous events in real adventures in other worlds.

And the blood is running high!

They have even imagined that as the first batch of 'hero candidates', after experiencing a series of brutal killings,

After defeating countless monsters from other worlds, you will return to your own world and country, and you will be admired by thousands of people and even cheered by countless fans.

How glorious that would be!

Perhaps it was just as the god named Hermes had guided him when he came just now.

They will travel through darkness and serve the light,

Their death will be with me like the wind,

They will wear the crown and bear its weight,

You will use your weakest body to defeat the strongest enemy, and then reach the final pinnacle of all heroes. What a wonderful life it will be!

...And Hermes managed to use a few words he learned from Yan to stimulate the group of young people. They all wanted to find some powerful monsters and fight for hundreds of rounds.

There will be no turning back until there is blood.


Then Bob and others encountered the goblin mobs in the maze.

A group of people suddenly screamed, their eyes gleaming with excitement, and they rushed forward to start a righteous beating.

"Wait, I saw this monster first! Let me do it!"

"Asshole...!! Everyone saw it together, why should you come first!"

"Stop fighting.

Looking at your potential, you are just a goblin. People who don't know would think that you are going to complete the great mission of defeating the evil dragon.

Ahem, just leave this small monster to me. "

Although the goblin in front of me has a weapon in his hand,

But he looks very thin.

The seemingly powerful 'outer armor' of the mental body makes Bob and others confident even though they have no weapons in their hands.

With a goblin with small arms and legs, even if you gave him a machete, it would be impossible for him to break through his defenses!

When I pinch someone, I specially pinch the big steel chest muscles,

Even the bounce can kill this kind of spicy monster at the bottom of the monster!

So a certain student A, who was overconfident, rushed out while his teammates were arguing, yelling and waving his fist at the goblin monster.


Then... there is no more.

When student A was pierced through the chest by the long knife in the hand of the goblin,

Under the severe pain, he screamed, and then his vision went dark.

When student A gasped and sat up in the virtual cabin in horror,

"Ah...ahhhhhh! Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo [ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"

woc——! ! Did I just die?

The memory still lingers on the unbelievable scene when he was stabbed to death by the goblin.

I was stunned for a long time before I came back to my senses.

impossible--! !

How the hell is this possible? Student A had such an outrageous look on his face that he opened the door for him, it was so outrageous.

His eyes were so wide that they almost bulged out.

He hurriedly touched his chest with his hand and breathed a sigh of relief when he found that there were no wounds.

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